Who thought stridor addons for Freddy was a good idea

I certainly do not like those addon changes and I hope they not letting it go live this update. For them to nerf snares might as well pre place them since it will slow you down in chases if u hold them like what was the point of being slowed down anyways at least make it to where you cant hit survivors for maybe 3 seconds after placing a snare or something sheesh give them a little bit of time to react maybe idk. Honestly I dont think Freddy deserved that kind of nerf because I just cant see how those addons would be useful. He was fine but the only thing that made him strong was the perks that worked well with his power.
Someone who doesn't play Freddy at all.
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Freddy does not rely on addons
So whats the problem with some niche addons?
If you don't like the addons don't use them, im sure theres plenty others you would like using, i personally never run addons.
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The problem is that niche add-ons shouldn't exist, no matter the killer. They don't have to be absolutely busted, like Iri Head, but they must be useful.
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So should niche perks also not exist?
Its okay to have very bad and very niche perks and addons, you have a lot of options to choose from
I see what you're saying, the more useful addons the more variety, and i do agree that these addons are strange.
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@Luciferr_2nd Id preferred addons that are interesting but not like this I just want to see something new for once. I know hes not addon reliant but sheesh. You may think its fine buts its my opinion on how I feel about this stuff.
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It’s clear they don’t play him with the new nerfs too
Snares are basically the same while pallets got unnecessary nerfs.
He just needs a third rework but the devs are too stubborn to change him again
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Perhaps... but I think the situation is a little bit different for add-ons and perks.
We already have a good variety of perks, and each chapter just adds more and more. If there is a perk you dislike, you can easily change it for another one.
The same is not true for add-ons. Killers have their own set of add-ons, and that is it. It is impossible for Freddy to use one of Wraith's add-ons, for example. The only add-on that can be applied to any killer is the Blight Serum, which cannot be used outside of Halloween events.
The small variety can be compensated by powerful, and useful, effects.
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I’m glad the slowdown add ons are gone, but they could’ve been a lot more creative with what they replaced them with. To keep them useful, they could have at least made the puddles and dream snares cause status effects.
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Yeah the stridor ones weird. The survelliance one has interesting synergy with survelliance i could hear the gen done from so far away. Footsteps is interesting thats never been a thing before.
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I agree completely.
I hope one day the devs realise that completely reworking Freddy's power was not a good idea to begin with.
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Relating to this dlc, why have they not buffed Quentin’s perks as part of this update? Seems like the perfect time to do it. Wake up at the very least needs a complete rework, it’s terrible.
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I never really use add ons on Freddy since his base kit is so good, so that doesn’t bother me too much. Might even be useful if the Lucky Break buff goes through.
I’m more baffled that they decided to nerf dream pallets tbh. Just why?
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So you relied on the gen slow down addons and the iri addon..?
If you relied on those addons im sorry but you need to practice killer, freddy is the easiest killer to play and do well with.
Just like this person said, freddy's base kit is already really good, addons are just a little bonus on him.
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One can only dream of interesting addons right,but fortunately his oppressing meme pallets got nerfed 😥
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I agree that stridor addons were not the best idea but I'm assuming the devs heard a lot of people complaining about iron will and decided to give it a counter. I'm a nurse main so trust me when I say I'm no stranger to useless addons. At least he didn't get an add on that just makes survivors scream for no reason.
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its a nice little counter to iron will. i do think that its kinda cheap that he can do something with just an addon but other killers have to use an entire perk slot for it.
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Billy be like you have good addons ?
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Good point I didn't think of that
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And hey, even after countless feedback which expressed how useless those add-ons are, they still did not change it. I am so frustrated that I don't even have words to express it.
But then again, it was foolish of me to expect otherwise.
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Stridor is only really strong on Spirit. Otherwise its only good if Survivors run iron will.
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The footsteps one at least is kind of useful, because there's not a perk that increases footsteps sounds.
Otherwise Stridor is better for increased breathing sounds since it works out of Dream World.
Same with Surveillance and gen sounds.
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I don’t care about addons he needs his speed back to normal and I don’t mean snare placement speed I mean movement he seems very slow.
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I dropped him the very moment they mentioned changes. I knew it wasn't going to be good.
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We don't want meme add-ons, we want good add-ons.
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Placing snares only slows Freddy down if he holds it for a few seconds, which you would never do.