The Hag: Problem? Or not?

Hag, it's just Hag
So, opinions on Trapper 2.0?
hag, GoobyNugget.
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She looks like a smoker who's been divorced 3 times and with 5 kids she didn't care about.
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I think we need more killers whose playstyle and counterplay are really different from the usual formula, not less. I love Hag and would hate to see her get the Freddy treatment where she's standardized into a more normal killer. Wouldn't care if she gained a restriction where traps couldn't exist within x meters of an occupied hook, but I'd hate significant nerfs beyond that. She plays really unique, survivors have to play really unique against her, and apart from the purples, she's got a great spread of addons.
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I think the only thing she needs is some anti-camp mechanic, for example when the Survivor takes the time to crouch to a trap infested hook and manages to unhook their friend, all Traps in a certain radius should get destroyed. Or you could just slap on ger some trap placing range limit.
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Scarred hand hag is the most fun meme build period
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I like playing Disfigured Ear hag, placing most of my traps in a choke point like shack, the main building, or in straight lines through hallways on maps like Midwich, then just playing with only 1-3 free traps while waiting for a survivor to run through the hell zone.
I started doing it as a funny depip mode, but it turns out most people are so bad at playing against Hag that it doesn't really matter. And the reactions are fantastic.
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boring to go against and play, chases are basically non existent
there isnt really a way to change her without completely reworking her though so idk how she’d be changed
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She annoys me. Frustrating to play against.
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They could probably make her more fun to play against.
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NOT. Unique is good. Same is boring. When I'm survivor and I find out it's Hag I want to quit. What I said is still true though😂
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she sure is hag
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An unique and interesting killer, healthy for the game. Except those who place 10 traps near the hook, but that is not the point here.
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Not a huge fan of playing as/against Hag. But I don't really like the trap characters anyway.
The only big change I'd really like to see with her is the ability for survivors to disarm her traps without needing a flashlight.
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What did you do to our purple perk picture
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Her camping of all traps around the hook by noob Hags with Noed can be changed. But that's it and would need to be done right. Don't change anything else Hag shouldn't loose her strength and uniqueness.
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Yun-Jin is no more. Bubba is forever.
ok maybe not forever but
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I like facing good Hags, when my other teammates are also descent.
This is usually not the case in Solo Q, so you just die even when the Hag puts only one Trap around the Hook.
Hag is fine but People need to learn how to counter her.
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I had to become a Hag main to learn how to counterplay her. Really helped me, I went against a rank 3 Hag the other day and she got a 1k. She's okay, it's just she's the hardest killer to learn its counter by far (unless someone knows any counterplay to Spirit and Slinger, I'd love to know about those!).
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I like the unique playstyle and hope there will be more killers, that "dont play dbd". Nurse, Spirit, Hag, Huntress, Deathslinger etc
But for hag especially, i would love a change to her campiness and a buff for more map control. EG no traps 8m around the hook, but teleport distance is unlimited.
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Exactly this.
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A good hag will only put one trap near a hook.
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She is very frustrating to play as and go against.
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I like going against her. I switch my playstyle to be much more steath based.
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The only thing I really don’t like about the Hag Is her one add on that turns her traps into flash bangs. Not because it’s more difficult; it just gives me a headache.
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Don't even look at her
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i don't like her, i think her traps should be a bit more visible. I don't want her to get changed, you don't see her very often but when you see a good hag it's often just gg especially when playing solo.
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Yes camper with busted addon lol
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She's great.
But, upon unhooking, all unactivated traps a certain radious around the hook should be destroyed.
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Absolute terrible design that is unhealthy for the game. Boring, unfun, most stupid counterplay that typically just ends up in the same result, no matter how you approach a hooked survivor. A total rework would be great.
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No she isn’t.
However, if I could I would burn Rusty Shackles in the pits of Mount Doom never to be used again. 😠
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Just Crouch, If you gen rush instead of disrupting her traps then you've already lost half the game. Honestly its one of the funniest things to systematically disable each of her traps and watch her teleport swing into thin area as you run her towards the other side of the map. Or even better setting off all her traps at once.
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B-tier killer probably but very strong against solos. If you play Hag without Corrupt and manage to set up lot's of traps before survivors even knows who the killer is then they are in trouble. Find Hag early and you can start destroying her traps, now Hag is in trouble.
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I'm too lazy to type this out so here's my answer.
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Remove Rusty Shackles is all I ask
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But it's not that strong. Mint rag however is pretty dirty.
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At least Mint Rag gives you a warning that she might teleport over to you