Any advice for multi-tasker achievement?
I've found this achievement to be really frustrating. I've tried a few builds with this but haven't gotten a single down towards this (this is the achiev where you need to down 30 survivors while carrying another survivor). I've been trying it on Trapper with Agitation, iron grasp, mad grit, and starstruck. I've tried a few builds switching out one of the perks with hangman's trick. Neither of these seems to be working. Has anyone been able to get this with another killer or different build?
I did it with Agitation, Iron Grasp, Starstruck, and Lightborn. I totally meme'd around, my one goal was to have lobbies with flashlights in them and then bait someone to go for a flashlight save as I picked up a downed survivor. It's fun and feels satisfying when it works, but it's totally throwing the match just to pull off a silly prank. I got the achievement doing it, though.
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I think I got this achievement without realizing it. It wasn't something I was actively striving for. It just sort of happened while I was playing the game.