Classic Example of Why Matchmaking Is So Frustrating...
Rant ahead...
So I decided to complete a daily challenge to play as Wraith, even though I am Level 1 with him and don't have any extra perks or add-ons. I'm thinking that the matchmaking system would realize that I'm new to playing with him, but of course I get matched with 2 purple and 2 green players (all on console) while I am a yellow 13. Thankfully I completed the challenge, but I don't think it made sense for me to go against such skilled survivors when I am using a Killer I don't play with at all. Ultimately, I can't help but feel that the current state of the game discourages players from trying out new Killers.
MM doesn't care about fairness.
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Then what is the purpose of MM?
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The way it's suppose to work. It tries to find people your rank range. In that picture it's actually pretty close. If it can't find similar rank opponents it searches farther away. Since there's few people playing killer these days, survivors have long que times. If survivors are waiting in que long enough the MM throws the first available killer their way.
As far as rank goes, that match was actually close. The devs fail to realize that rank only means play time for the current month. It doesn't factor in how many perks people have, what lvl the killer is or if someone has a few thousand hours of playtime on their account.
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Mmr isn't activated. So this isnt even bad. A rank 13 shouldn't be coming in with no perks or add ons and expecting to do much of anything. You even got decent points and killed someone so not sure what you wanted.
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My position on ranking is this...if a Killer's familiarity/experience (or lack thereof) with a character isn't taken into account, then a Killer's rank should set the UPPER limit for the ranking of the individual members of the group that you're facing. So if I'm 13, then the group I'm going against should be 13 or BELOW. This prevents the issue of someone bringing in one member who is ranked lower than me, and then the rest of the group is red ranked (which has happened quite often to me). I could even agree with the idea of allowing 1 rank higher, but certainly not 5 or more.
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As a rank 15 killer, yesterday I was matched with a rank 3, 6, 10 & 11