So how does everyone feel about the Freddy nerf

I've seen people on the forum complain about Freddy pre-nerf and how bad he was. But now I see people complaining that the nerf hurt him more than it needed too and I would be one to agree, well stightly. See I never mained him and have not leveled him up enough yet just too level 25 and stoped. But the amount I did play of him he did seem good but this nerf seemed a little overkill I feel the add-on pass would have been fine since they demolished his add-ons ( this is the main complaint I see ). But since I don't play much Freddy I wanna hear the communities' response to it, Mostly the Freddy mains but all are welcome. What do the people think?


  • Jane_Is_Mega_Thicc
    Jane_Is_Mega_Thicc Member Posts: 137

    I think he will still be a viable killer, just more situational with his snares and dream pallets, due to the speed decrease you will just need to do think better instead of spamming them. They nerf where they decreased the amount of snares and pallets was unnecessary, the teleport luckily is the same, but the add ons now are trash. Overall the updates has its ups and downs.

  • glitchboi
    glitchboi Member Posts: 6,015

    I think the nerf is fine, other than the nerf to his pallets, which were unnecessary. Although he deserves another rework tbh, because I miss old Freddy.

    However, his current add-ons are quite lame and need to be reworked.

  • QwQw
    QwQw Member Posts: 4,531

    It was dumb and unneeded, and it proved the devs' ignorance towards his actual problems.

  • Jane_Is_Mega_Thicc
    Jane_Is_Mega_Thicc Member Posts: 137

    I agree, I always thought the rework to him made no sense. He is Freddy, a dream demon. He should be put back to the state where he puts survivors to sleep and he can’t hit them when there awake, but he should keep the snares and dream pallets and generator teleport, and survivors are not allowed to wake up unless there unhooked. That what would my rework be.

  • glitchboi
    glitchboi Member Posts: 6,015

    IMO I'd just keep his dream projection (generator teleporting) and then buff his kit in general.

  • thefallenloser
    thefallenloser Member Posts: 1,277

    Not good. I hate pre-nerf Freddy but this was pretty overkill and didn't solve his issues.

    New add-ons are garbage lol.

    Should've just done some changes to old Freddy to make him less annoying to play as and against.

  • PureDoctorMain
    PureDoctorMain Member Posts: 341

    This is a really cool idea. It fits Freddy perfectly and he wouldn't be too strong but still not weak.

  • QwQw
    QwQw Member Posts: 4,531

    Exactly, they have the assets, yet they refuse to give us Old Freddy.

  • GeneralV
    GeneralV Member Posts: 10,603

    Freddy's nerf and his rework have something in common, both unnecessary. He still is A Tier, granted, but it hurts way more than it should, while failing to address his problems.

    Old Freddy must return. That is the correct thing to do.

  • th3
    th3 Member Posts: 1,843

    The change is perfectly fine. It addresses the low skill aspect of just spamming snares by actually having a drawback for the powerful effect they give. With the addons if you ever used the slowdown ones then get good I guess. Blackbox needs a better effect for an iri however.

  • Power_Guy
    Power_Guy Member Posts: 1,562

    No. His old state was a joke. He could not prevent unsafe hooks, or loops, or even stop people on gens.

    Survivors would literally just sit there and work a gen/unhook because Freddy could do nothing to them for 7 seconds, then sprint for the closest loop. He basically had a 'Screw you' timer before he could start looping people. 7 free seconds to pop a close-to-complete gen cost me so many matches back then.

    'Old Freddy' was just a punching bag for Survivors. Hook someone, then watch them get unhooked while you shake your fist. And they were ALWAYS awake because failing a heal, failing a gen, or being awoke by a friend all kept them untouchable.

    And popping gens/failing a heal 's downside; giving your position away, meant nothing when the Killer in question could not do anything when he got to you.

    Old Freddy was trash. I can't believe anyone would want him back unless they just long for matches where they can sit on gens/heal in front of the Killer.

  • IWasLeft2Die
    IWasLeft2Die Member Posts: 2,405

    I thought old freddy was fun overall. He just needed some buffs to him tbh.

    I missed out on the rework until it was around for awhile. Freddy before ptb was okay but not that exciting but now he is just uninteresting for everyone involved.

    Id love to have old freddy back with a few extra tools

  • Murph
    Murph Member Posts: 43

    His problem was that he has a low skill floor. Instead of reworking him the devs took the easy way out and just lowered numbers.

  • glitchboi
    glitchboi Member Posts: 6,015

    Old Freddy was fun tho, both to play as and against. We want old Freddy with some of current Freddy's elements, like Dream Projection.

  • GeneralV
    GeneralV Member Posts: 10,603

    Indeed. Old Freddy required a different playstyle because of how unique he was, however he wasn't terrible and I dare say he was a solid mid-tier if you knew what you were doing.

  • katoptris
    katoptris Member Posts: 3,148

    I don't use jump ropes so I'm fine with it.

  • Power_Guy
    Power_Guy Member Posts: 1,562

    I just can't see it. I loved playing old (and new) Freddy, but I was always keenly aware of what felt like his limitations. Like, I never played him and expected a single kill.

    Survivors would unhook in my face because they were awake. They would pop gens and fail heals to stay awake, and they would blatantly ignore me until the last 2 or 3 seconds of my power, then Sprint Burst to a pallet and loop me.

    His power was basically 'Let's add 7 seconds to any loop', and given that a loop, and hit, and loop, and down, can take 1-2 minutes, and games are around 6 minutes long; having old Freddy back is basically giving Survivors a free 4E.

    His old power is just not good enough to deal with the current gen speeds.

    Again; this is just my view. I'm no pro. Just a Freddy fan. I played him pre-change and post-change. I just don't think his free 7 seconds of 'Can't touch this' would work in the current Survivor meta, where Killers can lose based on a ~10 second screwup.