Just finish the match...

Twice in a row now, our killer has d/c'd mid-match because they were "losing."

Nothing toxic going on, just 2 of us paired together with 2 randoms, doing gens, running the killer. I ran the killer for about 3 gens and he never gave up chasing me even as we ran near a gen with 2 other people on it. Ran him around the shack a couple times, through some T & L walls, and by the time we were at the shack the second time, he stopped mid chase and was gone.

The problem is my wife is trying to do her no perk, do a gen, and escape challenge and it didn't count it as an escape either time- even when she had done an entire gen by herself.

What is the point of quitting mid-match, getting 0 points and being locked out of matchmaking?


  • ShinobuSK
    ShinobuSK Member Posts: 5,279

    People do that all the time.

    They already get penalty for DC so you cant punish them more.

    And its also a video game they payed for, they can leave the match anytime they want, not much we can do about it

  • gibblywibblywoo
    gibblywibblywoo Member Posts: 3,772

    Just sounds like a killer that isn't willing to learn or maybe got stressed out.

    Two things will happen, he'll either look up guides on how to be a better killer or become a hook camping leatherface.

    Sometimes when I play against a clearly inexperienced killer playing a killer I have a lot of time in I try to give tips post game, but a lot of the time they aren't very... welcoming of it.

    I feel like the games tutorial for killer could better explain things, tell killers about how to run certain tiles like jungle gyms or teach them about red stain mindgames or when/when not to drop chases.

  • Bangarang
    Bangarang Member Posts: 352

    Most of it comes out of spite. I’ve had matches where the killer has gotten multiple hooks and still disconnects as we open the exit gates lol. Instead of just taking the BP that they earned, they’d rather throw a tantrum and disconnect because we were about to escape. What’s hilarious about this scenario is that the survivors still keep their BP post-trial, so you’re just punishing yourself by doing it. The ego is a strange thing.

  • chargernick85
    chargernick85 Member Posts: 3,171

    Hmm really that sounds more like a survivor to me...........He sounds trash.