Dead by Daylight should no longer be affected by an outage. Players logging into the game between September 26 3PM ET and September 28th 3PM ET will receive 1M Bloodpoints as compensation.

Killers - is there any survivor you would give the hatch/avoid?

kassamell Member Posts: 101

Usually when I play I am biased towards feng or kate since I play as them mostly and usually if they're good, not t-bagging and actually doing their job, then I let them go But which characters do you all give an easy ride to?


  • Phasmamain
    Phasmamain Member Posts: 11,531

    Jeff. Only Jeff

  • GeneralV
    GeneralV Member Posts: 10,524

    Every Meg deserves Hatch.

  • kassamell
    kassamell Member Posts: 101


  • Harold_Shipman
    Harold_Shipman Member Posts: 737

    Ash or Bill, what legends

  • Shymare_11
    Shymare_11 Member Posts: 494

    Anyone I slugged the most (For context: I’m a Nurse Main). Usually, Kates or Cheryls.

  • Beaburd
    Beaburd Member Posts: 998

    Dwights, but only if they hide in a locker before going down or crouch to show submission.


  • NomiNomad
    NomiNomad Member Posts: 3,178

    Any survivor that runs towards me when I have blood fury.

    They have bigger balls than I ever could and I don't know how to deal with it.

  • herrik666
    herrik666 Member Posts: 191

    Anyone that doesn't struggle (unless I have a challenge or they're my 4th bbq stack)

  • GenJockeyNance
    GenJockeyNance Member Posts: 687

    I'll usually always give Hatch to the survivors I main if they're not toxic so Kate and Nancy sometimes Yui and Tapp but it never works out with a Yui or Tapp cuz sometimes I have to sacrifice them or the Yui is toxic :(( haven't came across a toxic Tapp yet tho. It's a 50/50 if I see a Bunny Feng as I play Bunny Feng too if I'm not feeling Kate or Nance so she's like sub main. If they're not toxic, I'll give hatch. If you teabag me or clicky clicky, I'm gonna shake my head at you in disappointment as a fellow Bunny Feng and sacrifice you.

    Default Steve's are also 50/50. Usually no because they're toxic but if I'm in a good mood and one isn't toxic I'll give hatch. Like a rarity match as Hag in Haddonfield one time after I slaughtered the team, it was only Claudette and Steve left. And all Claudette's must die. She kept fighting me to a hook, wiggled out twice and poor Steve almost bled out because Claudette couldn't get with the program. Finally she gets sacrificed and I was in a decent mood, Steve didn't BM me so I let him finish the last gen and leave.

    I'll be damned if a Claudette is getting hatch. She must perish at all costs. I usually don't let David's live either but if I can tell they're a baby, I'll let them go before a Claudette. And Bill's. Sometimes I let a Bill go but again, it's rare. I'll let Bill's go if they're a baby or an adorable potato.

  • dspaceman20
    dspaceman20 Member Posts: 4,699

    Is anyone willing to give hatch to a friendly Adam main?

  • Steel_Eyed
    Steel_Eyed Member Posts: 4,032

    My charity is based on bloodpoints earned in the match. The fourth kill awards 2500 deviousness. If my deviousness is already at 7500 or so, I usually grant the hatch. If it’s less than that..

    I want bloodpoints.

  • GenJockeyNance
    GenJockeyNance Member Posts: 687

    I will if the mood is right and he's the last survivor left. Generally I gotta be in a good mood already and friendly Adam in question is the last survivor left, why not? Lol it's never worked out yet for me that an Adam was the last survivor. I don't see many of them often. :(((

  • Practical
    Practical Member Posts: 21
    edited May 2021

    Always Jane...never Meg. Yui needs to check herself, but, maybe. Jeff is probably good, though.

  • DistortedDream
    DistortedDream Member Posts: 672

    Dwight, Cheryl, and Kate.

  • Pepsidot
    Pepsidot Member Posts: 1,662

    I don't play killer much, but when I do if there is a really good player in a team of potato players which cause them to lose, I feel kind of bad and sometimes give them the hatch.

    Or sometimes I'll give someone the hatch in hopes of not double pipping.

  • GannTM
    GannTM Member Posts: 10,866

    Every Yui deserves a free escape when I’m the killer.

  • ShamelessPigMain
    ShamelessPigMain Member Posts: 1,877

    Jeff, Felix, Jake, Steve, and especially Bill and David. David and Bill could spit in my mouth, step on me, and snap my neck and I'd be flattered.

  • landromat
    landromat Member Posts: 2,193

    I'm trying to save ace if i can, Nea always dies. No matter what

  • Practical
    Practical Member Posts: 21

    @TheGannMan , "Every" Yui? I've met some trash Yui's. As for the cool Yui's, they should absolutely escape - but as for the flashlight-clicking, exit-gate tea-bagging Yui's, I'm gonna have to pass.

  • Mat_Sella
    Mat_Sella Member Posts: 3,553

    Meg and Nea do not get access to the hatch.

  • GannTM
    GannTM Member Posts: 10,866

    Whenever I see Yui teabag I get so excited seeing that cutie taunt me. She’s frikin hot.

  • Practical
    Practical Member Posts: 21

    @TheGannMan "Whenever I see Yui teabag I get so excited seeing that cutie taunt me. She’s frikin hot."

    Well, in that case, I can only bow and sweep an arm aside for both you and Yui. I hope you both find...whatever happiness you can.

  • WeenieDog
    WeenieDog Member Posts: 2,184

    Jane is my queen.

  • GannTM
    GannTM Member Posts: 10,866

    Don’t tell Yui this, but I’m trying to save up enough money to buy a diamond ring and then ask her to marry me. She’s the love of my life and I want to dedicate everything I have in her.

  • kassamell
    kassamell Member Posts: 101