Skins like the new Huntress "The Mordeo" one, absolutely the best skin in this game. Straight terrifying.
Those 3 skins were a very pleasant surprise ^^
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Absolutely the best skin ever made for Huntress, and one of the best in general.
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I think having licensed skins for original chars is a really great opportunity to get licenses that are smaller and don’t really have a chance of getting an own chapter!
and agreed, all 3 skins look really cool!
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Yeah the Crypt TV skins all look really good.
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I agree. Just don't make them cost 3 times as much as a character ffs...
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I dont have an issue shelling out the money if the content is good. Maybe it enables them to get better ones in the future?
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I'm not against good content. But for a skin to be 3x as much as a full character is insane