New Freddy Add-ons Ridicilous

Black Box is maybe worst add-on in DbD history and it is ultra-rare add-on. Funny.
Other add-ons gives you more loud voices. But i dont know how voices will support Freddy gameplay. Freddy & Spirit have different gameplays. Those add-ons would be perfect for Spirit but for Freddy, they are waste of bloodpoints. Freddy is fine with normal voices, i never needed Stridor on him. So just why?
Okey maybe old version add-ons was so strong and maybe they needed changes. But now Freddy has not any useful add-on. Who thought this is good idea? Did devs never played as Freddy?
I like killers with addons on the weak side when baseline killer is strong. Freddy is strong baseline so he doesn't need overly strong addons at all. There are still some good ones anyway.
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Which ones?
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Red paint brush, Class photo, Dream projection addons, Pill bottle.
They're decent. Freddy's good without addons so I don't mind having most of them be tracking focused not giving him any huge power boosts.
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It could see some use on endgame builds, kind of like old freddy. Though the rest of them like the noise ones seem pretty pointless. Sounds are already way louder in the dream world iirc. Haven't played him in a while.
That said, I'm not sure in what they could have possibly created add ons that were usable, but didn't buff his mobility or snares even more. Snares are already pretty much an instant win at loops if you have a brain so an add on that made them stronger would be unfair imo.
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Which ones?
Nancy's Masterpiece is decent, but barely noticeable.
Pill Bottle is not worth running, not anymore.
RPB can backfire now, as survivors will immediately run to the clocks and get their 30 seconds immunity.
Z Block is just... nope.
There is Class Photo, which can be somewhat good, but that is it.
Freddy's new and useless add-ons are another chapter of his sad tale in DBD.
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Old Black-Box was fine and it was support Freddy's lore. Freddy's always disturbing him obsession in movies. So old Black Box was support this lore and was fun. I dont know why this changed. Obsession can not awake, i dont know but is that so op?
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Because through no fault of their own the player must now have no way to avoid snares or fake pallets for an entire match. It's not enjoyable.
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It was actually fun. So many times i effected by this add-on and i changed my gameplay. I adepted it. And it was supporting Freddy's lore. New Black Box is just useless. 15 seconds are nothing. Even Blood Warden is not effective so much (60 seconds) how they thought this ultra rare add-on will be okey with 15 seconds. This add-on would had different power.
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I think think of a few add-ons worse than new Black Box. That said, this add-on seems quite weak for a UR. I think there was definitely room to buff it:
-When an Exit Gate is opened, it becomes blocked for sleeping Survivors for 15 seconds.
-As long as at least one Exit Gate is open, it becomes blocked for a Survivor for 15 seconds when that Survivor falls asleep.
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In all fairness if they cared that much about lore they would have kept Freddy exclusively in the dream realm like in his old power.
In regards to the addon remember you have tools like No way out, Blood warden, remember me (though they gutted this perk unfortunately) and noed for endgame builds.
Old Freddy was all about preparing for the endgame so I imagine that's what they were going for.
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If i wanna block gates i can use Blood Warden. Actually it is og Freddy perk. That power is not effective for ultra rare. I mean Myers can mori survivors with ultra rare add-on, Huntress can take get down with one hit etc. Okey do not make so op like those add-ons but it is really weak and useless add-on.
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Right. My point is that they played it WAY too safe with the new Black Box IMO.
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Like you mentioned, there is already so much end game perks. Why i have to pay 7K for useless add-on. It will work only end game and only for 15 seconds. It is realy worst add-on ever. And other add-ons also useless. I do not know, why i have to use my bps on Freddy bloodweb. Maybe only for dream pallets. I am playing as Freddy for 4 years and i really felt sad. Those add-ons just ridicilous.
And i wish i would keep my old Freddy boi. He was fun for me.
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Why not both?
Black Box gets you the down and hook against that injured and asleep Survivor who otherwise would have barely gotten out the 99'd gate.
Then you can use that Survivor to activate Blood Warden and get more people.
I can't see running it outside of a build with Blood Warden, but it can potentially counter the way too common way of defeating Blood Warden that is 99ing gates. It honestly seems reasonable to me.
