Create Your Own Add-On

Vulgun Member Posts: 439

Considering that there's a topic known as "Create Your Own Perk", I thought it'd only be fitting to make an add-on version of this since it could be very fun to do.

Basically, you have the power to give any survivor or killer an add-on of your choice. What would it be? What rarity would you give it? Well, you have the ability to do so here and now.

For instance, allow me to give you my own personal Add-On for The Executioner!

Mary's Photo (Ultra Rare)

"A photo of a young woman adorned with a soft smile. There is a dark and overwhelming sensation of guilt surrounding this picture."

  • When hitting a Survivor with Punishment of the Damned, the survivor in question will be afflicted with the Torment status effect.
  • When hitting a Survivor with Punishment of the Damned, Killer Instinct will activate.

"A photo from when she was still healthy." -James Sunderland


I'm excited to see what creative ideas you guys have for add-ons.

Credits to @Jane_Is_Mega_Thicc for the inspiration for this thread, and here's a link to their "Create Your Own Perk" thread here:


  • Phasmamain
    Phasmamain Member Posts: 11,534
    edited May 2021

    An add on for clown.

    Iridescent robin

    When the clown is invigorated by his antidote he gains undetectable. This effect persists 5 seconds after the invigoration expires

    This could be used for mindgames at loops and general stealth plays. Could be combined with makeup kit for extended duration

    ”The clown’s first robin that lead him down a bad path”

  • zombitehdeath
    zombitehdeath Member Posts: 587

    “The wrath” - soot

    when gaining the surprise score event. automatically cloak

    Iridescent knife

    A glass-like knife molded from the fog. The knife is sharp that is cut with ease.

    For every consecutive hit deplete deep sound by 15% up to 45%

    “the knife sharpen itself in the blood of it victim”

  • Shymare_11
    Shymare_11 Member Posts: 494


    Irritating Serum [Ultra Rare]:

    A large syringe that contains only the remnants of an experimental drug for nerve damage. At high doses, it may cause muscle convulsions, severe intravenous pain, intense itching sensations, and acute heart palpitations.

    +After successfully landing a lethal blink, regain all permanent blink charges with an additional temporary chain blink charge, up to a maximum of 2 temporary blink charges.

    +Temporary chain blink charges do not contribute to post-blink fatigue penalty.

    +Permanent chain blink charges are consumed before consuming temporary chain blink charges.

    +Slightly increases post-blink fatigue penalty for chain and lethal blinks (1.5 seconds per hit; 0.75 per chain blink).

  • onemind
    onemind Member Posts: 3,089
    edited May 2021

    Addon for flashlight.

    Irridesset bulb

    Press the action button when using a flashlight to make the bulb explode instantly blinding the killer but drains your flashlight

    Universals killer addon. Iridescent cloak

    after getting a hook press the secondary ability to gain the undetectable status effect for 20s if allready undetectable gain a 10%haste

    Ik these aren't balanced but you get the ideas

  • Pukenplag
    Pukenplag Member Posts: 1,454

    Wonderfull, I would 100% run this, only if it worked (which it wouldn't)

    Huntress :

    Iridescent Head becomes Iridescent Stick:

    A very light stick to which the hatchet's head is attached. Requires little to no effort to lift, but it is also pretty greasy so it's easy to lose it from your hand.

    • Hatchets' wind-up time is reduced to 0.1 seconds
    • Tremendously increases cooldown between hatchet throws
    • Slightly increases recovery time after a hatchet throw
    • Throw hatchet action has a 15% chance to not work, causing basic attacks and hatchet throws to be disabled for 1.5 seconds


    Torn bookmark:

    A torn bookmark that used to remind you of where to start. It still can be used to do this, but it's no longer pretty.

    • Realising the blink before it is fully charged cancells the blink action
    • When the blink is fully charged, immediatly start blinking
    • While blinking, release the power button to stop blinking

  • Friendly_Blendette
    Friendly_Blendette Member Posts: 2,923

    Inner pockets

    Trickster now shoots knives in a 3 knife burst.

    Considerably decreases survivors laceration meter (down to 6 so 2 bursts for a hit)

    "Please stop asking where he holds 60 knives."

  • Hoodied
    Hoodied Member Posts: 13,037

    Hillbilly- Iridescent Saw

    The saw seems to keep going, and the object always feels cold

    -Overheat will no longer happen when chainsaw sprinting

    -When starting your chainsaw charge, it will no longer give an initial chainsaw overheat increase

  • QwQw
    QwQw Member Posts: 4,531

    Iridescent Snow Globe

    (Add-on for Legion)

    A snow globe crafted by the fog depicting the town of Ormond being set ablaze by The Legion. Viewing it invokes an other-worldy sense of malice.

    • Survivors afflicted with the Deep Wound status effect are Deafened until they complete the mending action.
  • Pixel_BoomBot
    Pixel_BoomBot Member Posts: 116

    Deathslinger - Iridescent - Diamond Chain

    • You no longer get stunned when survivors break free from the Speargun.
    • Survivors that are not Speared cannot assist on breaking the chain.
    • Tremendously increases the amount of Charges required for a Survivor to break free from the Speargun.
  • TreMonkeys
    TreMonkeys Member Posts: 33

    Iridescent bile

    Very Rare Vile Purge Add-On

    • Fully infected survivors will vomit every 2 seconds.
    • Whenever a survivor vomits, every object and survivor 5 meters around them gains 50% infection, including already infected survivors. This does not affect the vomiting survivor.
    • Corrupt Purge only lasts 40 seconds

    I really want an add-on for Plague that puts more emphasis on infecting survivors.