whats a j-flick?

i know im probably the biggest idiot for not knowing what a j flick is but can anyone tell me?
Nah. Idk if id be breaking rules by explaining it. Don't worry about it. The less that know about it and other exploits that shall not be named...the better.
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Exploit on KBM with macro that allows Blight to flick his lethal rush beyond the capped point, allowing blight to hit rushes that normally would miss because the survivor went out of his range
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no wonder blights turn so fast in my games
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180° flick
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So where does the "J" bit come from?
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Short for Japanese, where the tech started being used.
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Japanese, because the guy who came up with the term first observed the play from Japanese players.
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what the conductor does during an orchestra
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its something you can do with blight:
you move your entire arm and mouse from your room to the neighbor and do a 180-degree flick on survivors or you use a dpi shifter
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There's a single frame at the beginning of Blights Lethal Rush attack that PC players can exploit to avoid the very deliberately placed turning cap and essentially flick around 180° corners. It's called a "flick" because it's instant, unlike Blight's regular Lethal Rush.
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a normal flick has blight turn up to 90 degrees and face and attack the direction he is traveling in, like an L. a J flick has blight make a turn of 90 degrees and move in that direction, but he's actually turned his vision even further than that, so his attack is more facing the direction he came from rather than the direction he's turned towards.
the fact that the term is "japanese flick" is really funny to me on a personal level, because when a blight actually does a J flick, he actually creates a J shape. so it's super apt outside of just being observed from japanese players.