Why do people think moris are the weaker than keys?

NovaliumTS Member Posts: 162
edited May 2021 in General Discussions

I simply dont get how keys are strong in any way, first lets show the obvious points;

Keys are only able to be used near end game e.g. if 4 are alive all gens need to be complete, 3 alive 4 gens need completion ect..

Killers can see the key and either bring franklins or simply as most killers like to do, tunnel them out of the match.

And with the new update the hatch stays open for 10 seconds.

Also the hatch takes time to actually be found before survivors can even think about using the key.

Now lets look at mori's. (ebony to be more specific)

They are able to kill survivors now near the end of the match. (making them equal to keys in terms of when they can be used)

Survivors dont know the killer brought a mori until the match has already begun.

Mori's can be used anytime anywhere as long as the survivor has been hooked twice

So what exactly makes keys soo much more OP then moris as at the moment they both look equally balanced

P.s. im excluding swf from this because in all honesty toxic swf are everyones bane of their existence whether or not they have a key..


  • Rey_512
    Rey_512 Member Posts: 1,620

    Keys need a rework but Moris make the game unquestionably more unfun than keys do, as they can have a huge impact MUCH earlier.

  • JesseJH28
    JesseJH28 Member Posts: 483

    A mori skips a picking up and hooking animation after the killer has earned two hook states from that survivor: they're dead either way. Keys skip x amount of gens, gate opening, endgame collapse, and who even knows how many more chases. I'm never upset that they escaped, I'm upset that I didn't get to finish out a full match

  • NovaliumTS
    NovaliumTS Member Posts: 162

    I never even said anything about DS but in its state it is indeed balanced doing its sole job of stopping tunnelling nothing else.

    Moris dont exactly just let you skip the hook they also skip the time it takes to get there which in all fairness most of the time can be a while as moris have saved me from people using boil over and such..

    But the way i see it keys can be countered whilst moris not so much and as i said this isnt including swf so most of the time people using keys are using it solely for themselves just incase the other survivors are a bunch of fruit loops

  • Rey_512
    Rey_512 Member Posts: 1,620

    I think you underestimate the impact killing a survivor after 1 hook state has (old Mori, not the new ones).

  • DemoFrog
    DemoFrog Member Posts: 193

    Because Moris can counter flashlight saves and SOME perks while on death hook, meanwhile keys can completely take away a killer's pressure and efforts and denies the killer of pips or kills because of an instant escape.

  • NovaliumTS
    NovaliumTS Member Posts: 162

    But in all fairness keys basically only skip most of the time them dying on a final hook and in most cases just taking the hatch for if say the killer has taken the game hostage either by a 3 gen situation, both exit gates spawned together or suicidal/terrible teammates

  • MadLordJack
    MadLordJack Member Posts: 8,814

    Because Mori's were nerfed and now are just an alternative to the final hook, the only positive benefit they have in terms of actual gameplay is avoiding DS.

    Generally speaking, it's a given that 3 gens will get done just by default because at the start of the trial survivors have a lot of resources and killers cannot prevent the gens from being finished. That's actually fine, I genuinely don't see anything wrong with this, but it does mean that at least 2 people can key out by default (unless the survivors are complete potatoes).

    Essentially, keys cut off the end of a trial and give survivors a default win and put massive stress on the killer to try and prevent it. The more survivors get sacrificed, the likelier the rest key out. Usually, this means 3 people escaping, because after the 3 default gens most teams can get another one finished.

  • shalo
    shalo Member Posts: 1,552

    Oh good, another definition of "taking the game hostage".

  • NovaliumTS
    NovaliumTS Member Posts: 162

    Tbh i wouldnt mind say purple keys only allow 1 person and pink keys allow a max of 2 obviously with the new 10 second limit, its just i play both sides and when it comes to it ive always found the key basically useless so ive never gotten all these nerf the key posts

  • IWasLeft2Die
    IWasLeft2Die Member Posts: 2,405
    edited May 2021

    Setting aside a lot of differences between them.

