All they did was hide

I was running Bond, on The Pale Rose, and the Nurse got us down to 3 survivors, 3 gens. SMH, all the other two survivors did was hide!!! Like, help me do a gen! The Nurse wasn't even that good, but holy heck, do something! I was the only one attempting to get a gen done and/or give the killer a chase to get them to do something. During my chase, they managed to get another gen done but there were still two more to get done. Somehow, I got another gen done alone in-between chases, while they still hid on the corners of the map.
Long story short, they both got found and hooked. I believe the killer realized I was the only one really doing the gens and steered me to the hatch after she started chasing me.
They were rank 6 and 9. We're really playing like this in 2021?
A fair number of green and purple players are carried by their friends to high ranks. When they go solo, it really shows. They don't know what to do so they crouch in corners. It happens to me all the time.
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As someone who plays solo, I hate being paired with lower ranks. I especially hate being paired with lower ranked SWF groups.
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oh it's not just going solo. they do it in SWF groups too. the lower ranks spend the whole game hiding while the more skilled players run the killer. I'm a rank 16 killer and you'd be surprised how offten I see a rank 8 or a rank 4 sprinkled in with rank 15 and 16 players. Not to mention the smurf ranks I know are out there.
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I was told by a swf team they hid for 30 minutes on purpose because I tunneled even though I 2 hook everyone before I killed anyone. Once the last 2 were the only one's up they hid, and this was on swamp so that was not fun.