Kill Switch update: The issue affecting Baermar Uraz's Ugly Sweater has been fixed and the cosmetic has been reenabled in all queues with this update.

I Think The Most Destruction of This Game is The Main Survivor Player

smart212 Member Posts: 136

because this game is oversupply with survivor and killer player is diminishing every month. Lobby queue is extremely become very long on night. Shortage of killer on purple and red tier, but killer on green and yellow (newbie) is oversupply but because they always facing with experience survivor they decide to exit killer gameplay.

Any thought


  • DawnMad
    DawnMad Member Posts: 1,030

    I play killer on red ranks regularly and I see a key 1 out of 5 matches, it was much worse a few months ago too. Also no one is exaggerating how strong keys are, the moment you lose your 3rd generator 2 people can escape with a key the moment others die and you can't do much to prevent it other than heavy slugging. If people are failing to use it then that's them being incompetent, nothing to do with the keys.

  • KiolL
    KiolL Member Posts: 46

    That's because the player base that plays in that role is much larger than that of the killers.

    But let's be honest, both parties contribute a lot to the toxicity within the game, and also today, in my opinion, the developers are not contributing in this situation that has been going on for years and they have not known what to do.

  • bm33
    bm33 Member Posts: 8,303

    Console with crossplay off I get plenty of red rank killers because so many killers on console turn off crossplay. New players are less likely to turn off crossplay so there's more low rank with crossplay on.

    As someone else mentioned the game will also just toss in a killer if one leaves a lobby just so those in the lobby are not waiting much longer. Same happens with solo survivors if a survivor leaves a lobby.

  • KlapzCheeks
    KlapzCheeks Member Posts: 171

    Yeah everyone is just exaggerating but the killer base seems to be dwindling more and more....weird. Add in the recent chest glitch that was just fixed keys all the F-ING time.

  • thrawn3054
    thrawn3054 Member Posts: 5,897

    What do you want them to do? They've slowly but steadily been nerfing survivors and buffing killers for years now. Yes, you could point to the small nerfs killers like Freddy have gotten, but the overall trend has very much been a buff. Mind you most of those changes were needed in my opinion, but honestly how much more do killers want?

  • MadLordJack
    MadLordJack Member Posts: 8,814

    QoL changes would go a long way (such as reintroducing the ability to hear footsteps in chases/nerfing IW so that it does what it says it does), as would a harsher restriction on matchmaking.

  • CaulDrohn
    CaulDrohn Member Posts: 1,596

    Always the same tale of killers leaving the game, and never a proof for that. It get's old, really. And that's coming from a killer main, btw.

  • Trickstaaaaa
    Trickstaaaaa Member Posts: 1,277

    You're not wrong according the steam achievements only 4% of users have reached rank 1. And only 5.2% have reached rank 5 killer. Compared to 6.2% who have reached rank 1 survivor. I think most casual users play survivor. And some casuals may play killer only a couple of times and decide they don't like it. I have a couple of friends who have never played killer and are survivor only. Overall I think playing killer is more stressful, and requires more effort so it turns of a lot casual users. But yeah in red ranks I see the same killer user from time to time, mind you I have cross-play on. They need to make killer more appealing to casual users. Because most red rank killers are not causal lol. It's batter to play a mix thought so you can get an idea of how the other side thinks, and what strategy's they use.

  • Trickstaaaaa
    Trickstaaaaa Member Posts: 1,277

    Maybe they should add 8 vs 2, so casuals can play with a friend and both be killers. That would be a fun mode.

  • deckyr
    deckyr Member Posts: 799

    this 2nd bullet point is actually fat. it's huge and juicy. the assumption is that if i play with my friends we'll cheat, which

    1) who cares if we farm bp? i can do it with randoms with killer, why can't i do it with friends?

    2) i just wanna kill my friends and earn bp for it. sometimes i'm not in the mood to play survivor but i wanna play dbd with my two friends. sometimes i've finished all my survivor rift challenges and want to do the killer challenges.

    the lack of social aspect is absolutely killing killer.

    also, as an aside, queuing with even 1 friend would prevent 4man swfs.