    Moris when used only impacts one player at a time at most while keys can impact an entire team at once. That alone shows a major difference in power

  • NovaliumTS
    NovaliumTS Member Posts: 162

    Sorry i messed up my wording of it the survivor one was completely different toward the taking the game hostage but 3 gen'ing and the exit gates both spawning together can be ways the killer can take the game hostage

  • Kirkylad
    Kirkylad Member Posts: 1,927

    Dude doing gens and finding the hatch is super hard lol.

  • PigMainBigBrain
    PigMainBigBrain Member Posts: 1,893

    Thats not what taking the game hostage is. Taking the game hostage is reportable. It involves things like body blocking indefinitely, among other things. They've gotten rid of most of the ways you can actually take the game hostage especially with the introduction of the end game. Thats not the same as a 3 gen set up, or 2 exit gates on the same side of the map. Thats not a hostage situation, you can play around both of those things.

  • bjorksnas
    bjorksnas Member Posts: 5,784
    edited May 2021

    Keys still have the 1up on being stronger than moris, they can be found in chests and pretty consistently with perks, on average the chance with plunders to find a key (that can open hatch) from a single chest search is 12.5%, or 1/8, you can loot 3 chests a game or have a 1/8 each time, so you have around a ~33% chance of finding a key in a match with a single perk (odds for only finding one key the odds of finding 2 or 3 keys do make it add up to 37.5% but all the math is for only finding a single key)

    those odds increase even further to an average of ~55% chance if you bring appraisal meaning every other match you on average get a free key that the killer doesn't get any real indication that you can bring it with you, but it gets even better

    You can bring hatch offerings, which means on any non indoor map, you can bring a main building offering to get a guaranteed hatch location or a shack offering to also get a guaranteed hatch spawn

    Meaning you can have every other game a key in hand and a hatch location in mind preset while the killer doesn't even get to know while in lobby

  • TicTac
    TicTac Member Posts: 2,439

    If you see every gen as equal value, skipping one gen doesnt seem that strong. But in a match where all players are good, the last gen is more than 1/5 of the objective.

    The first two gens are free. If it ends with 3 gens left, it means the killer destroyed the survivors. If the survivor all escape, the key is also useless. So keys seem not strong bc they are useless in onesided matches.

    So if the survivor are decent, they will almost always get to 2 gens, even if the killer is better. And if it is a balanced match, survivor will get min. three escapes.

    Finding the hatch is not hard. You can use a offering or search for it while the killer protects the gens. But to be fair it can be hard to get it done with random teammates.

  • TAG
    TAG Member Posts: 12,871

    Keys let multiple leave before finishing all the gens.

    Mori offerings no longer let you kill people before they're on death hook (except technically Cypress, but that one sucks still).

  • Kebek
    Kebek Member Posts: 3,676

    Keys aren't problem only if you face terrible survivors who fail to do any gens the whole match just like old first hook mori wasn't a problem if you faced a bad killer who failed at most chases.

    With any competent team (even solo easily), it's basically hard tunnel the keys users, hope nobody else picks the key up or give 3 free escapes because the moment you gain momentum either a 3 gen or kill 1 survivor, they get to just bypass their objetive and all escape with a key. All the power is in survivor's hands, killer can't do anything vs competent key users.

    Current mories are significanlty weaker then keys which should be rectified by making the hatch spawn only when all 5 gens are finished or when there's only 1 survivor alive. That would make them equally strong to mories unlike now.

  • Rey_512
    Rey_512 Member Posts: 1,620

    You’re right, I apologize for misreading. I do believe keys today are unbalanced and need a rework. Current moris are balanced since they only avoid potential DS or flashlight saves

  • IamFran
    IamFran Member Posts: 1,616

    The old moris I can agree they were equivalent to key, because they could let you skip one hook, but the currrent moris only let you avoid the way to the last hook, also the keys are insanely easy to find using Plunderer's instinct.

  • Pulsar
    Pulsar Member Posts: 21,133

    Bad take, tbh.