Most annoying killers to go against

I just wanna see what people think:
For me it's probably Freddy, Slinger and Clown
I have a strong distaste for Hag and Huntress. Those are the only two that really upsetti my spaghetti.
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I was gonna say huntress, but I hate these three so much more
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I absolutely despise going against Hag, Freddy, and Plague.
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Hag and Legion are both just annoying as hell
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You know, I like plaugguege, but I agree with hag, however I hate hag only because of the player playing her
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It's really how the killers are played, but I will say that specific killers attract a certain kind of player. And the killers that attract my least favorite kind of players are Bubba, Hag, and Ghostface.
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Leatherface and Trapper.
I dont hate the Trapper but Trapper is the only killer that I can think of that constantly makes me nervous, and for that reason I will add him to my list
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Hag Spirit Nurse Twins
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If its just annoying then definitely Nurse in an open area map. No LOS blockers and just open real estate for my cheeks :(
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Hag, Leatherface, Slinger Doctor.
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Hag players good, but god does Hag make me lose my mind.
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Huntress, bubba, a good spirit, trapper, a good nurse.
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Bubba nurse and huntress
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As a solo I find hag boring to play against, legion annoying and spirit is overpowered on her own but with strider it's just way to much.
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Bubba, Bubba and last but not least Bubba!
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Deathslinger by far. He's disgusting xd
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Sweet Jesus the moment I start hearing the terror radius music in the distance it gives me PTSD because I know this will be a horrible experience for everyone involved. You think you can deadhard through Viktor's leap ? Nah. You think you can drag Viktor and be a martyr so he doesn't chase anyone else ? Nah. You think you can unhook your team mate with BT and perhaps heal him ? Nah, Viktor is nearby and he is ready to ravage your eyeballs. You think dropping a pallet makes you safe against Viktor ? lmao nah. Oh look, Viktor missed the leap, better run up to him and kick him in the balls! Nevermind, he's already ready to tear you a new a**hole, you were late 1 second. You want to heal your slugged team mate ? That's cute, except there's a Viktor hiding in a bush nearby and he is now aware of your presence, I hope you have your helmet on you. What's that, Charlotte is blocking the entrance to the basement ? Well too bad. You hate laying on the ground for 5 minutes with the rest of the team ? Should have looped better /s
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Bubba and Spirit for me.
I tend to have a dislike for killers that have little or no counter-play. Bubba's only counter is a good window tile, which can be impossible to get to quite often. Spirit's only counter is herself, which isn't really a counter.
I'd argue Nurse is better than both in a chase, but Sally's power has discernible tells when used and gives me the feeling I can alter or delay my down. This is especially true with line of sight breakers on the map. I actually really like her design as an S tier killer - very strong, but still feels manageable to a degree even if one's efforts as a survivor aren't really fruitful vs a good one. Something I'd argue Spirit lacks.
Notable mention to Deathslinger, whose instant shots can be frustrating sometimes. Even he, though, is weak to line-of-sight breakers and gives me the same feeling that I can delay my down by early pallet slamming.
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I donโt want to get hated on or anything (especially since weโre talking about an exploit that console players canโt perform), but I find regular blights (those who donโt use jflicks) kind of annoying and boring to face, especially if their bump logic is really good, because i feel like thereโs not enough counterplay to it, and itโs usually less fun because itโs almost impossible to read the opponent, whereas a jflicking one can easily become a 50/50 once you understand he can perform them, and whoever can read the opponent the better wins the chase without contest. Iโd even argue that jflick blight is more balanced than regular one once you understand the counterplay. That said I can understand why people complain about them, as they are unintended and can only be performed on M&K.
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Mainly nurse and spirit
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Freddy, doctor and spirit.
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My top pick would be Deathslinger with M&A, STBFL and Recharge addons. I know it is very viable for him, but I hate having to go against it with a passion.
4-man slugging nurses with 5 gens to go is easily the second.
Third place goes to Hag (when camping hard) and PH (when tunneling hard).
Notable mention would be wraith, recently. With his (well-deserved) recent buffs, I find it hard to play against him currently. Might need some more practice against new wraith.
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Twins. Just delete the Twins at this point. Does anyone have anything good to say about this killer?
Runner up goes to Plague, who guarantees a short gen rush match where nobody earns any points and everyone leaves the match feeling grossed out and unsatisfied.
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Ghostface is definitely the worst. He always was, and he always will be.
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The slugging pair of killers. Everyone else is fine it's how you play the killer
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everyone leaves the match feeling grossed out
Intended pun?๐คข๐คฎ
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I'd definitely have to say Spirit, Huntress & Legion because they're so god damn annoying. Huntress has ridiculous hitboxes, Spirit needs a nerf & Legion won't ever leave you alone.
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Spirit, Bubba, and Huntress
Spirit because I honest to god think she is the only killer where her power is luck based, and with stridor its a power that literally is uncounterable
Bubba because every bubba uses Bamboozle
Huntress somehow every game hits me with a truck instead of a hatchet
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Mine would be Bubba, Huntress, and Ghostface.
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Wraith, Hag, and Nurse for me.
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its a tie between hag, deathslinger and clown for me
wraith can be up there if they have the hit and run build
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My list in order.
- Twins slugging machine.
- Freddy Just the fact that it looks like he has 5 foot arms.
- Legion some are annoying how they causes us to mend half the match.
- Hag camping machine.
- Wraith annoying especially in maps with low pallets, and windows.
- Huntress since it seems she has a hitbox the size of a house.
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Spirit and Billy.
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A truck though ๐๐
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Spirit, Hag, and deathslinger in that order.
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Doctor, only because of the constant screaming.
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Bubba only because all but a couple bubbas I've faced in the last few months have been insidious bubbas which gets super old.
Doctor can be annoying if you give him a 3 gen
Oni is rough because I feel like I am doomed after I get hooked once since my team never heals me shortly after unhook so I'm just bleeding everywhere. Sad times
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Spirit because oh no you had no clue what she was doing your fault get good
Freddy because his gameplay is boring
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Doctor, Hag, Nurse, Spirit, Freddy, Deathslinger, Bubba, and Twins.
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Spirit, Deathslinger and Pyramid Head, they feel quite "cheap" to play against since they don't have a direct counterplay.
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A smart Hag that commits to a 3 gen is the most boring killer in DBD history but imo Spirit is a close second. No real interaction other than hoping they're an idiot.
Deathslinger is another one. The counterplay is more or less "pray you get a map with tons of high walls and hope they don't have a crosshair". I also don't understand why Trickster has a Huntress style hum but Slinger doesn't.
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claudette with self care, worst killer imo cost so many games
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Spirit, Freddy, and the Twins.
Honorable mention to Huntress for her refrigerator sized hatchets.
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Wraith is climbing fast.
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Doctor only
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Huntress -- those fridges she throws annoy the **** out of me when I'm around a corner.
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Freddy purely for his awful swing hit boxes. Dude swipes his hand an inch in front of him and hits you from 5 feet away
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Freddy for his ability to load up with gen information perks and then teleport wherever he damn well pleases, Bubba because four out of every five Bubbas is the kind of player that actively enjoys generating salt, Spirit because I don't run Iron Will and I'm going to get guaranteed clapped unless she has no idea what she's doing, and Twins because I have had maybe three Twin games in my entire DBD career that didn't involve spending a third of the game on the ground.
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Blight on Authaven maps is literally the worst. I'd rather play stealth killers on indoor maps than play against him. He's supposed to of had his turning nerfed and still he's hitting 90 degree angles come out of a lunge.