Honestly I'm not even surprised anymore. J flicking is easier now.

Apparently you don't even need to change your DPI anymore, you can just flick a 180.
Honest question, does BHVR test any of their changes before pushing them to live? Do they even have a QA team, and if they do, like... what are they even getting paid for when stuff like this gets pushed to live when a single test would show that BHVR very clearly did not fix the problem.
Or hey, maybe they did and this is intended. Who knows at this point?
So keep J flicking to your hearts content, because who knows how long it will take BHVR to actually fix it. Along with the rest of the problems they said they fixed with blight then they actually made it worse.
HELL yeah
15 -
That... is what a call a pretty good job so far!
13 -
Not surprised, said they fixed pallets one patch and they didn’t. 5 year anniversary coming btw
17 -
I've been convinced for a long time now that bhvr does not test internally.
Or are extremely incompetent.
36 -
You've got to be kidding. Certian Blight mains still have the easy way of doing things? Come on
15 -
"Don't get used to it"
doesn't #########' fix it
39 -
Well unless they cap the DPI very very strictly people can just swing their mouses faster and keep doing this. They need to cap the turning angle and it would be fixed.
0 -
outplayed by McCoathanger yet again
1 -
To be honest I can't really say I'm surprised they didn't fix it
0 -
Can you show me a clip?
I tried to do something similiar but it doesn't seem to be possible.
Definetely not as clean as in the video
3 -
Lmao anyone who thinks what you can do now is a jflick is just showing that they really didn't understand the jflick before and they STILL don't now.
You can turn just as much now without using the jflick as you could before the update, just goes to show how so many people didn't realize that not all flicks are j flicks. It is INTENDED for blight to be able to flick after a rush the ONLY thing that has changed is that you cannot do instant 180s.
2 of the biggest reasons people argued for removal was that 1) it was an "exploit" becuase it was unintended. which is completly meaningless, plenty of mechanics in games are created on accident, including a large amount of DBD's. The other being that it wasn't possible on controller.
While I don't play with a controller, I see people saying its possible there now AND they have removed the unintended turning behavior.
Just goes to show that the whole "it's an exploit and it's not possible on console" argument was a facade for "I am bad at the game and am not interested in learning how to play better"
10 -
"Do they even have a Q&A team?
No, they don't need one because we work for free -.-
3 -
(for legal reasons and for having 1 body character too short this is a joke)
1 -
What, you think one problem doesn't mean another exists?
5 -
At this point I'm not even surprised. Is it really that hard to set a maximum turn distance when swinging during a lethal rush? Better yet, to test things?
13 -
Wait what? You actually want the devs to test things out to see if things work? What are you talking?
Don't be crazy
9 -
They literally did. The video in the OP is an intentional amount of turning. Mclean described how it works on his stream
When you swing with a lethal rush your movement vector is instantly turned to your camera direction vector
This means it's INTENTIONAL to have "double dip" turning where your first turn your camera as far as possible, then swing and continue to turn more during the swing.
What was unintentional is that a sufficiently high sensitivity input device was capable of turning basically any amount BEFORE going for a swing thus giving instant turns to any direction, this however has been PATCHED and what remains is completely intentional.
5 -
Also wait how is it easier
0 -
You never needed a high dpi to do the flick, I'm also a Blight main and I'm always playing with 1300, it's easier to control where you're going to launch yourself. I've made a very detailed post about j-flick and how it can be done by anyone with a M&K, but the mods deleted.
0 -
Oh god I literally just j-flicked by accident in a loop and got the hit on the Bill. What the hell is this lmao
2 -
I think the problem lies in players who aren't keen to very obvious counter-plays to very obviously countable killer mechanics.
1 -
Arent the ptbs them testing things?
0 -
I think its increatibly stupid for a killer to get countered by standing in certain positions where you physically can't hit the survivor due to restrictions. At least Blight is S-tier now and the difference between good blight that uses his power at loops and a bad blight is night and day. they said they were going remove the 5000 DPI that enables Jflicking. they never said they were going to remove flicking itself. now everyone is playing the same version of blight instead of two different versions.
7 -
Especially one that doesn't one shot I can get oni and Billy because one shots
0 -
The PTBs are us testing things. Not them.
0 -
They couldnt fix Spirit sound problems since a year and its still there so ye I am not suprised either.
0 -
No its for marketing and hyping up the upcoming chapter
1 -
We fixed the exploit of blight j-flicking. It is now a feature
9 -
It was clear to me they don’t test things when they released a update that almost broke ps4. Oh & when they lied and said pallets were fixed..
2 -
I really think it's funny when people here say that J Flick was fair because survivors shouldn't be invulnerable by standing in certain positions.
I find it funny because an important part of this game is knowing when you should and when you shouldn't use your power, next thing you know, someone will find a way to curve hatchets around corners and people will say it's fair because Huntress can't use hatchets around small loops.
13 -
Pretty good job so far. KEKW
0 -
“ KiLlER goOD SuVRiouR BaD “ .... is what these same nerds say
2 -
Played several gsmes of Blight earlier. Msybe im not doing it right but the turning felt normal if not a little slower.
0 -
I am just gonna put this here.....
11 -
So it's intentional?
0 -
I love this game so much yet I find the devs absolutely insufferable I just can't bear any one of them
2 -
So 360 degree Blight is Blight working as intended? Kek.
1 -
I still can't believe people complain about blight before Oni, he can J flick easier and his power is a one shot.
1 -
After the 4th year's bugged anniversary cake offering that took weeks to Behaviour fix it, nothing impresses me anymore. Really.
0 -
Wth is malding?
0 -
Mad and balding. So tilted your hair is falling out
My guess is no but they cba trying to fix anything else blight-related anymore. Goodbye exploit hello feature 😄
1 -
I think it's something like being triggered/mad
0 -
Okay, thanks.
0 -
Really unprofessional way of handling communication with your customers. They can say one of two words: intentional/unintentional. It's not that complicated.
Imagine if you heard a weird sound after getting your car serviced and the technician told you "you're free to speculate". After getting your money.
5 -
I mean while im hoping they streamline the process or hope they finally get someone at the front and center being able to actually answer things, ndas just be like that.
0 -
According to one of the devs on discord from what I have seen posted on twitter (@GoodBoyKaru if you find the picture I would be grateful cause both my laptop and phone are almost dead), he stated that this was intentional, but imo don't expect it to stay
0 -
I gotchu
0 -
So maybe I'm stupid but...######### does this mean exactly? I mean if they intended to stop blight from doing 180 or 360s during rush they clearly failed.
2 -
I have absolutely zero clue.
0 -
I don't understand the complaints.
Blight flicking 90 per frame is intentional, always has been and is now working.
So his 180 in 2 frames should be also intentional from the Devs.
His 180 in one frame was an exploit and it's fixed now.