  • Talmeer
    Talmeer Member Posts: 1,520
    edited May 2021

    I tried to explain the devs already in 2019 that killers also need to have fun, but the devs didn't got it back in the day.

    In my eyes, they are worried about a small minority in the survivor player base, that is very vocal about their believes and opinions (even with streamer support), but as said already before... they are small and so I have never understood why the devs have obey to those guys, while you have at least the same amount of survivors + many killer mains, that are against the believes of this small survivor minority, what many killer nerfs in the past matters.

    I am exhausted to tell the devs the whys. I am just here sometimes to see how everythings comes together, what was so predictable before and even today.

    If the devs ever want to change something on the killer problem as a whole (that gnaws slowly but persistent on dbd already since years), they should start to listen, to killers about what is fun and also implement it (even if the survivor minority mentioned above is crying).

    And no devs, not for every killer is fun to be always the 4k guy. I bet that is fun for many killer mains today, because you have left them nothing else.

    Also again, devs, you should really think about if the small survivor minority is worth it to upset killer mains over and over again and also occusualy other survivor mains, that have not their opinion.

    That is all what I am saying.

    I will be happy with both outcomes. Either to see what is predictable, or to see a change and then to be a player of dbd again.

  • thrawn3054
    thrawn3054 Member Posts: 5,897

    Given the Wraith, Demo, and Clown buffs i think the QoL changes are already being implemented. I can speak to the footsteps part, my hearing isn't the best. As for Iron Will, has it be doing more than masking the sounds of pain again?

  • Pulsar
    Pulsar Member Posts: 21,081

    I got Key'd 10 times in the 2 days following the Mid Chapter.

  • RaSavage42
    RaSavage42 Member Posts: 5,595

    I play casually as killer (Cause I don't care about how good I am at this game) Though I did get to R1 and realized it was not where I wanted to be... LOL

    I used to care but not now... since the game is so RNG based... and they then they tried to make MMR work

    A Main Survivor Player doesn't matter as much as RNG does IMO

  • Sluzzy
    Sluzzy Member Posts: 3,130

    This is a great point. Killers have been buffed constantly and survivors have been nerfed constantly.

    If there is a shortage of killers it is because the role is too ez and not challenging. When the game was more fair killer queues were abysmal.

    But it really is exaggerated because most of the time survivor queues are very instant and killers have to wait. It only changes at certain times of the day. It is a false rumor that killers are not wanting to play because it is too hard. Killers should stop saying that.

  • BlueFang
    BlueFang Member Posts: 1,379
    edited May 2021

    This right here is the exact type of Killer player mindset the devs need to stop supporting. If you think the game is balanced too far for survivors right now, you would never have been able to play the game back in 2018 or even 2019 with that attitude. Survivors have been hit with hard nerfs for months, Items got struck, DS got further nerfed, stamina perks like BL and other such are nowhere to be seen, heck there haven't even been any decent or meta survivor perks since Stranger Things or Silent Hill. That's not even mentioning the map rework changes that have been heavily in favor of Killers with reduced pallet count, dead zones, and incredibly unsafe loops

    The game right now is both the best and worst its ever been for killers. We can get survivors easily but the chase game is getting terrible, and the whole point of the game is the mind-games so much of what the devs have been doing has been oversimplifying the game way too much and weakening the core-gameplay loop

    Yes and no, people that play the game from both sides have a good perspective. But implying that a killer strat can never be "toxic" or grounds for complaining is not in reality. Both sides have toxic strats and players, but from my limited perspective as a killer main

    The game is not going in the right direction to address it

  • Aneurysm
    Aneurysm Member Posts: 5,270

    Mhm, if there's anything dbd players hate it's an easy win

  • Talmeer
    Talmeer Member Posts: 1,520
    edited May 2021

    It has nothing to in the first place with difficult, or easy games imo. At least for the majority of players.

