The ability to buy perks with BP/Shards/Cells for a specific character

Booba Member Posts: 62

Should we be able to buy all of our available perks for a specific Surv/Killer?

For me it's always been frustrating that I can play 1 killer that I've invested enough BP into calmly with all the perks. But when I want to try a different killer or do a different build with any killer/surv - I need an enormous amount of BP for it. And chances are I won't even get BBQ/WGLF in the first 100 bloodwebs or something like that. 

So I want to find out what the community thinks about it. Should we be able to just press a button in the bloodweb that says UNLOCK ALL AVAILABLE PERKS FOR THIS SPECIFIC CHARACTER with Iridescent Shards/Bloodpoints/Auric Cells?

I'd personally pay in whatever currency for that ability, because the grind for the perks is really tiresome.

The ability to buy perks with BP/Shards/Cells for a specific character 13 votes

Yes, I'd pay with whatever
GreyBigfootGuest1567432Booba 3 votes
Yes, I'd pay with BP
TapeKnotmusstang62Pixel_BoomBotthelegion_fanPeanutBristles 5 votes
Yes, I'd pay with Iri Shards
bjorksnasHopeful_Songbird 2 votes
Yes, I'd pay with Auric Cells
No, I don't need it
DimekDawnMadVioletCrimes 3 votes
