Returning after hiatus - Questions!

Hey everyone! I've been away since about September of '20 and returned to find so much new content! I'm super excited! That being said I've got a few (probably obvious/basic) questions that I'd super appreciate anyone taking the time to answer.

  1. What's the best way to counter Blight? In playing today he was the most challenging of the new killers that I encountered (and admittedly the most frequent). Is his playstyle mostly centered around speed/charging?
  2. Killers - how do you play Trickster? I've only gone against two of him and he seemed to be played a lot like Huntress but slightly speedier. What tricks does Trickster have?
  3. Graphics upgrades - I've seen some news about those rolling out (Coldwind Farms looks beautiful now, great job, devs!) but I've not been able to find anything about frequency or a schedule. I'm dying to see new Kate!
  4. I've got cross-platform on, are console gamers going against PC gamers now? The wait times were non-existent today which was so nice to return to!

Thank you anyone who takes the time to read/respond to these questions. I've a sea of new things to go through so having some of these answered will be such a big help. Happy gaming! <3


  • bibibib8
    bibibib8 Member Posts: 843

    When i face blight i loop him like any other killer the strengh of this killer is when you transition to another loop what i do is jump most of tge window i see and hope for the best until i reach a new loop.

    I mostly played trikster on the ptb my experience with him was horrible he was really weak cause of that i did not buy him now i heard he is better but he is still in the top 5 worst killer if i follow the post i saw imagine having to hit 8 shot with deathslinger but you lose progress if you did not hit the guy with your blade in the last 10 or 12 sec cant remember the exact number.

    The wait time depend on the time you play and if you are in a swf or not but yes cross play is up now this help a lot during the night. Dont mistake the crossplay feature with the cross progression let say you played on ps4 and want to swich on pc you will need to restart and buy everything from the scratch my friend did this mistake that why i tell you this.

    Overall the game is better but just like the last time you played the meta did not change much its practically the same at least in my opinion exept now killer use ruin more and survivor use DS less.

  • Kate_Main_01
    Kate_Main_01 Member Posts: 504

    Thank you for your response! That's a shame about Trickster!

    1. So his power is mostly charging then, yes? Are you hugging the wall to stay out of the open space of the center? How comparable are his charges to Billy's?

    I appreciate you responding! That's good to know that playing against him is about the same as every other Killer. Loop your loops, try to outlast.

    What made Survivors stop using Decisive Strike? Is there a Killer counter now or is there just a new meta Survivor perk to counter camping/tunneling?

  • glitchboi
    glitchboi Member Posts: 6,025
    1. Blight can be countered by hiding behind rocks or walls so he can't reach you.
    2. His power is based around spamming blades. You can actually use them to hit survivors in short-wall loops.
    3. The main 4 survivors are getting visual updates!
    4. Yep!

    Good luck in the fog my friend :D

  • Kate_Main_01
    Kate_Main_01 Member Posts: 504

    Thanks for your post!

    So only the main 4 survivors are getting visual updates, not the entire cast? That's so disappointing if true! I was hoping it would be all maps and all Survivors/Killers. And selfishly I was hoping that Kate would be soon. Haha

    The cross-platform bit makes sense as to why Huntress was suddenly so prominent and also so deadly. Not that I'm complaining! I just wondered why there was a sudden surge of pro-ranged players. I'm also (obviously) very rusty so I was just eating axes left and right. 😂

  • Mister_xD
    Mister_xD Member Posts: 7,669
    1. Blight plays a lot like a pinball machine. he runs from one obstacke to the next in a pretty straight line (there is turning, but only very slight (excluding exploits) like billy) and has 5 charges to do so (a charge is consumed every time he slams into something and starts a new rush - the more charges were used, the longer his recharge time). Basically, try to make sharp turns and dont run out in the open (unless its like Rotten Fields open and there is nothing for him to bounce on). also, since you asked: the difference between him and billy is, that Bligh does not oneshot survivors and that he can not attack without having slammed into an object at least once with his power.
    2. in short, you dont. Trickster is just Deathslinger done wrong, there is absolutely no reason to play him unless you wanna do some aim practise and dont care about losing (which really sucks, as he is such a cool killer visually).
    3. there is nothing known about the frequency of playmodel visual updates. We've got Nurse and Clown when Clown received some changes, Doctor just received one with the Coldwind Farm graphical rework, Dwight, Meg, Claudette and Jake are confirmed to be a work in progress and we've seen a picture of Trapper with new graphics aswell (but no news on that so far). The maps however receive a rework every midchapter - so 1.5 months after the latest Chapter released (which is pretty exactly 3 months from now). it has been confirmed that we wont be getting any more DbD original maps until all the graphical reworks are done and they usually do two each update (only one this time, which leads to rumors about an upcomming Resident Evil map). All maps up to i believe Grave of Glenvale will receive this treatment (we are done with MacMillan Estate, Autohaven Wreckers, Coldwind Farm, Crotus Prenn Asylum, Lerys Memorial Institute, Springwood, Gideon Meat Plant, Yamaoka Estate and Ormond).
    4. yes.
  • glitchboi
    glitchboi Member Posts: 6,025

