Let's be honest we all know Lady Dimitrescu is going to be the new killer

I don't think Nemesis is going to be the killer maybe because he uses a rocket launcher. Yes, it can be Mr. X but who really cares about Mr. X, people only started caring about him a few years ago.
I think it going to be Lady Dimitrescu because she is going to be in the new game and fits more into DBD than Mr. X or Nemesis. But I guess we will have to see
Lady D getting her power from the survivor’s blood would be a cool mechanic, but it’s already been done by the Oni.
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Not to mention she's gonna give Freddy size envy.
The virgin ballsack head and the chad queen of the simps.
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I feel like Lady Dimitrescu would be a cool legendary skin for the Plague rather than a seperate character.
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If Nemesis gets his rocket launcher it will be treated like Myers in Tier 3, Oni powered-up, Plague when she has corrupt purge. It wouldn't be the core power.
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Except Behavior is partnered with Netflix.. Netflix's series is based around Leon.. The trailer had Leon in it? So why would it be Lady Dimitrw/e. It would make zero sense. Personally I think it'll be Dr Birkin, Leon & Claire.
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It would be a disappointment to have her as a killer in this game, which yes, Plague may be a legendary aspect of the Lady to be honest. The only characters that would be viable for a Resident Evil chapter would be Nemesis and Albert Wesker. They must be linked to the Umbrella Corporation, The T-Virus since that is the plot and the main reason for all RE.
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I still feel like a rocket launcher not only does not thematically fit dbd, it also does not give horror vibes.
Like compare it to the deathslingers gun which is a handmade device to reel in survivors for an easy hit, it gives horror vibes, the shock of being hit and reeled in is scary. A rocket launcher being shot at you from a distance isn't really scary, it's more action than horror.
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Yeah, it definitely makes a lot more sense for the killer to be someone Mr. X or Nemesis but god I can still dream of being stepped on by Dimitrescu
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no it's a legendary skin for trapper
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Felix is the one in the trailer. Although maybe they're hinting at a new male character coming.
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The virgin ballsack head and the chad queen of the simps.
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I just want it to be Birkin tbh
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Nemesis has fists and a hand tentacle, too.
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I honestly hope it's Nosferatu, even though literally no one cares about him.
Nemesis is close second for me, though.
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Okay where ahs this fine fellow been on the forums, this shits hilarious
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I wish it was going to be the vampire lady, but I strongly doubt it. I don't think it would make sense for RE to let another game swipe the breakout character from their new release right at the same time it comes out.
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Nah I doubt it 😔 would be pretty awesome tho♡
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To me its either Dimitrescu or Jack Baker, they both fit just fine within the game, they're sentient beings with a proper personality, meanwhile Mr.X and Nemmy are pretty much robots.
And to be fair the latter wouldn't fit without weapons and how would you even do that.
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Well BHVR would benefit the most from licensed content if the killer and survivor they're releasing are recognizable. Mr X and Nemesis are like the most recognizable RE characters out there. I never played the RE games but I'm well aware who they are and what they look like. I suppose that Dimitrescu is quite recognizable too since she's the newest addition to the franchise but in the end she hasn't really had the chance to make a name for herself yet, whereas Nemesis and Mr. X have.
I don't know... I feel like BHVR would miss an opportunity if they didn't include one of these characters but in the end it's also RE. It will attract a lot of people either way.
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Yeah it's mr x because who cares about tall vampire lady, Mr X is more iconic and HE IS MR X, while Lady Dimitrescu is u know, meh (just my opinion)
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Yeah,Mr.X is so deep...and...uh,he stalks u
So unique
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i really hope it's lady d... we could get legendary related skins for plague, twins, legion, deathslinger and blight.
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If she is remotely as tall as vommy mommy, people will see her big dumb head over obstacles and she'll have no mindgame potential.
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Don't think so, they were probably negotiating this chapter last year or so and capcom didn't even expect her to become popular.
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Why would Capcom take a huge risk in giving a new and unknown character to BHVR instead of someone well-known? If Village or Lady D's section had failed, they'd probably end up losing money. If she only got in the game because of her sudden popularity, then the chapter will likely be rushed and riddled with bugs.
Also, compare Lady D and Nemesis's stalker sections. Lady D only used her claws and nothing else. Nemesis has his tentacles, infection, mobility, and durability. If you want to use the remake version you can add his sonic roar. That's four to five different abilities that can be used to create a power. He doesn't need his rocket launcher.
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because Lady D don't do the same what Mr X does
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She's not even the most interresting character in her own game let alone the franchise. Outside of the meme's she's really not that special.
Also start of production of the re killer happened over 6 months ago. They didn't know lady d was going to be popular at that time
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yeah, overblow, she not the best thing about the game...
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And I'd like to add to that, when they did start developing the new killer, they were however aware of the small role lady D was going to play. I feel like both Capcom and BHVR would want a more significant killer than someone they knew wasn't going to play a big role in RE8, and didn't know would be an actual success with the fanbase.
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Resident Evil when brought up brings these characters to mind:
Leon, Claire, jill, Wesker, Nemesis.
Also T virus zombies, lickers and doggos (half eaten dobermans) .
Mr. X became quite popular with re2 remake, as in original he was... Meh, the guy in green jacket.
This means, in the RE chapter for dbd we will get Brad Vickers as survivor and the Giant Moth as the killer.
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Youve made multiple threads now, just stop.
Go to horny jail she is not going to be the new killer, she is not classic, she literally cant fit through doors she is so tall, and she was only in village for an hour before her boss fight. Whereas Mr X or Nemesis were a constant hunter and killer in those games.
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Lady D was a complete and utter let down, the face of RE8 and was dead within the first quarter of the game in one of the most anticlimactic boss fights. If anything Heisenberg was the more interesting character.
I personally would prefer the OG tyrants, or even Birkin. The tyrants had a job to do whereas Lady D just killed to survive.
P.S We need a Duke costume for clown!
Post edited by TunnelVision on0 -
I mean you could also see it is as Capcom would only allow BHVR to use Lady D to boost sales of RE8
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Here have some treatment of what you guys think of now with Lady D!
Edit: This is getting weird every day, LMAO!
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Doesn't seem like Capcom needs BHVRs help with sales since RE8 has already set a number of records.
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You really can't measure greed though. My comment was more an unlikely reason but still a possibility.
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Eh I don't think adding her in this will have any real impact on re8 sales honestly. I dont think Capcom will get much money out of this other than from dlc sales in DBD
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While I do think Alcina is cool and a great character and I certainly wouldn't mind seeing her as the new killer, I don't think it'll be her or her daughters. Considering they have much less screentime and overall bearing on the plot of RE 8 than anticipated, it'd make a lot more sense if they did Miranda if they wanna do a killer from RE 8, although I'd much prefer Lady D or Heisenberg. The way it's looking I'm still assuming we're getting Nemmy, Birkin, or Mr X, possibly even Jack.
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She got an intire sub lore and even have..u'know,voice lines
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