What Tier is Trickster in now since the buffs?
*RANK 1* For me he has got to be in B tier. The thing about Trickster is that his knives are so difficult to use (to aim) that when people try him out and lets be honest most people do suck with him because he is so hard to use, then those people are usually the ones complaining that he is the worst in the game, or they had a match against a bad Trickster as well for example. What I'm trying to say is, once you have the aim down, you know when to pull the blades out at loops, and you have good map knowledge, this killer is actually quite strong! Well at least more strong than people give him credit for! TIP - Begin throwing blades as you are going around a corner, so that when you pelt the survivors with the knives when you do get around the corner, they are faster and more accurate... This has resulted in ALOT of downs I wouldn't usually get because of the small wind up he has!
What do you guys think? Pick a tier, and explain why you put him there and if its quite high or quite low, explain to me the changes you would make to his power accordingly!
What Tier is Trickster in now since the buffs? 35 votes
*RANK 1* For me he has got to be in B tier. The thing about Trickster is that his knives are so difficult to use (to aim) that when people try him out and lets be honest most people do suck with him because he is so hard to use, then those people are usually the ones complaining that he is the worst in the game, or they had a match against a bad Trickster as well for example. What I'm trying to say is, once you have the aim down, you know when to pull the blades out at loops, and you have good map knowledge, this killer is actually quite strong! Well at least more strong than people give him credit for! TIP - Begin throwing blades as you are going around a corner, so that when you pelt the survivors with the knives when you do get around the corner, they are faster and more accurate... This has resulted in ALOT of downs I wouldn't usually get because of the small wind up he has!
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Feels like the weakest killer in the game against decent survivors as of now. Okish against less experienced/coordinated players, though.
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Fair enough. is this from personal experience? I have no trouble 4king with him at rank 1.
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He isn't as bad as people make out in my opinion but he can be quite map dependant, meaning on an indoor map with line of sight blockers he'll struggle however in a map with open areas and/or small loops a decent trickster will do very well at getting survivors downed.
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Exactly! Also I feel as if there is a lot more skill involved with him than just aim, he needs to time blades well etc... I still don't understand why he is rated easy in the game, makes 0 sense lol
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I'm sure with practice he's not that bad, but I really can't have fun with him. Even just the fact he talks so much annoys me.
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Trust me, its kind of like nurse, not the strength, but the amount of time it takes to get good with him. If you put that time in, he is one of the most fun killers in the game, not to mention that he's effective at almost every loop in the game. Its mind boggling to me that he is rated Easy in game... Give him a go you may be surprised <3
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He is not fun to play as, not fun to face, has no map pressure, no mobility, and a power that is meant in a shooter
His power honestly makes me think that bhvr only made him to state that fire rate doesn't mean anything and failed at showing it
Everything about him is so bad....except his VR outfit that can stay
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He is very survivor dependent/map dependent. He is strong in short loops, but if survivor is decent at looping high wall loops or shack his ability becomes useless. He is the only killer you have to avoid certain survivors if you see them in a strong loop. In other words vs decent survivors he is horrible. The shack becomes an infinite if the survivor runs around it.
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F tier in my opinion.
Now, keep in mind that giving him this ranking as a console player; and I'm sure all of my console brethren know just how painful it is aiming with a controller.
On pc I'd imagine he's more around D-C tier.
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OH MY GODS SOMEONE ELSE ACTUALLY HAS A CLUE ABOUT HOW TO PLAY TRICKSTER WHAT EVEN IS THIS I THOUGHT I WAS ALONE also I hate him because he's boring and one dimensional because that's his strongest play and it's effective at literally every tile. I though I'd found my new main but his skill cap is purely mechanical.
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Maybe low B. Trickster is very good if you know how to use him, and more oppressive than Deathslinger in certain situations. He doesn't get enough credit because he is hard to use and outclassed by other ranged killers.
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Gonna have to disagree with the shack bit, he can get you, you just have to time the knives. He is low B imo.
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With how open maps are and how good he is on low loops he can be this high.
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His buffs didnt fix any of his major issues, so still F-tier.
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Is he worse than Huntress, Nurse & Gun in chase, yeah, is he better than Clown, yeah, would be nice for to get quite a few more buffs, but he's not in dire need of any