Doctors who only 3 Gen.

I enjoy playing as doctor sometimes. He's good for a laugh and actually fun to play. Going against doctors isn't much of an issue for me either. If I get outplayed, I give them props and move on. I've recently run into a handful of doctor players that seem to refuse to leave their 3 Gen from the very start of the match. They wouldn't chase anyone, they would just patrol the 3 gen they found and do nothing else.
I'm not saying you CAN'T do this, I understand it is a viable strat. I just, it partially feels like holding the game hostage, but it's also just boring af.
I know I don't get to dictate how others enjoy the game, it's just very VERY boring and frustrating to go against. If I had a swf it might be easier but I am almost always a solo Q player.
Anybody else have similar experiences? Maybe some insight to help me understand how this might be enjoyable for the killer? Maybe just a different perspective? I appreciate any feedback :)
Any killer can 3-gen. Most just don't do it because it's a long and slow win. Camping is generally faster to a win with nearly as much success rate.
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I'm almost convinced the absolutely determined 3 gen puppyguarding doctors do it out of the psychopathic thrill of being able to """play the game""" and be able to drive the survivors to madness out of sheer boredom for as long as possible all at once, but
it's a strategy, I guess?
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I mean if the killer refuses to do anything all game you guys could just go to him and end it so I'd say your both holding it hostage at that point.
I'm curious how long did both sides sit around doing nothing before one side gave in?
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I had the game against good Doc with 3 gened situation a half a year ago on Saloon. (One generator was nearby to the windmill, 2nd one was btw the windmill and the shack and the last one was on the backyard. All of these gens probably have
826 (at least) meters distance between each other)He was using add-on that makes area of shock therapy to 24m beam. And he also had "Impossible skill checks" build. 20 minutes me and my teammates were trying to repair the last generator. We all tried to repair separate gens too and still didn't succeed. We're starting to lose patience and be more greedy for gens and he slugged us after all.
What he only did in these 20 minutes was shocking the area where gens are and using blast per 60 seconds (spamming it)
I love Doctor but the situation like these, make the game to be hostage simulator lol
Post edited by Woodywool on2 -
Hey man I appreciate the struggle, but you really do gotta learn not to phrase it in such a hilariously bitter way.
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It's called control. As a Doctor main I generally safeguard the 4 gens closest to one another. I force the survivors away from those gens through madness and hooking. I use this strategy almost exclusively on Doctor - because that's what he is good at. He is not the fastest killer and doesn't have any increased map mobility like Spirit, Blight, Billy, Hag, etc.. he is only an m1 killer. The Doctor's "trick" is control.
I started playing Doctor the day he was released and have mained him since then. Do my Doctor matches take longer than when I play Huntress, Plague, or Hag - absolutely. I also almost always get way more bloodpoints from each match I play Doctor - as do the survivors. I don't get 4ks at 4-5 gens, but I get plenty of 4ks at 0-2 gens :)
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You can tell me how to play when you stop using all the second chance perk that correct your mistakes. I don't find that fun. I find it both boring and frustrating.
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Oh please - as if killer's don't have second chance perks as well - ahem NOED - Blood Warden - No Way Out.
Just keeping it real. I am a 50/50 player and not some survivor or killer "main."
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You do know it's impossible to "be smart" about gens if the killer is camping them from the start, right? There's no fundemental difference between the killer defending, say, one side of Azarovs at the beginning of the trial as opposed at the end of it. The gameplay is identical. So it comes down to whether or not you want to deal with it at the beginning or the end.
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Blood warden it's a bad perk, and it require hooking a survivor at the end game, noed it's the only things remotely near a second chance perk and no way out, it's just 20 second, most of the time when I arrive at the exit gate as a survivor the effect it's already off
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3 genning is always on the survivors side. If you don´t see that the killer is guarding a certain area, than thats on your team.
Killer can´t force you to do gens on the other side of the map.
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Killers with low map pressure can have literally 0% chance to win against coordinated teams on larger maps unless they resort to tactics such as camping, 3 genning and tunnelling. They simply cannot get around the map fast enough to stop the gens being completed.
A killer who is defending his 3 gen is most likely actively going out his way to avoid camping or tunnelling by adopting a much less frowned upon strategy. Fair play to them I say.
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I really don't know what it is with you being so pointlessly hateful towards a side of the game but it's getting tiring, no? You could be trying to enjoy the game or taking a break if you hate it so much but you're using it to shout "survivor bad" on the forums?
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You may consider Blood Warden a bad perk - doesn't mean it's not a 2nd chance perk. And FYI No Way Out can last up to 42 seconds.
Just because YOU don't like a perk doesn't change the fact that they are second chance perks for killers.
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Not taking sides here but... No Way Out?