    The point is, that bhvr has consistently nerf everything what makes fun for killer mains, starting with the Legion rework, or maybe even before (I know dbd only since the release of Darkness among us, so I can only talk about this time - now).

    And since this rework, they have done the same with multiple other killers (billy would also be a example, but there is more). Imo, it doesn't interest if you 4k every game, if you have no fun by it, because the game mechanics are just unfun for you as killer player.

    Imo, dbd would be more helathy if the devs would look more after killers fun. It would lead new people to the game. Make that existing players stay and if a killer main is happy, it is more likely that he is also ok with any positive survivor change.

    Aka. the war between killer and survivors would be not so extrem as it is today. But that is just my opinion.

  • Pulsar
    Pulsar Member Posts: 21,081

    I wish I could play Survivor without waiting for 15 minutes.

  • leafninja
    leafninja Member Posts: 123

    Easy. A mode where the killer can have a friend to play with them while showing them the ropes and killing survivors. Simple

  • FrostySeal
    FrostySeal Member Posts: 632

    I also play rank 1 Killer yet rarely ever do see keys, and have continued to be rare for me to encounter. Keys are definitely over exaggerated with how strong they are. They aren't an Insta-win item and can be countered so long as you aren't playing a weak killer or going up against the rare 4 man comp team, although I will acknowledge that they do make the match more stressful. In order for two people to escape with a key, they need to have completed 3 gens total, and even then the Killer has already received two kills, just the way the devs intended. If you got two kills and the survivors escaped through the hatch, then yeah sure, it sucks but you still received a 2k which is suppose to be average. You can stop this from happening by just using more camping, tunneling, and or slugging. And just because a survivor isn't able to use a key doesn't necessarily mean they are incompetent, sometimes they just get out skilled or they couldn't find the hatch in time.

  • IronKnight55
    IronKnight55 Member Posts: 2,986

    You seriously have to wait that long? My survivor queues are almost instant during the day and killer queue takes forever. At night killer queues are instant and survivor takes about 3-5 minutes to find a game.

  • Pulsar
    Pulsar Member Posts: 21,081


    No matter the time of day my Killer queue's are instant and my Survivor queue's are brutal.

  • FrostySeal
    FrostySeal Member Posts: 632

    I think we can just agree to disagree. I've never agreed with the notion that the game is survivor favored or killer favored, the game is balanced currently but people will NEVER admit to that because of their one sided entitlement or the fact that they just can't accept the fact that after they won 10 times in a row and lost a single match that the developers are X sided and only care about that one side.

    One of the possible reasons why survivor queues are sometimes higher than killer queue times is matchmaking being matchmaking and pairing up people against more skilled people, resulting in frustration for that person. And about the whole unfun factor, that happens to both sides, Killers get tbagged and clicky's while survivors spend 2 minutes in a game before being booted back or sit on hook as they watch their teammates selfcare in a corner and a killer who refuses to leave the area. Both sides deal with BS, however my guess as to why Killers get angrier is probably one of the reasons you mentioned, the fact that Killer is a solo experience and as such you can't hang out with your buddy to make the experience sweeter.

    *Optimization is a big problem in DBD, especially for consoles like the PS4, Switch, and Xbox 1. I won't argue, it's pretty dumb how BHVR still haven't optimized the game which causes huge issues for both sides, mainly for Killer recently.

    *Talked about it earlier but its an issue that will probably never be solved because of how the game works, unless BHVR implement a 2v8 mode, but that will probably never happen with how slow they are to implement updates and how many problems are in the game. However, you don't need 4 other people to play Killer in custom games, I play custom games with 2 of my friends and the game works perfectly fine as long as we implement a couple of rules beforehand.

    *Yup, there's a gap between solo and SWF, I won't argue against that. It's a hard problem to fix, but making a better tutorial for both sides will fix many of the frustrations and practice issues both sides have. However, I don't believe that it's SWF that's the big issue, but once again matchmaking. If a rank 20 killer and a rank 20 four man SWF go up against each other, it'll still be a mostly fair experience since both sides don't know what they are doing, but if a rank 16 killer goes up against a rank 10 four man SWF, then yeah, that will be unfair for the Killer since they don't know the game fully yet and despite the survivors also being relatively inexperienced will still probably win because they know more about the game.

