I’m Constantly Getting Paired Against SWF As Killer! Help!

hey guys, i just wanted to vent about some game mechanics & see if y’all had any advice on how to better deal with them. so, typically i play as both survivor & killer, with a slight bias towards survivor, but recently i’ve lost pretty much all interest in playing killer due to the frequency in which i get paired with SWF. now, i should preface that i don’t actually have a problem with SWF, and i’m not one of those killers who thinks all SWF are bully squads lmao. however, it’s the matchmaking when it comes to SWF that has made the killer experience absolutely exhausting. yesterday i had five games in a row that were all SWF, where at least two of the survivors were red rank. i’m a rank 15 (and pretty much staying there for the time being since i can barely get any hooks, let alone kills, with these groups), so at my current experience level, these teams are pretty much un-counter-able. i don’t wanna start camping & tunneling people, but it’s getting to the point where that’s the only way i can secure kills. any more experienced killers have any tips on how to deal with these groups? i’ve unlocked the teachable hag & bubba perks so far, & am currently working on getting myers’. also if it helps, i favor the doctor & ghostface right now.


  • Phasmamain
    Phasmamain Member Posts: 11,534

    I’d recommend either waiting for rank reset to play against worse people or get better through facing them

  • NotACompPlayer
    NotACompPlayer Member Posts: 193

    get good, 95% of swfs aren't trying or aren't good enough to be "unbeatable"

  • NotACompPlayer
    NotACompPlayer Member Posts: 193

    Maybe they should blame matchmaking then not imbalance when every individual player in the lobby is better than them.

  • Patrick1088
    Patrick1088 Member Posts: 628

    I would say play a different time if possible. SWF have to coordinate times, so if you're playing peak times then so are SWF. Im rank 11-12 now (no rank reset so I'm paired with former purple/red ranks). If you struggle that much, then begin slugging. Its the best way to slow down SWF. Don't camp as they will slam gens and then proceed to rescue off hook with BT. Tunneling can help, but its easier on the weakest, but you hurt the team the most if its the strongest.

    If you see flashlights in lobby assume somebodys going to hit you when you pick up hooked survivor (get used to looking at walls and looking up/down). You could run light born if you see more than one flashlight in lobby. Also hangman trick could be interesting if you see a survivor as you hook somebody.

    As a fellow Doctor main, its hard. You are essentially M1 killer with great locating perks. Im not sure of your build but mine is Whispers/Corrupt Intervention/BBQ/Surge and it carried me to rank 11 pretty easily. Corrupt helps you early game. You can tunnel 1 person out from the beginning or at least get them to 2nd hook state. Surge is because there's no time to waste kicking gens. BBQ follows similar logic to hook somebody and then go find next chase. Don't camp unless you have 2 hooked in the same area and there's at least 3 gens left.

    What is your current build for Doctor and GF? Whats your playstyle like?

  • xenotimebong
    xenotimebong Member Posts: 2,803

    Honestly, the best advice I can give you is to watch some gameplay guides on YouTube. Learn how to most effectively play the killers you enjoy (there are guides for every killer), and also watch some more generic looping guides.

    You’re still a really new player so your issue isn’t so much that they’re SWF as it is that they’re much more experienced than you and you don’t know how to counterplay most common survivor tactics yet (and also matchmaking, but there’s nothing you can really do about that). Learning how to counter loop, how to deal with flashlights, how to apply pressure, and which perks will help you best will do a lot to help you.

  • Mr_K
    Mr_K Member Posts: 9,424

    What makes you believe they were all SWF? Looked at their friends list? Asked if they were a SWF?

  • bogwitch69
    bogwitch69 Member Posts: 77

    BRO i literally blamed matchmaking and not SWF itself. maybe learn to read next time & don’t comment if you have nothing helpful to say??? christ.

  • bogwitch69
    bogwitch69 Member Posts: 77

    it’s pretty easy to tell when they all have similar handles, coordinating outfits, are all playing on the same platform, and their ranks are a literal rainbow lmfaooo.

  • bogwitch69
    bogwitch69 Member Posts: 77

    oh my goodness thank you so much for taking the time to write all this, this was legitimately super helpful! i still need to work on identifying each players’ skill level per match, but like you said, it’s really effective when you can pinpoint the weakest link. i feel my biggest problem with these groups is pressuring effectively, bc typically they’re communicating which gens they should do together and whatnot, so i still need to grind for some of the good gen regression/pressure perks like thanatophobia, discordance, pop, etc.

  • bogwitch69
    bogwitch69 Member Posts: 77

    OKAY FOR REAL i basically had to learn to stop making assumptions about skill level based on rank because of the rank reset fiasco lmaooo. i mean in general it’s good to do that, but this last rank reset especially made ranks matter even less hahaha.

  • tahilix
    tahilix Member Posts: 52

    Id say just dodge lobby.

    In short, if you see few people load up at the same time there is a chance that they are premade lobby. Even more so if they are all p3 in example.

