Less and less participation of developers in the forum.

KiolL Member Posts: 46

II am not one of those who constantly post here (I do it a lot more in the Steam forums), but I am a recurring reader here, and I see less and less developers participate in different topics lately.

I'm wrong?

One of the things that I liked most about this forum was that they participated and gave their opinions and were quite connected with their community through this forum.

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  • sulaiman
    sulaiman Member Posts: 3,219

    A lot of the player base looks at the game just from their perspective, and they give a lot of bad comments about any changes not fitting their point of view.

    Like, a lot of players ignore the stealth aspect, because they dont like it. the devs, however, have to take that into account.

    The main problem, however, is self made. I dont think you can balance the game around swf and solo players at the same time, but the devs refrain from seperating the two into different queues with different balancing to make the matchups fair either way.

    Also, in some aspects, like matchmaking, i simply dont think the devs have any idea how to make it work properly. So yeah, i would avoid the forums too.

  • ShamelessPigMain
    ShamelessPigMain Member Posts: 1,877

    1) This community is plain awful, I would quit, set my house on fire, and move to a southeast Asian country where nobody talks to me if I were in the developers' shoes. Their therapist probably recommended they stay away.

    2) They have jobs to do and a chapter to work on.

  • Pulsar
    Pulsar Member Posts: 20,775

    I miss them.

  • Talmeer
    Talmeer Member Posts: 1,520

    If the devs stay away from this froum, they will feel more and more anger towards them. That has nothing to do with the devs on the first place. It is just always like that, if people leaving a place for a longer time, others start to turn against them. That can you see in rl, like also here in the internet.

    If they want to have a good connection with the community, they should talk with them and give them the feeling, that they value their community. The whole community. Not only the part of it that is ok with their point of view.

    Also they should discuss with the people. And I mean discuss. Not putting one comment in a thread and then move away like they have done it in the past, many times. A real talk is more as 1 line towards a person. It's multiple lines between two or more persons, hm? Aka. multiple postings.

    And if they talking with someone, they disagree with, they should respect his/her opinion and maybe think about it, if the person gives constructive feedback and starts not to insult etc.

    Never forget, that there are also developer channels out there, that are different. There are the people friendly, even if the devs not always have their opinions, but there the devs talk also with the community and they sometimes do for what their communitys are asking.

    The dev reaktion from bhvr is usually that they sit the "storm" out and hope for the best. Needless to say, it makes things worse over time, even if it helps them out for the moment.

  • C_Frank
    C_Frank Member Posts: 179

    The problem is not that they participate but that they listen. Luckily these last patches have been heard and there are changes that are beneficial to the game. For now the keys are on hold. Tunneling and maps are pending.

  • Aven_Fallen
    Aven_Fallen Member Posts: 16,064

    Basically this.

    The Devs use the Forums in their freetime. I would not give my freetime to get ######### on by people who understand less in regards to gamedesign than the Devs.