    *The Gen/Kill rush meta is something that will probably never be solved due to the nature of the game and its players. For example, a survivor looking for a casual experience repeatedly gets tunneled, camped, and slugged and learns quickly that they need to stick on gens and be extremely efficient, or they'll get sacrificed. Then that same survivor goes up against a killer, and during the match the killer who was looking for a fun casual experience quickly gets destroyed and suffers a defeat. That Killer then learns that in order to stand a chance, they'll need to camp, tunnel, and slug. Then that killer encounters a survivor who is looking for a casual experience, and you can guess the rest. This cycle then gets repeated multiple times and as a result people either are forced to use unfun strategies or just leave the game altogether.

    *I heavily disagree with this point, when my friend first started playing DBD and got curious about Killer I decided to set up a couple of 1v1 custom games and managed to teach him the basics of DBD and even a couple of advanced tricks, and even though he's not perfect he managed to climb up the ranks quickly and even when going up against stronger teams usually ended the game with a 2k. People without someone to play custom games with are the people with the most issues, but this game be solved by offering a better tutorial or improving on custom games with bots.

    Both sides have their fair share of issues that need solving, both sides will repeatedly get stupidly unfun games, but the reason why survivors stick around for longer is because they have friends to play with. With how people on both sides play this game and the nature of it, its a problem that is incredibly difficult to fix and with how the devs are will probably result in even more frustration if they try and fix it. But if they do some of the things you and I mentioned I do believe that DBD will improve on their queue times and overall improve the experience on both sides.

  • thrawn3054
    thrawn3054 Member Posts: 5,897

    Killer is hardly too easy. It is however the easiest it has ever been.

    I wish there was a sandbox mode. Something where you load a map and just experiment with the killers power.

  • th3
    th3 Member Posts: 1,846

    So nerfing legion so he actually has to play the game removed what made killer fun. lmfao.

  • gibblywibblywoo
    gibblywibblywoo Member Posts: 3,772

    If their first reaction to losing badly is to quit and not try and improve killer gameplay simply isn't for them.

  • MadLordJack
    MadLordJack Member Posts: 8,814

    Iron Will has always completely removed all breathing tracks the moment a survivor is injured.

    And yeah, I agree with the QoL buffs they've been giving some of the killers, but it's clear they haven't been enough to lure players to the killer side. So at this point they need to do some blanket changes that just make the killer experience overall more pleasant without being serious buffs. Kind of like what they did to PGTW for survivors - a 45 second window to use it isn't that big a deal, but it does make going against the perk feel a bit nicer.

  • MadLordJack
    MadLordJack Member Posts: 8,814

    You really are completely out of touch with the game that you play, aren't you?

  • Okapi
    Okapi Member Posts: 839
    edited May 2021

    I think we can just agree to disagree. I've never agreed with the notion that the game is survivor favored or killer favored, the game is balanced currently but people will NEVER admit to that because of their one sided entitlement or the fact that they just can't accept the fact that after they won 10 times in a row and lost a single match that the developers are X sided and only care about that one side.

    I too think the game is in its best balanced state. The issue with killer shortages is more of a unfun factor.

    One of the possible reasons why survivor queues are sometimes higher than killer queue times is matchmaking being matchmaking and pairing up people against more skilled people, resulting in frustration for that person.

    That's the thing MM is working as best it can with the imbalanced killer-survivor ratios. MM is meant to match a survivor with a killer with the same rank, but will expand the range of ranks +/-6. For SWF it uses the highest ranking survivor for MM. However if MM can't find a killer after a certain amount of time has past, it will put any killer within the lobby. The devs have made the gamble that players would rather have shorter queue times and imbalanced matches over longer queue times and balanced matches. It was probably the best choice in the short term, until they can make killer more attractive to others.