That's more of an endgame slowdown perk, not a second chance perk. I understand NOED but although BW is a second chance perk it's pretty mediocre anyway.
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Well good keep camping while I get Gene's done 🤤
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Just do the gens 4head
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Thank the lord I use calm spirit
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That's why one is the distraction while the others double team a gen. Just keep hoping on his gene so he'll go for you while the others do another
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The last 3-gen Doctor I've seen was years ago, way before his rework.
And I don't think it is a problem, just a strategy.
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Pretty much any 3-gen can be overcome. Y'all just need to push the furthest 2, push hard if the killer commits to someone, and heal and come back after getting injured.
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I don't think anything needs to be done about it, but yeah doc 3 gens are brutal, moreso than the rest of the killers. 3 gens get boring as killer imo, got stuck in a demo match for like 15-20 mins because I had all the gens monitored with portals and I kept messing up in chase.
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They do it because that strategy will carry them into purple ranks until they start to run into solos with game sense or SWFs who can blast 3 gens with Prove Thyself. Eventually the training wheels will have to come off and they'll have to learn things like chasing, patrolling, etc, but killers can get by for a while on basic 3 gen strats. They'll just get absolutely bullied by good teams if they try that.
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There actually situations where doctors can make it impossible to finish gens.
I think if it last longer then 20-30 minutes it falls into the category simular to survivors hiding when there are 2 left and can be seen as holding the game hostage.
Does probably require video evidence to show he didn't try to chase at all and such but yeah
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Had a Leatherface do that a few months ago. You need good teammates to break the strategy. Basically, 2 people get on opposite gens and run very early as the killer approaches, outdoor maps or spine chill help a lot here. Unfortunately, it becomes a grinding game and you need to beat him by coordinating assaults.
As a killer, I don't do 3 gens unless I am handed one by the survivors bc I find it boring as hell.
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First of all it's not just me, 90% of the community know that this perk are bad, like really bad, plus they're not as impactfull as the survivor second chance perk.
This perk at best do something, at worst are pretty ######### worthless, blood warden need so much work behind to do something that is so depressing that literally make me want to use huntress lullaby instead of this.
And no way out it's a perk design to make the end game less painful, when it's a close call between killer and survivor (for example, you hooked one person, no way out does almost nothing for you) because if you could hook every individual survivor it means that you was doing not too badly, and even at his best, no way out its still a mediocre perk that often don't do anything.
You can't compare this perk to things like Unbreakable or ds, or adrenaline that can literally win games with they're own existent, and since the work you have to put on them, they're not second chance
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With the exception of NOED, which shouldn't exist IMO, the other ones you mentioned all have to be earned.
What do you do to earn Dead Hard? DS? BT? Unbreakable?
Argue with someone you can beat. Sit down.
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DS is only a second chance perk if YOU the killer decide to go after the unhooked survivor. I couldn't tell you the last time I had DS used on me even BEFORE the rework. If you are getting DS - that's a situation you put yourself in the majority of the time as killer. Otherwise DS is just a waste of a perk slot so long as the killer doesn't tunnel. I don't need to tunnel to get 3-4ks on killer when I play: Doctor, Huntress, Plague, and Hag are my main killers I play.
Unbreakable - uhhh don't slug. Tada - another wasted perk slot.
As a survivor I know how to counter things like Blood Warden - someone is down - don't open gate until they are on hook - tada I just wasted your perk. Same goes with killers - Don't wanna be DS or have a survivor use UB - don't tunnel and slug - tada you just wasted their perks.
Acting like & saying survivors are the only ones with second chance perks - is a blatant lie. When you post with "main" bias it shows and makes those of us who can look at things objectively just roll our eyes at your hyperbole.
90% of the community - please stop making up BS statistics. #1 The forums ARE NOT a representation of the community as a whole. #2 There has been NO poll for the ACTUAL community on these perks. Pulling numbers out of your butt is just another hyperbolic move and does nothing to validate your statement - it does however make you look silly when you start to speak for 90% of the community without merit.
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Dead Hard cannot be used on a healthy survivor unlike: Balanced Landing, Smash Hit, Lithe, or Sprint Burst. There is a condition which must be met for all exhaustion perks.
DS is completely under the killer's control - especially after the rework. If you get DS'd that means you CHOSE to tunnel someone who just got off the hook and has done NOTHING to advance the game.
BT - especially with the killer near the hook is putting yourself in danger of either getting hit or downed.
Unbreakable - Again this is the killer's choice to slug. Otherwise this perk is useless.
Your problem is you think I am "arguing" - I am stating facts. I don't need to "argue" especially on an online forum (LOL), but I also have no desire to watch "mains" on these forums - either side - misrepresent facts. Look at my post history - I do not take sides - I reply with logic and facts because frankly these forums lack such traits in a lot of the threads.
