All they did was hide

dnj510 Member Posts: 438

I was running Bond, on The Pale Rose, and the Nurse got us down to 3 survivors, 3 gens. SMH, all the other two survivors did was hide!!! Like, help me do a gen! The Nurse wasn't even that good, but holy heck, do something! I was the only one attempting to get a gen done and/or give the killer a chase to get them to do something. During my chase, they managed to get another gen done but there were still two more to get done. Somehow, I got another gen done alone in-between chases, while they still hid on the corners of the map.

Long story short, they both got found and hooked. I believe the killer realized I was the only one really doing the gens and steered me to the hatch after she started chasing me.

They were rank 6 and 9. We're really playing like this in 2021?