    And about the whole unfun factor, that happens to both sides, Killers get tbagged and clicky's while survivors spend 2 minutes in a game before being booted back or sit on hook as they watch their teammates selfcare in a corner and a killer who refuses to leave the area. Both sides deal with BS, however my guess as to why Killers get angrier is probably one of the reasons you mentioned, the fact that Killer is a solo experience and as such you can't hang out with your buddy to make the experience sweeter.

    Friends indeed do make things less bad.

    Optimization is a big problem in DBD, especially for consoles like the PS4, Switch, and Xbox 1. I won't argue, it's pretty dumb how BHVR still haven't optimized the game which causes huge issues for both sides, mainly for Killer recently.

    The devs have if I'm being honest done horrible on this file. The platforms you mentioned have huge imbalances in the survivor-killer ratio towards survivors. Before crossplay you could end up waiting upwards of 15-30 minutes as a survivor in both low and high rank extremes. Fixing this alone would be huuuuge.

    Talked about it earlier but its an issue that will probably never be solved because of how the game works, unless BHVR implement a 2v8 mode, but that will probably never happen with how slow they are to implement updates and how many problems are in the game. However, you don't need 4 other people to play Killer in custom games, I play custom games with 2 of my friends and the game works perfectly fine as long as we implement a couple of rules beforehand.

    They don't need to add a 2v8 mode, which would add even more balance headaches when the solo-SWF gap hasn't even been closed. One idea would be to allow groups to specate one of their members play killer in a live match. So you get the social factor when playing killer. Maybe add role BP bonuses for when one side is not being played much. Imagine if all these 3 and 4 person SWF groups spectated a member play killer every 3 or 4 matches. Would cut down on survivor wait times a bit. I doubt it would do much (going by the limited effect of lootbox role rewards in OW), but it'd help a bit.

    As for playing custom games, they will never fill the role of playing real matches, because they do nothing for the grind.

    *The Gen/Kill rush meta is something that will probably never be solved due to the nature of the game and its players. For example, a survivor looking for a casual experience repeatedly gets tunneled, camped, and slugged and learns quickly that they need to stick on gens and be extremely efficient, or they'll get sacrificed. Then that same survivor goes up against a killer, and during the match the killer who was looking for a fun casual experience quickly gets destroyed and suffers a defeat. That Killer then learns that in order to stand a chance, they'll need to camp, tunnel, and slug. Then that killer encounters a survivor who is looking for a casual experience, and you can guess the rest. This cycle then gets repeated multiple times and as a result people either are forced to use unfun strategies or just leave the game altogether.

    Hard disagree. The solution to the gen/kill rush meta is to finally give solos QOL buffs to allow them to match SWF in terms of info and coordination. Here's what they could do:

    • Totem counter in the hud
    • The survivor portairt glows with a special effect when the killier is camping them
    • Action status (gen repair, cleansing totem, chests) for all survivors in their UIs
    • Chase indicators for all survivors in the hud
    • Allowing survivors to see whose in a group in the lobby
    • Allowing solos and 2 man SWF to join an other group
    • In game voice chat for SWF groups of crossplay players

    Then you can radically change how generators work. Have it so their base time is increased to 100 seconds, but now their are gen parts or gas cans hidden around the map. Installing one of these parts lowers the base time to repair a gen by 40 seconds. There is 1 part for every gen.This would encourage survivors to exlpore the map more, then just camp gens, and be rewarded with 60 second gens. But in doing so they allow the killer more chances to get into chases with survivors. A win-win for both sides.

    As for slugging, all survivors should have a base ability to lift themselves up when downed. But have it so they can only use it 3 times. As of right now, slugging is hell for solos but still manageable with SWF. This would equalize it somewhat.

