simple problem. Why is the nerf for the twins punishing players for playing well?

I personally don't understand why for a nerf you would make a killer feel more clunky for a nerf ((Hillbilly cough cough )) and punish players for playing the killer well you shouldn't punish players for being accurate and hitting pounces you could have simply made it so that when you miss it's longer but for some reason you thought it would be okay to punish players for using their power. I'd like to hear your thoughts and opinion on this topic because i personally think the nerf did nothing to change the twins power they are still equally strong they just feel worse to play and that's not how you nerf a character that's just how you ruin them and make less people wanna play them.
Because the devs don’t want Twin players using Victor for mass slugging. His power is incapacitating and snitching out other survivors. Many of the addons cause effects when removing Victor.
Use Charlotte more.
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Steel_Eyed basically got it. Victor is too good at slugging so their slugging potential was nerfed. Now why they didn't give meaningful buffs to the other parts of their base kit I don't know... but... yeah.
I still want a button to drop Victor without taking control of him and recall an idle Victor.
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I'm not really compelled to believe that since downing survivors as Victor earns you more points and the Twins daily requires you to down players as Victor anyway. If anything the game is telling me what I should be doing is downing people with Victor. But in all seriousness they could've buffed those other aspects about Victor to incentivize in using him that way.
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basically so that you can’t slug the whole team at 4 gens. victor is fast.
personally, if i have a cool down after a missed attack, that would be way more damaging to me than having a cool down after a successful attack. 100% not a fan of punishing players just for missing. the cool down isn’t really a punishment in its current state, it’s just a balance issue.
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i understand that but the way to address that isn't to punish players for hitting attacks and making the character to feel bad to play and clunky when it comes to playing them, i understand a lot of survivors dislike the twins but that isn't how you balance a character.
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What’s it going to take to get Twins players to use Charlotte more? The answer to this question is probably the adjustment needed for the Twins.
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but victor is the power by making changes like this and forcing players to use charlotte more your taking away the ability to want to use your own power more and punishes you for when you do you it. Do you not see how that's a problem?
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Use Charlotte? Who is a basic M1 Killer with no Power which can be looped for 5 gens.
Seems like a great idea.
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This was my thinking lol. That logic is so flawed.