Who is the Worse Killer?



  • Gnarly
    Gnarly Member Posts: 429

    Like he is just huntress with extra steps...still solid killer

  • ryseterion
    ryseterion Member Posts: 445

    Yes, but in this argument and in most of these arguments we examine the killer as if they were being played by an average player. I have over 1000 hours on demo and get consistent 4 and 3 kills but still say he isn't amazing.

  • Avignon
    Avignon Member Posts: 133

    Because Trapper and Pig suffer from bad RNG issues. And clown i wouldn't consider D tier, on a A to D tier list only pig and trapper would be D with clown at the back of C.

    Speaking of Pig tho i wish she'd get the Wraith treatment... if it's to oppresive to make reverse bear traps actually worth a damn.... cool, but a buff to her stealth would be nice in return... it's really stupid rn can't even mind game with the thing, like the pounce give of the deafeaning roar and the (slow) stand up let's off an audible shing.

  • Babawizwiz
    Babawizwiz Member Posts: 347

    Trapper is weakest without add ons, but legion is definetly trash and unfun.

    If anyone picks legion in a dbd tournament and 4ks, he needs to be the new CEO of behavior.

  • Breadn
    Breadn Member Posts: 203

    This has been said again and again but I have always and will always stick by my opinion of it being Trapper. Maps are massive and he only moves at 115% speed. Due to the way traps are spread out across the map, he can spend upwards of a minute to just pick up the traps, that doesn't even include laying them.

    You spend a ridiculous amount of times setting up a trap that will rarely catch a survivor if they're smart about it, and they're ridiculously easy to disarm. On top of that, he's very map dependent. On a map like Hawkins or Gideon he's screwed because of how easy the traps are to see, and the most he can do is block off a few pallets or windows, at the expense of a lot of time.

  • glitchboi
    glitchboi Member Posts: 6,025

    Wow, Clown is... underrated. (I miss that guy.)

  • Yatol
    Yatol Member Posts: 1,960

    Demogorgon, too predictable. Maybe it's because of the play style of the ones I have played against.