    Tunneling can be addressed by the camping indicator I mentioned and a new base survivor mechanic: Survivors can hold there breath for a few seconds to not make any injured or healthy running noises. Once the 5-10 seconds are up, the ability goes on a 30? second cooldown and they let out a loudish gasp of air. Would allow unhooked surivvors an easier time to avoid tunneling killers and add more depth to a chase by making jukes and mindgames more possible for survivors. Iron Will would have to be changed, but that's for the good as it's a problematic perk anyways. One of the games many band-aid perk that were created to solve an issue (tunneling killers) that should have been solved through core gameplay mechanics.

    I heavily disagree with this point, when my friend first started playing DBD and got curious about Killer I decided to set up a couple of 1v1 custom games and managed to teach him the basics of DBD and even a couple of advanced tricks, and even though he's not perfect he managed to climb up the ranks quickly and even when going up against stronger teams usually ended the game with a 2k. People without someone to play custom games with are the people with the most issues, but this game be solved by offering a better tutorial or improving on custom games with bots.

    1v1 or 1v2 or custom game matches will never match the fun factor of a live match with 5 people. Hence why most ignore custom games. They usually don't have enough people to play a full match and even if they did, there is no reward to do so. The grind in this game is something else and custom games do nothing in a player's struggle to defeat it.

    I agree on your points of adding bots, like how it is in mobile, and a better tutorial. Which is also vastly improved on mobile funny enough. Mboile is on a unrelated note also more optimized and has done things to adress the grind. Funny that.

    An idea I had for custom games was adding a custom game browser. Like what OW and Halo: MCC has. So players could create a lobby with a unique name/ruleset and others could join it. So someone learning to play Huntress could create a lobby called "Practising Huntress Shots" and strangers could chose to help them out.

    Both sides have their fair share of issues that need solving, both sides will repeatedly get stupidly unfun games, but the reason why survivors stick around for longer is because they have friends to play with. With how people on both sides play this game and the nature of it, its a problem that is incredibly difficult to fix and with how the devs are will probably result in even more frustration if they try and fix it. But if they do some of the things you and I mentioned I do believe that DBD will improve on their queue times and overall improve the experience on both sides.

    I hope so too. The 5th anniversary would be a great time for anything more some much needed news on the this front and other pressing issues like the solo-SWF gap and the awful grind. DBD has been getting better with each year since the Clown chapter marked the begining of the end of the disastrous first 2 years imbalance. So here's to another year of improvements!

    Post edited by Okapi on
  • Danro86
    Danro86 Member Posts: 2

    Survivors are OP, remove the exit gates and hatches please.

  • MrPenguin
    MrPenguin Member Posts: 2,426
    edited May 2021

    Just because they've been nerfing survivors doesn't mean its balanced now. Putting power in terms of a number for an example: If survivor was a 50 and killer was a 10, and now survivor is 30 but killer is 15, you could say "well they've nerfed survivors and buffed killers what more do you want?". However, the game is still survivor favored.

    Now whether you agree with that or not is up to you, but people just saying "well survivor has been nerfed, killer buffed" doesn't mean the situation is where it should be.

    Warning, my opinions start here:

    Is it better? yes. Is it good? Imo no, the game still favors survivors a lot from my experience playing both sides. Not always, but more often than not.

    I've actually been playing exclusively survivor for a while now. Are the que times long af, yes. Will I wait rather than play killer, also yes (or I just play another game).

    Why would I stress about killer things when I can just kick back, hold M1, loop decently and still do well because of gen speeds and general map/game design being in the survivors favor (usually). The biggest contributing factor to survivor losses in most of my lost games is not even the killer, its having a potato on my team.

    The survivor team wins by default and needs to really screw up or have a weak link for most of the killer roster to stand a chance. Killers Like Nurse and Spirit are a different story, but most of the roster starts in a losing position and can't do too much without the survivors messing up first just to get the opportunity to potentially change it.

    It's just not fun nor fair to play killer in these conditions to me, and apparently a lot of others. Hence long survivor ques because of the lack of killer players. It might be different for some regions/people but my lobbies are at least 10+ minuets usually.

