The year is 2021 I am finally free from the Left for Dead curse.

My mind had deteriorated to mush.
I was stuck in an endless loop of killers being too bad to kill even one survivor before the gens are done and killers who have never gotten a 4k in their entire life and lust at the opportunity to get one.
I have seen the absolute worst of the solo survivor experience, potato teammates bodyblocking vaults when they're not even getting chased, morons running to the corner of the map to self care for 3 hours, idiots running right next to me working on a generator only to self care right next to it, people running Lithe, and the list goes on.
I was stalling the game for sure, but nobody can stall harder than the people who just naturally play the game, for those that think the game gets better at red ranks, it does not. Solo Survivor is a special kind of hell that I'm glad to be rid of. Perhaps that is the true trial of the Entity, to constantly be forced to pair up with the worst the online gaming community has to offer.
One of my closest attempts was thwarted by one of my teammates. I had been blessed enough to have been given a killer in red ranks who was willing to farm, it was down to myself and another survivor, the other two survivors were killed because they were afk.
I was hooked once, and my teammate never unhooked me. They knew the killer was farming, he let us do 4 generators beforehand and let me unhook them no problem. They weren't even going for the achievement either because they finished the last generator while I was STILL ON HOOK. They legit just... forgot. How do you forget to unhook your teammate!?!?
I had even changed my name to indicate that I was going for the achievement, it didn't help... That is until I met one kind soul in the sea of thirsty killers. A kind Spirit.
After completely annihilating my team because of course they did, they had taken pity on me and allowed me to finish all of the generators and leave the trial. I had finally gotten my achievement. My curse had finally been lifted.
In short, under normal circumstances, even under constant attempts to force this situation to occur, the Left for Dead achievement is essentially impossible. If you have any hopes of getting this achievement then understand you need to be extremely lucky that some killer puts their ego aside and just lets you do it.
This achievement sucks, I hate survivor, and I hate the people who play survivor, I'm going back to killer.
Achievements don't do anything. They're a binary value associated with your steam account. It means nothing. Why be concerned with it?
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It's spelled "left 4 dead"
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I farmed it with my SWF. They all died to let me get Left For Dead, so it was chill
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I'm surprised that they haven't changed the way to unlock this achievement.
I was only able to get it because the killer killed the other three survivors and then went afk.
I try to help others get this achievement as killer but they usually focus on escaping through the hatch instead.
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I remember doing this damn trophy.. and I hate playing survivor too because of all the dumb potatoes.
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I got it on accident when I first started playing the game. This one PH couldn't find hatch so he just let me do the last 2 gens, and I got it lol.
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I never tried to get it, but waited for the ideal circumstances. Finally got it when 2 ppl were dead and a Huntress was chasing down a really good Feng. I hid and 99'd gens waiting for her to die, as soon as she did I popped the gen and opened the gate (Luckily the gates were far apart and had lots of LOS blockers to prevent hatchets). I was roughly 950hrs in at that point.
This specific achievement needs more luck than any other, including From The Void She Kills (Nurse Blink grab after 3 blinks) or Evil Incarnate (Mori all Survivors using only Myers' Tombstone addon(s)).
EDIT: Forgot Where Did They Go? (All 4 Survivors escape via the hatch).
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Body is 1 character too short.
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Welp, guess BHVR is run by psychopaths.
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Because I feel like it and I already have basically every other achievement just by playing the game.