Keys Encourage Camping, Tunneling, and General Toxicity

sleepywynd Member Posts: 118

Keys are--undeniably broken--I mean you let 50% of players escape for free at 2 generators? How is a killer supposed to counter map/key combos?

Simple, camp the player with the key.

I mean c'mon, there is no way to justifiably complain about a killer camping and tunneling a key out of the game (I know it drops and takes 90s to despawn but still).

Plus, it's not like there aren't perks to save against most camping killers, sure you'll probably trade and that sucks... but seriously, risking everything to save the player who brought a key rather than just hurrying all the gens and escaping yourself is just a general waste of time.

Don't complain about toxic killers if you're bringing toxic items, it really only keeps the circle running.

Best of luck!! :)


  • fr0sty1223
    fr0sty1223 Member Posts: 307

    its a double edged sword because keys are also the best way to have a chance against toxic killers. Killer is going to camp/tunnel to get someone out of the game early to get an advantage? Bring a key so you can hide and escape at the end. Killer is running NOED? Bring and key so you don’t have to risk the exit gates. Killer playing nurse/spirit? Bring a key so you don’t have to get all 5 gens done after one of your teammates inevitably dies.

  • Trickstaaaaa
    Trickstaaaaa Member Posts: 1,267

    Just accept it. I accepted it by now, I had someone escape at least 1 out 5 matches with a key. don't expect to get 4ks each match. And plus me when I play survivor if I find a key I will just hide it so the killer does not see it. So just don't go around expecting a 4k in every match. So just try to slug I guess if you don't want to lose vs a key.

  • Nathan13
    Nathan13 Member Posts: 6,702

    or bring franklin's but even that doesn't work most of the time because survivors can drop keys and retrieve them when hatch spawns.

  • Trickstaaaaa
    Trickstaaaaa Member Posts: 1,267

    Just like me. I don't bring keys by myself. But if I find one in a chest, I hide the key not get tunneled lol.