Is it toxic to use moris now?

JGone Member Posts: 3

So, let me start this of by saying that I don't usually play killer. My killer rank is 16, I play on console, and I generally suck at being killer. But I do sometimes play just for fun, but mostly I play to complete the archives and dailies.

Today I had two nurse dailies and one of them is to kill one survivor with a mori. So I equip the mori, jump into a game and start going for hooks. I find two survivors pretty quick and manage to down and hook one of them. The other one unhooks as I'm leaving, so naturally I go back and get the farmer. I managed to get both of them to second hook state before I find them healing and manage to down them both. The other survivors are gen rushing, but these two are just running around making noise everywhere. I mori them both to secure the daily and then proceed to chase after the other two survivors, whom I've only hooked once each. They manage to get the last gen done, both get their adrenaline activated amd they both manage to escape. Teabags and all included. Decent game, considering I managed to get my challenges done without camping or anything.

I quit out and suddenly get a notification on my phone from the PS App from one of the survivors. I play DbD on Xbox, so that seemed weird, though I do have the same gamertag on both systems. Anyway, the survivor is being real toxic cause I used a mori, but not on him or anywhere near close to him.

So my question is: Is it toxic to use moris? They're a part of the game, so it feels weird that a whole mechanic is toxic. And if you get downed at two hooks, you're pretty much dead anyway, right? Below is the messages sent between the survivor and me.



  • Ryan489x
    Ryan489x Member Posts: 1,503

    yup Moris are now just a fancy way to kill someone. They don't give you any tactical advantage whatsoever.

    I had people DC twice in a row while the match was loading because I played one. and it wasn't even ebony.

  • xenotimebong
    xenotimebong Member Posts: 2,803

    I had two killers play them back to back earlier and both tried to mori someone who had only been hooked once, so I assume a lot of people don’t realise they’ve been nerfed.

  • ALostPuppy
    ALostPuppy Member Posts: 3,398

    If you ask a forum member, they would probably say it is because on here, if you so much as breathe in real life, you're a toxic DbD player. But no, it's not toxic, nothing you can do with the in-game mechanics like moris is toxic. If you go out of your way to harass people outside of the game with slurs and threaten them, that's a different story.

  • Trickstaaaaa
    Trickstaaaaa Member Posts: 1,288

    This is why I don't want more people to have access to chat. I'm glad these no lives would not be able to find my steam account lol. Because in steam you can't search for user that have private profile on lol.

  • Power_Guy
    Power_Guy Member Posts: 1,562

    You. I like your user name. I'd feel REALLY bad about feeding you to the Entity, but it is a harsh Master...Mistress? Mastress?

  • WiiFitTrainer
    WiiFitTrainer Member Posts: 788

    They used to be toxic when they were able to win the game in half the time, but now? They're for memes.

  • Mat_Sella
    Mat_Sella Member Posts: 3,558

    Between the Mori change, the DS change, and the permanent Obsession change...nah not at all.

  • Ryan489x
    Ryan489x Member Posts: 1,503

    I've seen that a few times myself. It's interesting to see killers try to mori after one hook and finding out they can't

  • EQWashu
    EQWashu Member Posts: 5,105

    The word toxic definitely gets thrown around a lot, but there's nothing toxic about using a game mechanic like perks, add-ons or moris. And since the reworks, I think they are in a better spot than ever. Heck, depending on the killer I look forward to the mori and the animations!

  • Heartbound
    Heartbound Member Posts: 3,255

    Personally I think it's toxic if you don't kill me with a Mori. If I'm gonna go down, make it stylish!

    A little pizzazz, you know?

  • Laluzi
    Laluzi Member Posts: 6,226

    I would argue you could use game mechanics in a toxic way. Toxic isn't mechanical, it's behavior, and there are deliberately nasty ways to use something benign. Like a flashlight isn't toxic, getting blinded at a pallet or having a flashlight save pulled on you isn't toxic, but a survivor following you around clicking at you whenever you whiff a hit/get stunned is using a flashlight to be toxic. Healing isn't toxic, but healing a slugged player trying to crawl the last inch to the exit to stall them so that the killer has time to pick them up is toxic.

    But yeah, Specimen A in the OP and anyone who thinks moris are toxic are out of their mind. It's just a cinematic death. Very little could have saved you by the point that they're usable, and honestly I prefer a neat mori death to the usual hook slap and get yeeted into the sky business. I remember a time where a Ghostface moried the whole team, I joined in on the selfies, and he tried to lead me to the hatch, but I wasn't having it because I wanted that sweet quality time with his camera too. I like getting screenshots if I'm moried in an interesting area. Moris are fun. Functionally useless, but fun.