    Post edited by MrPenguin on
  • Talmeer
    Talmeer Member Posts: 1,520
    edited May 2021

    Legion needed always "to play the game". If you think, you are so much more skilled, just because you are able to press m1 if you stay for a generator, then let me say - you aren't.

    Why is it so hard to accept for some survivor mains, that everything and I mean ->everything<- has its fans in dbd and everywhere else?

    Of course, there are also people who dislike certain things. Everybody does this, but the same counts also for likings, or do you always only like what your friends have before approve for you (or maybe streamers)? Well, that is boring in my opinion, but what works for you, works for you.

    Some people, as example, love it to face the nurse, or ghostface, or the huntress, while others would love to dc as soon, as they see them and that is the nature of multiplayer games.

    Multiplayer games are not singleplayer games. A multiplayer game need to make many people happy, while a singleplayer doesn't.

    If you dislike rpg's as example, you just don't buy the next single player rpg and instead the next 3d action shooter, but in multiplayer games need all those guys coming together. At least if you want that the multiplayer game stays healthy and starts to be maybe even more successful as before.

    And what you see since years with dbd is that the devs always cater to the same audience. That is on one hand the reason why dbd is so stable, but on the other hand also the reason why there are not more active players (active aka. playing the game and not just bought the game to let it go moldy in the steam lib).

    If you defend this, then you are part of the problem, not of the solution, imo and you defend this everytime, you go in a nerf thread and support drastical changes that change something to what it wasn't before (that counts not only for the Legion, it counts also for every killer that gots his basekit drastically changed in the past and in the future).

    Edit: And the reason for that is, because the team by bhvr who designs the new killers does good, while the guys who later balance the killers often revert their changes. If they taking something with a unique basekit out, as example, just so that the killer is better loopable - or similar things - the danger is always that people leaving.

    Multiple patches and reworks of the past have shown this.

    With this I don't want to support unbeatable killers, but the balancing need to be done on a other way, without ruining the basekit of a killer.

  • sesawyer3127
    sesawyer3127 Member Posts: 342

    This strange as all I ever see is rank 1 prestige killer mains almost every single night in almost every match

  • NotACompPlayer
    NotACompPlayer Member Posts: 193

    broken english: checked

    1 sided argument: checked

    2010 xbox live name: checked

    you're 13 and have around 100h in the game don't you?

  • th3
    th3 Member Posts: 1,846

    If you can't see the point I had then why bother responding to me. Bhvr can't just balance around the fun for just killer mains. They have to do it for both sides and Legion was a prime example of this since he literally removed any gameplay option for the other side with how abusive his power was. However, it does seem like they have done a somewhat decent job since but could do better in certain areas.

  • Talmeer
    Talmeer Member Posts: 1,520
    edited May 2021

    I guess we have the same mindset basically, after your posting. Everyone back in the day wanted to have a change, besides a few people, but the change we wanted, had gone too far (with we I mean the killer mains and some survivor mains).

    This is a bit like the hillbilly situation if I can trust the billy mains. They also had saw the need of a change, but the change they thought would never come. Instead it has gone too far, again.

    I can't say much to hillbilly, since he never was a killer that attracted me, but by the Legion would only be tiny changes necessary, to bring the fun for the players back and I have the strong opinion that this should be possible for this very reason.

    Every killer and also the survivors should things have, just for fun. Because I think on this way, I have also never participate in survivor nerf threads.

    Yeah, some survivor abilities were annoying for me, like the click-click-click-click.......... flashlight users, but if I have my fun, who I am to denie it another one?

    Imo, the people need to be more relaxed a bit and accept that this is a multiplayer game. Some things make fun, others not. Keeping both in the game brings more player to the game. Nerfing some of those things brings only stagnation. Especially if those nerfs come out without listening to the community, where the Legion rework a prime example for was. Because to that time, nobody wanted to see such a nerf, besides a very small crowd of people.

    The most people wanted a change, but not this change. I hope that bhvr finally stops 1 day to listen to the wrong people that just cry for nerfs, because of the lulz. They should listen to the people who think before they ask for something like that.