As far as NOED - that is the survivor's fault - and just like UB and DS - is avoidable by making the choice to cleanse totems. Do I respect NOED users - not when they get 0-1k before NOED and then end up with 3-4k due to NOED, BUT again I still blame the survivors for being lazy and only focusing on one objective. See there - I can be objective on both sides - just wish more people were the same instead of babbling on with their bias, vitriol, and hyperbole.
I'll keep standing...thanks.
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3 gens are only strong if some people are already dead. There is no way 4 healthy survivors cannot break any 3 gen held by any killer.
Sure, doctor can be annoying and make it difficult, but after extra few minutes the one of the gens is done 9 out of 10 times.
If one or 2 survivors are already dead, well then thats gg I guess
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Dead hard cannot be used on a healthy survivor. AKA - it's a reward for being hit, aka, a reward for failure.
You've presented no argument to counter what I've said. None of it comes with earning potential, and survivors who use dead hard are awful.
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Fair enough :) I appreciate your experience and perspective on this type of scenario! Thank you :D
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See, this is where solo Q is my biggest issue. That's why made sure to point out that I'd probably have an easier time with this if I was in a SWF.
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I agree with that for the most part, however, these doctors started the game at a 3 gen and didn't leave it. They didn't know our skill level as they never gave chase for long.
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Definitely need to write that one down...such wisdom I can gain from asssblasster625. That name screams experience and knowledge.
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Doctor is a tough 3 gen for me too - moreso than some of the other Killers because of his awareness abilities. Some of how you counter that is the luck of having aware teammates but if you can wrangle everyone together it's fairly easy (albeit tedious and slow) to just work in opposition of his pattern.
What I tend to do is bait one of his three gens. Run up, tap it, back away, etc. If you can convince him that you really want that gen there's a chance he'll just focus on guarding that specific one while the rest of your team can tackle the others. It doesn't always work but at least if you die you're out of the match which was going to take awhile anyways! 😃
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Lol just this game I had a group of survivors that 3 gen'd themselves in the elementary school. They were super salty about losing. Cause as wraith I just kept on walking back and forth smacking them. Eventually one of them found a key. The games last for 10 more minutes till one of them died. And the last three tried so hard to body block the one guy as they looked for the hatch. Though I got the 4k in the end.
Funny thing was I didn't try to 3 gen them. They 3 gen'd themselves.
I just wanted to share this story cause right after that I had another accidental 3 gen and I finally got rank 1 today :D
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So its somehow the survivors fault he parked his butt on the 3 gen the moment the game loaded in?
Please explain how dealing with a 3 gen at 5 gens is any different to dealing with it at 1 gen.
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I see what you are saying but just let me ask you this. What if just hypothetically the killer instantly headed to the 3 closest gens at the start of the game and sat there... now what?
Can you please tell me how this is the survivors fault? Either way you are dealing with a 3 gen with ir without the other 4 gens being completed.
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Solo players don't have the magical 5th perk of coms so they can't tell each other to not go near the doctor, likewise the other 3 survivors may not even know the doc is doing this and will inevitably waste pallets or go down around the 3 gen he is protecting. The doc has good anti loop if you know how to use it.
Doctor is different in a 3 gen situation because of the madness preventing you doing gens and wasting the survivors time recovering from it allowing the generators to regress more than a normal killer. These games can literally go for an hour if the generators are close enough and the doc has the correct addons.
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I enjoy playing as doctor sometimes. He's good for a laugh and actually fun to play. Going against doctors isn't much of an issue for me either. If I get outplayed, I give them props and move on.
I don't like playing as the doctor at all, he is too weak. He is fun to play vs though, I agree with that.
I've recently run into a handful of doctor players that seem to refuse to leave their 3 Gen from the very start of the match. They wouldn't chase anyone, they would just patrol the 3 gen they found and do nothing else.
You don't three gen with doctor, that is something absurd. If everyone just spread out and does gens, its game over. Hell you only need two survivors that constantly pressure gens in this situation really.
I'm not saying you CAN'T do this, I understand it is a viable strat. I just, it partially feels like holding the game hostage, but it's also just boring af.
I disagree completely, while you can do it I don't find it viable at all. You are talking about a M1 killer who's power is used for limited pallet/window disabling that is easy to counter and for information.
I know I don't get to dictate how others enjoy the game, it's just very VERY boring and frustrating to go against. If I had a swf it might be easier but I am almost always a solo Q player.
You don't even need a SWF, but if you had one assuming you guys are average, no just ok, then you guys would crush the doctor. Least you should.
Anybody else have similar experiences? Maybe some insight to help me understand how this might be enjoyable for the killer? Maybe just a different perspective? I appreciate any feedback :)
Nope, never get 3 gen doctors because thats just a bad idea, I have gotten three gen hags which can actually be a issue but it has its counter play too but because its not the killer you said I won't talk about it.
