A very interesting experience.

QwQw Member Posts: 4,531
edited May 2021 in General Discussions

So, I've just had a very enlightening experience.

I just played a game on Lery's as Blight, and I happened to kill a t-bagging Meg very early into the match because she played extremely bad.

The Meg then proceeded to message me after the game and call me the n-word, dipshit, pussy killer (that one has a whole different meaning when you think about it ;), and much much more.

The funny part was; even though he sent me voice messages and talked like a classic whiny COD player that made it extremely obvious he was 13-14 years old, he insisted that he was 21 and making 3,000 dollars a week.

He also repeatedly called me the immature one, even though he was the one calling me slurs, harassing me, and whining because he can't take an L.

I reported him to Microsoft for harassment.

How people can get this mad at a video game I will never understand.

EDIT: He went on his alt-account to message me because his first got com-banned. He is still insisting that he's 21 and is now just spamming "dumbass" over and over.

I reported that account as well.
