Dead during the middle of the daylight
Coldwind used to be one of my favorite maps. The new lighting in this update is absurd. This game should NOT feel like you're playing in the middle of the god damn day. Lower the ######### brightness, BHVR. You're a "horror" game, remember? Stop trying to make things look absolutely gorgeous; i want the map to be dark. Not for the sake of hiding as a survivor. But for the sake of feeling like im playing a horror game. Jesus christ.
Why does it need to be dark like the rest of the maps? The devs wanted to keep Coldwinds yellow tint, a day time map was their best conclusion Im assuming and they nailed it, probably the best graphical rework out of any map so far.
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It fits the vibes of horror movies like Texas Chainsaw Massacre that play during daytime.
the issue is not related to this being a horror or horror-themed game.
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hey have you heard of the concept of daybreak?
where it's not actually daylight yet it's just very, very close?
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Just because the new coldwind maps are lit by daylight I don't think that makes them less horrifying. Many great horror films capitalize on the daylight hours, especially in relation to farms and the grotesque nature of dead animals like on rancid abattoir. I personally think that daylight doesn't equate to not scary but that's just a personal thought I guess.
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I actually really dig the new atmosphere and find it somewhat creepier? I think it’s because it’s giving me major TTCM vibes.
I’m not sure if anybody else is like this, but I’m struggling to remember where loops are. Even though the layouts of the maps are virtually the same, because it looks so different I keep getting lost during chases. 😂
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I like the look of new Coldwind from what I've seen in screenshots (haven't played it myself yet) but I didn't know that all five versions of the map were changed. I assumed that with that many, some would be light and some would be dark. I have to admit that I'm disappointed that all of them are daytime now, that was one of my favorite locations and I'll miss playing it at nighttime. A couple of each doesn't seem like it would have been unreasonable.
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This person never watched Texas chainsaw massacre where it all took place in pure daylight
Look, horror isn't always about nighttime, it is about day time as well
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I actually agree with this. You want mood lighting with a horror game. I think Dead Dog Saloon and Cold Wind Farm need to be changed to night. You can have plenty of different colors at night, in fact, I'm surprised we haven't seen any of the "blue" lighting that you see in a lot of horror movies.
And as for Texas Chainsaw massacre, most of the atmospheric parts of that movie are either inside or at night also.
Plus, lets be honest, it does affect game play. It makes it much harder for survivors to hide.
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I’m not sure which TTCM movie you’ve seen but most of the memorable scenes aren’t at night...
People associate light with being safe and the dark with being in danger. Somebody or something willing to hunt you down in the harsh light of day comes across much more menacing to me.
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What are you talking about its great. It's not "Mcmillan but a little more orange" anymore.
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That ending shot is still probably the greatest ending shot in any horror film, ever.
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You’re not wrong. 👏🏻
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And those fifteen minutes that precede it?
When the camera suddenly cuts to black and the credits appear it's the movie's way of saying "Congratulations, you have now made it through hell on Earth". A masterpiece of a film.
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######### being a horror game. Did you just assume their genre
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Not every map has to be dark. The new cold wind looks awesome
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It’s definitely one of the best of its kind. Another that is perfect to me is the ending to the original Halloween. The music. The imprint of Michael on the grass. The breathing. Just 👏🏻 all around.
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Dead by Daylight = Dead by the time daylight rises. I don't understand why people are having such a problem with this, it is still a horror game btw, horror games don't necessarily have to be made in daylight.
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No it's amazing and we're keeping it.
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I mean that's not even what it is in the game :\
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I like the daytime stuff but I feel it is too bright. Should be a slight bit darker.
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unless they changed it from the ptb there is literally not a sun in sight and so it cannot be daylight??? because daylight happens during the day which is when the sun is in the sky??!?
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This game is not a horror game. You got people running towards the killer wanting to get chassed.
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My same thought, daytime can also be used to create a perfect horror atmosphere.
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Hillbilly is based on Bubba himself, whose movie took place mostly in daylight. I think it's appropriate and makes the maps a lot more diverse. Horror isn't limited to darkness, after all.
the title of the game isn't a valid argument against sunlight :(
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I like that it's bright, it gives a bit more diversity to the map design and sets Coldwind apart from the rest of the realms as they all kind of bleed together or have the same type of lighting. Plus these maps are heavily survivor sided in terms of loops and chase potential so not being able to hide is completely irrelevant. You don't really need to hide because the maps are stacked with really strong loops. I actually think you could hide pretty well in the new corn.
Perhaps when they rework the Swamp maps you'll get the dark scary horror game map you're looking for
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A perfectly good horror movie or game could take place in the day. The day can be scarier than the night at some times as well.
Get over it <3
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You have obvious anger issues. It's a game - calm down Becky.
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I actually like there being lighter maps for some variety.
To please everyone though, what if there was a day version and a night version of the map and it was randomly selected?
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Well for one thing its not in the middle of the day, its in the morning. And second, who said it needed to be dark to be a horror game. Plus dbd isnt really a horror game its more of an action horror. Look at the trickster, hese bright and literally looks like a normal survivor. Coldwind is just the same, but in map form obviously