Well, if he is just controlling gens and for some reason you all are not pressuring the gens then how wouldn't it be enjoyable for him? He is just playing the game.
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DS is only a second chance perk if YOU the killer decide to go after the unhooked survivor.
So then it is by definition a second chance perk? Does it give a second change? Yes? Then clearly it IS a second chance perk and your attitude with this is odd considering how demonstrably wrong you would have to be to think otherwise. Regardless of if you get the second life or not out of a perk doesn't matter.
That is like saying you didn't get any use out of Corrupt Intervention so its not a gen perk.
I couldn't tell you the last time I had DS used on me even BEFORE the rework.
Cool, couldn't care less because thats not common at all and you are in the rare amount of players. This is just a anecdotal fallacy really.
If you are getting DS - that's a situation you put yourself in the majority of the time as killer.
This is news to me, what about if all the gens are getting popped and you are vsing a bully squad so you have no chance to kill anyone unless you tunnel?
What about when you hook someone, and then they run off then you find them later but because the time hasn't been lost they jump into a locker and you couldn't find any other person to chase? Is it your fault now you have to eat DS, or waste time waiting?
These are just some situations.
Otherwise DS is just a waste of a perk slot so long as the killer doesn't tunnel.
AND isn't put into ANY SITUATION in which it is mandatory to capture the survivor, such as off hook at end game collapse, ect.
I don't need to tunnel to get 3-4ks on killer when I play: Doctor, Huntress, Plague, and Hag are my main killers I play.
Then you are never put into a situation in which you need too, you are incredibly lucky, or the survivors you play are not good.
Unbreakable - uhhh don't slug. Tada - another wasted perk slot.
Another second life situational perk that is meta that you think is bad. Your takes are so bad, what about the situation of last gen is getting popped but you have to down the person near you and slugg as the only method to gain any pressure?
What about if the survivors made a mistake you capitalized on that required you to slug?
Again, these are both clutch perks that stop plays the killer can make, even if they are justified in doing so.
As a survivor I know how to counter things like Blood Warden - someone is down - don't open gate until they are on hook - tada I just wasted your perk. Same goes with killers - Don't wanna be DS or have a survivor use UB - don't tunnel and slug - tada you just wasted their perks.
Not many people think Blood Warden is good, most run it as a filler perk for end game strats and that is it.
Acting like & saying survivors are the only ones with second chance perks - is a blatant lie. When you post with "main" bias it shows and makes those of us who can look at things objectively just roll our eyes at your hyperbole.
Killers do not have perks that outright give them a second chance in the game with no justification.
NOED can't even be used till end game, and Devour Hope requires hook and still can be destroyed at any point in the game before you even get its requirement, which are the only two perks at the top of my head that I could see you even argue this for.
90% of the community - please stop making up BS statistics.
I would agree with this.
#1 The forums ARE NOT a representation of the community as a whole.
Correct, however the more active community are on these social areas. The casual who plays once a week before he goes to work is most likely not getting on the board to argue for this game.
#2 There has been NO poll for the ACTUAL community on these perks.
This is the actual community here, as is anything that has to do officially with this game. Its not the entire community, but this is the actual community.
Pulling numbers out of your butt is just another hyperbolic move and does nothing to validate your statement - it does however make you look silly when you start to speak for 90% of the community without merit.
Yes, if there is no justification then this is true and I agree.
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You are 4 survivors. If he parked there, then just go as 3 or 4 man to a gen. Which takes a little over 30 seconds to complete. When he comes, everyone runs into a different direction. He can only chase one. The others complete that gen in just a few seconds. It takes him more time to pick someone up and walk to the hook.
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While Doctor is certainly more oppressive in a 3 gen scenario, he's still a low mobility M1 killer, who likely won't win if there's 3/4 survivors still alive at the last gen when they're spread out across the map.
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man.. your killers must be robots or something.
What if he doesn't chase? All he needs to do is put everyone in madness and just protect the gens until someone goes down repairing one or the survivors give up.
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His AOE has a cooldown. If he commits to a chase, the others do gens. If he doesn't commit to a chase, run back to the gen.
3 gens with 4 survivors alive is a guaranteed loss for the killer.
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So, what? I'm supposed to give Survivors the generators if they 3 Gen?
Oh, but I'd be called 'entitled' if I talked about a 3 Gen and said Survivors should just throw themselves at me.
So Killers can't slug, tunnel, camp, and are expected to give up if Survivors 3 Gen. While Survivors run 4 meta perks each, plus SWF with voice comms.
This forum is just Survivor mains trying to low-key (and not so low-key) shame Killers into never trying, ain't it?
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Your welcome. I try to bless you plebs with some of my infinite wisdom once a weeks