    Lots of people might point a finger at you for doing that, but who cares about that. I didnt paid money to get mad, and i doubt that you did. And being owned in a match just so SWF team can have fun at your expense is not good for you. If they have right to use comms, then you have right to bail from lobby.

  • gibblywibblywoo
    gibblywibblywoo Member Posts: 3,772

    This. Only play killer at peak times if you want to test your mettle.

  • Mr_K
    Mr_K Member Posts: 9,424

    Not every SWF have similar names, coordinated outfits, or play on the same platform.

    As for rainbow ranks, you could also blame match making. Real sweat squads are typically within the same rank.

  • Venzhas
    Venzhas Member Posts: 684

    More SWF in the evening / night so maybe try to play daytime if you can.

  • nomad5926
    nomad5926 Member Posts: 13

    Honestly this is the best thing I have read so far. I'm pretty new to the game and I do enjoy playing killer over survivor (mostly because solo que kinda sucks). But It's really annoying when you get the SWF groups that flame you after the game because you killed one of them. Like how should I play killer? Go after each one of you one at a time? Get looped by a really good survivor for 8 minutes? Because according to them I'm the ######### for going after the slower player and hitting anyone that tries to rescue them. Like I don't mind most if not all of the survivors winning when they out play me. I'm a noob, I'm expecting to be out played. But like what is wrong with these people? It seems like anything the killer does to try and win is "tunneling" or "camping". I try not to just stand in front of the hook, but if I see you sneaking around I'm not just gonna run away and let you get a save for free. (Sorry this is turning into my own rant).

    Just wanted to say (as a newer player) that I already am seeing these issues and GenJockeyNance's words are nice to hear.

  • latinfla4
    latinfla4 Member Posts: 2,119

    For doc a good build is distressing and using calm addons to hit multiple survivors with your static blast at least one or 2 gen regressing perks corrupt intervention is good for early game or use ruin and undying for gen regression and at least one locator perk like bbq tinkerer whispers or discordance. Learn to use shock to stop survivors at loops before they throw down pallets so you can get hits...hope that helps and keep playing

  • Animal_Mother
    Animal_Mother Member Posts: 149

    Another common thing some SWFs will do after rank reset is take turns playing a new rank 20 account so the group has a chance getting paired with lower ranked killers for easier wins.

  • CluelessWanderer
    CluelessWanderer Member Posts: 939

    That's been happening to me tonight. I get 3 purple rank survivors and like, one Rank 18 or something- all SWF. It's gross they abuse the system to pick on low rank Killers.

  • CoalTower
    CoalTower Member Posts: 1,730

    Don't play killer at night right now. There's a bug with rank reset that set people further back than they should be, so even the people at your rank might have over 5k hours, you never know. Also, if you're getting heavily outskilled every game to the point where you can't get hooks, it's probably not SWF every game, and rather your own lack of experience. Not trying to sound rude, but that's just how it is.

  • GenJockeyNance
    GenJockeyNance Member Posts: 687

    I hear you about solo queue absolutely sucking. I generally don't really play solo anymore unless I'm bored and don't want the stress of killer or playing with friends. I endure it on killer and sometimes the swfs are wild.

    But absolutely ignore the survivor mains. You're doing the right thing if you notice someone creeping near the hook for the save waiting for you to leave. As you climb ranks, the hooking one at a time does not work anymore as people in those ranks generally are gen jockeys, some of them with actual brains and a sense of time management. Pressure. Is. Key.

    Survivors do not like it when you get their weak link out of the game. They really don't like being tunneled out and I get it. Being tunneled sucks. Sometimes killers just be like that sometimes if they're feeling themselves. Recent game, as SOON as the match started, this Spirit wanted me dead. It was a 5 gen chase that eventually got me killed but my team got out and she only got a 1k off it but I didn't cry about it. I moved on.

    Lol you can stand a quarter mile away, listening for any nearby gens being worked on and you're "camping" so really, just play as you want and ignore survivors and their made up rulebook. A killer's job is to kill, not be their pal. You've already got good instincts as a new killer. Glad my post helped you out a bit. :)

  • GenJockeyNance
    GenJockeyNance Member Posts: 687

    Oh yeah the comms is tough ASKDKF I still struggle sometimes if they're super well coordinated and I lose which suckssss but there's always room to get better is what I say. Glad this was helpful though!!

  • Zozzy
    Zozzy Member Posts: 4,759

    Play killers that ignore or can do something about pallets. Pyramid head is good or nurse.

    Play spirit or if you want a challenge, wraith with good addons.

  • JakeCannon
    JakeCannon Member Posts: 542

    My one and ONLY piece of advice is as killer , when you join into a match watch what the survivors have in their hands. If they have all flashlights(gonna be toxic af) if they have all toolboxes they'll gen rush. Last 2 weeks I've noticed when I play killer from 4pm-545pm(west coast time zone) it's allllll bots. I personally hate going against sweats and I don't get better I just get pissed lol. Hope that helps !