Dead hard delay

Why does dead hard have a delay from button pressing to activation? Every other exhaustion perk activates as soon as the action required is meet. We'll aware the rest of them don't require hitting a button, but you have skill checks in game. So it been made clear that you can have button inputs not be delayed.


  • Superyoshiegg
    Superyoshiegg Member Posts: 1,495

    Skill Checks are client side. They are not affected by latency or ping in the slightest.

    Dead Hard is server side. It affects all players in the game, so the activation prompt has to get sent to the server so it can be distributed to all other player's clients before it can confirm that you in fact did just activate the perk.

  • Sleem
    Sleem Member Posts: 182

    It honestly depends on your ping to the server. Make sure you always check it before you start a game. A good rule of thumb is to make sure your ping to the server is under 100 before starting the match. If it's over, then I recommend going into a new lobby.

  • DeRumpRanger
    DeRumpRanger Member Posts: 13

    Brutal but makes sense. Just gonna have to go back to sprint burst 😒