Why is Backwater Swamp always broken?

What do they do to Backwater Swamp to break it constantly? Between the constant no collision window vaults by the docks, to spawning on top of the outer walls and now the hatch literally floating in the air? It feels like they're just doing it on purpose at this point.
I notice Haddonfield and Swamp do tend up broken in one way or another. My guess it's cause they're old maps from 2016, that haven't really been touched much since release. They're both old and outdated and it really shows. Hopefully the map reworks will change that and make them more stable and viable.
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Only wish Pale Rose hadn't been touched, because that map used to be HUGE.
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The real question we must ask ourselves is: Why does Backwater Swamp exist at all?
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I recall a Pig match where the box spawned facing a rock. Also plenty of body blocking trees for both sides. Gap between the trees looks big enough for Oni and Clown to not bump into anything and tiny Dwight freezes in place cause surprise fat shame spot.
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Back in 2016, Mcote was like "Okay team, we need ideas for a new map" and then Mclean puked all over a piece of paper and Mcote was like "You're a genius" and that's how Backwater Swamp came to exist.
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People hating on the hag map 😥 myself i just can't wait for the update the maps are going to look amazing.Both as survivor and killer i don't mind those map anyways.
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Swamp can kindly delete itself
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Pov: you load into swamp
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Personally I like the map, its just constantly breaking for some reason.