if your team was getting camped in the basement what would you do?

Impossible to say without context really. Depends on the killer, how many people are down there, if I'm healthy, where the basement is etc...
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Leave them
I would do gens
going to save them is a very easy way to lose.
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Leave them
Do the gens, unless it's a killer I know I can save against without just giving them a free hook or throwing the match
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Leave them
Going gens is really the only optimal play.
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Leave them
Depends on the killer
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Be smart , brave and go down there like a soldier risking your life
If the killer is patrolling and I have BT, sure. Otherwise I'm just going to do gens and leave.
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Leave them
Depends who the killer is, I'll try my best but if I don't have BT or it's a insta down killer I'm sorry but Gg man I'm out lol.
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Leave them
Smart and "brave" in the same sentence? Hehe
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The smart idea is to just push out gens, but I play solo queue, and knowing what happens in solo queue, I'm just gonna stealth it out and wait for the hatch.
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Do nothing and Watch them die
I would go down there, and look them in the eye as the entity impales them. I would revel in their pain and watch as they are sacrificed to the unknown void of endless and monotonous insanity.
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Leave them
Without any context im assuming the situation is that there's still gens on the table, in which case I am going to work on the gens as I have Kindred and can see whether or not the killer leaves the basement.
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Leave them
"They were dead when I found them.
It was the only way."
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Do nothing and Watch them die
If It was bubba I would leave and watch them suffer
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Leave them
It depends on what killer it is.