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I do not think those add-ons will stay like this. Because they are really not good. I am sure Freddy will get new changes in future. I can understand nerfs but i dont know why they changed him add-ons to useless. And Black Box can be useful only in end game for 15 seconds. So you will use one ultra rare add-on and you can use only in end game. And just 15 seconds. That is not effective, actually this is nothing.
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Good thought, most people don't really bother waking up as the incentive isn't really there with how fast you fall asleep again. Now without the slowdown add ons its even less likely. So I can already see a survivor going for a panic escape at a 99, being blocked, hooked and Bw activating and a potential snowball from there.
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There is 2 gates. This add-on can not be effective all times. First you have to go true gate, which one survivors trying escape. Second 15 seconds are not long time. And i dont think that will help me in game. And third it will counter only 99%. If they open gates early time will start early and this add-on will not help you.
Ultra-rare add-on has to be more useful than this.
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I can not see that as Freddy main. I am only seing waste of bloodpoints. And most of my matches ending before last gen done. So how that will be useful for me? Can you explain please
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Black box isnt that bad... I mean, being red and doing what it does, it doesnt deserve an addon slot, but think about it. You have a down if the survivors 99d the exit gate.
There are worse red addons, look at both of deathslinger for example.
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You're pretty much proving right now why Freddy does not need particularly strong add ons. His base kit is already incredibly strong. Hence, why all his new ones are basically just gimmicks.
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Ive bought freddy dlc when he first came out and gotta admit he changed alot. But the thing about him is dream transition and his power to put people to sleep was cool but after his rework made him good but he is not fun in general so i know majority wont read this but make where its not automatic sleep after 60 secs and freddy has put surviour one by one to sleep and awake survoiurs can not see freddy and he is invisible unless you are sleep and he ultra rare black is bad and very situational how i would change that addon is make it where if everybody asleep there are exposed. This addons would make sense because of paint brush.
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The devs always do this when they rework a killer's add-ons. They make them garbage.
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You must be new around here? See Billy & Nurse lol.
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I am also good as Myers and Ghostface. Are they incredibly strong too? Or i am good killer main?
I am loving Freddy because he is one of the best icon slashers. And he is my fav killer in game. But he lost all good add-ons. We have nothing now. If devs have problem with killer add-ons, they can remove them because now, i dont know why i have to use my bps for Freddy except for perks. Because we have not good add-on anymore.
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yeah that should be a green at best because ultra are post to be op in match not after a match ends and it so sitautional. when ultra rare was situational
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Black Box can be useful with this buffs:
+When you use Black Box, all survivors will down asleep after last gen finish (Except Adrenaline)
+Gates will close for 30 seconds for all asleep survivors.
So then we can say "yes it is really good add-on now". For now it is ridicilous. 15 seconds is nothing. And if survivors open gates early, add-on will be useless. Also add-on will work only in end game so you can not use it in early and middle game. So for that add-on has to be more effective because you can use it only in end game. And no 15 seconds will not worth it.
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That is weak gameplay sorry. No, i will pass it.
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It has not potential. It is weak for ultra rare add-on. And it can be only useful in end game. And it can be useful if survivors in dream world, if they do gates 99% etc. So many possibilities. That makes it so weak. And 15 seconds is nothing like before i said.
Those add-ons useless for Freddy sorry. I am playing as Freddy 4 years, i know my killer so well. So please dont tell me about potentials.
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He didn’t deserve it.
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I am sorry but i did not get what did you meant. You mean he didn't deserve those add-ons or nerf.
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the add ons are very questionable. who the heck is gonna spend 7000 BP's for something that works for 15 seconds??? should've just made it free lol.
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Thank you for share your opinions but no, i have to disagree wth you. Because this add-ons will not work for me. Because he is my main and i know him as well.
And so many my matches ending before last gen. So i dont know what i have to say. But this add-ons will be waste of bp for me.
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Yes. Biggest problem is this. They need little buffs. 30 seconds + all survivors will down asleep will make it worth.
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Am I the only one that don't care about this changes and want to make Freddy more original with power?
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before you could probably benefit from black box by combining it with obsession perks or slow down addons now it's completely useless, only works in the endgame (which is rare against a freddy) and only blocks gate for sleeping survivors and just for 15 seconds. don't waste your time if you're not going to use it in endgame build.