    Who knows? Maybe the other guys will get a visual update. And yeah Huntress is quite tough lol

  • Kate_Main_01
    Kate_Main_01 Member Posts: 504

    I really appreciate your thorough answer, this helped quite a lot!

    1. Does Blight regain his charges somehow after the 5? So he has to hit something once and then after that he's able to attack while charging? I don't have Blight so I can't play a few rounds of him to learn how he works.
    2. Aww, that's so unfortunate. I love the Trickster's design and lore.
    3. Oh so Dwight, Meg, Claudette, and Jake's upgrades aren't live yet? That makes sense. I was staring so hard at the character models when I played and I wasn't sure I saw any difference. 🤣 That's great to know about the maps, thank you!
  • Verconissp
    Verconissp Member Posts: 1,594

    He's faster than hillbilly.

    your best bet is to fake alot of windows and hope to god he mindgames himself,

  • APoipleTurtle
    APoipleTurtle Member Posts: 1,274

    Blight's charges automatically recharge over time after his Rush ends. He can't use his power again until he regenerates all of his charges, hence why his recharge is longer when he uses more of them in one go. He can regain all of his charges instantly following a successful Rush Attack when using his purple Alchemist Ring add-on.

    And yeah, Blight must Slam off of at least one object before he can use an attack during a following Rush. Attacking (whether it hits or a misses) ends the Rush.

    And because I'm realizing it might be helpful to add context for those two Blight terms I was using:

    -Rush = The quick sprint forward that Blight does after pressing the power button. Each use of Rush consumes a charge.

    -Slam = When Blight crashes into an object and bounces backwards slightly. He can then press the power button again to do another Rush (unless he's run out of charges). This is part that makes him seem like a big angry pinball.

  • Kate_Main_01
    Kate_Main_01 Member Posts: 504

    Thank you so much! I feel like I actually understand the Blight quite a bit now. It seems like cluttered maps and wide open ones will put him at a disadvantage while indoor maps and small maps play to his strength.

  • MadLordJack
    MadLordJack Member Posts: 8,814

    Against Blight you use short loops against him, such as filler pallets, path pallets and junk tiles.

    Trickter has no tricks. He just walks at you without any mindgames and you go down rather quickly no matter what you do. Fortunately, most people don't know this and so most Tricksters try to go for fancy nonsense and waste their own time.

  • Kate_Main_01
    Kate_Main_01 Member Posts: 504

    Do you think Trickster is good then? The general consensus I'm seeing is that he's one of the bottom tier killers, down with Legion and Clown. (I always liked Legion, but I also am a Survivor main and barely ever played Killer)

  • MadLordJack
    MadLordJack Member Posts: 8,814

    He's okay. His one-on-one chase is kind of like if Deathslinger had a little more counterplay. Mostly people call him weak because most people genuinely don't want to mindlessly hold W at people while also having to be very good at landing knives. It's a wierd mix of high mechanical skill and just completely switching your brain off.

  • Mister_xD
    Mister_xD Member Posts: 7,669

    you are welcome ^^

    1. he recharges them passively over time. Basically, his power bar lowers by a certain amount each time he uses a dash and once he either attacks or fails to slam into the next obstacle in time (so any time he uses the syringe to drug himself back up) it starts recharging from there. also, Blight is unable to use his dash unless he has all 5 tokens available.
    2. same :( though not all hope is lost, he does have an Add On called the "Trick Blades" that allows his knifes to ricochet off of surfaces, which actually makes him quite interesting and unique! everyone has been requesting this to be added to his basekit ever since the PTB, so maybe they'll actually listen and add it to him. it would at least give his power an identity that isnt just "Redeemer just in much much worse".