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What killer and survivor would most likely trade sides?

IWasLeft2Die Member Posts: 2,405

I was just wondering who people thought would be most likely to trade sides if they were given a chance and what is your reasoning behind both.


  • Phasmamain
    Phasmamain Member Posts: 11,521

    Yun Jin and deathslinger

    Yun Jin just wants her career back. She doesn’t care how

    Deathslinger just wanted revenge on those who wronged him. Nothing more

  • IWasLeft2Die
    IWasLeft2Die Member Posts: 2,405

    Granted I still don't know all of the lore of each person all in depth

    Survivor change to killer- David King from what I've read he seems to be the most combative out of all the survivors and takes genuine joy out of hurting others which leads me to think he would more likely be a killer than many survivors

    Killer change to survivor- hillbilly

    He seems to be more motivated in self preservation and i attribute his violence more to his upbringing

  • Alice_pbg
    Alice_pbg Member Posts: 6,480

    Yun Jin and Plague (granted, I haven't seen her archive story yet...maybe it would change my mind)

  • Laluzi
    Laluzi Member Posts: 5,553
    edited May 2021

    There's a few.

    Survivors: Yun-Jin Lee is ruthless and will throw others under the bus for her own self-benefit; I could see that going the same way Talbot Grimes did. As she is now, she'd be the most likely to defect if given a chance - she's not loyal to anyone and becoming a killer would involve much less pain and a way to get on better footing to take revenge on Ji-Woon. She'd absolutely take that deal.

    David King loves the rush of fighting, uses very violent tactics (he gouges out an eye in his tome), and doesn't especially care who's he's beating up thanks to his severe daddy issues. He wouldn't switch sides, because he's very loyal to his friends, but in a different version of events where the Entity gnawed at the darkness in his mind, where he didn't find a true friend to help him in his time of need, he could have easily entered the Realm as a killer.

    (Nea already is the Entity. There is no side but her own.)

    Killers: Hag and Spirit never killed anyone - the only crime that turned them into a killer was wishing revenge for their painful and undeserved deaths, and they kill now because they were warped into monsters who have no other choice (Spirit as an Onyro is wracked with indiscriminate rage, Hag attacks because she's perpetually starving.) Wraith never killed anyone who didn't wholly deserve it - he took revenge on mass murderers who would have continued to mass murder if nobody stopped them, and he only attacks the survivors because the Entity mentally locked him in the moment of his killing Azarov. Plague would never switch sides as she is now, but if she understood the Entity was more of a demon than a god, she'd defect in a heartbeat - she has no desire to cause pain and has a compassionate nature.

    Hillbilly and Twins aren't necessarily malevolent people, they just cracked under the immense pressure of persecution and hate and became murderous misanthropes. As they are now, they could never be survivors, but change history a little and things would be very different. Perhaps Huntress as well, but she's a little more... deliberately cruel, interfering in conflicts that don't involve her rather than lashing out against targeted persecution.

    Deathslinger is a bad person, but I'm pretty sure he's in the realm under false pretenses and thinks he's punishing the people who wronged him, not survivors - he'd want revenge on the Entity if he realized he'd been blinkered.

    Blight would want to escape if he could be freed from his pustula addiction, though like Yun-Jin, he's more on his own side than the survivors' side.

    Susie and Joey would have definitely have had the potential to become survivors, though Frank and Julie are right where they want to be.

    Since nearly all of those would-be-defectors rely on something else happening first, or something different happening in their history, I'd say Susie is the most likely to switch and become a survivor. She never wanted to be involved in any of this; it depends whether she's miserable now despite being loyal to her friends, or if she's acclimated and grown numb to it.

  • Dwight_Fairfield
    Dwight_Fairfield Member Posts: 6,748

    Wouldn't the victims of terrible tragedy be the ones likely to switch back like Hag, Wraith, Billy, Spirit? They were not originally bad people at all. Something awful just happened to them that messed them up.

    As for survivors, that's more difficult. I guess ones who have already killed could be the ones who could easily make the transition like Bill, Ash, and Tapp. They say in theory once you kill it makes it easier to kill again.

  • AnneBonny
    AnneBonny Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 2,252

    Suzie & Joey - Manipulated by Frank & Julie, possibly un-bastardfiable

    Talbot Grimes - Was a survivor, driven mad by serum. If his sanity could be regained, he could be a survivor again

    Evan MacMillan - Manipulated by his father and the Entity, possibly un-bastardfiable

    Kazan Yamaoka - "False samurai" crusade kind of dampens it, but he did seem to have genuine remorse for Renjiro's death and cared for Akito. Maaaayybe un-bastardfiable