I sometimes dont understand what survivors do.

I literally got 1 kill without never seeing any other survivors and they
1st: 3 gen themselves
2nd: didnt even do any of the gens when i went afk for 5 minutes
3rd: gave me a free 4K because they never went for any unhooks even tho i never went back to the hook after i hooked them...
you know whats the best? 2 of the people were rank 5 survivors, other is 8 the other is 10... im a rank 15killer... how is this even possible??
Dude, I often don't understand what people do. Just in general.
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Survivors are interesting critters. Skittering across the map and recovering fairly easily from being hit by a chainsaw.
Male or female, they can run for an indefinite amount of time and can close deep wounds by rubbing their hands over one another.
I shudder to imagine what cruelty lays behind their visage.
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They might have been playing hide and seek.
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It's even worse when you're a solo survivor.
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One of my favorite things to do is put on a "survivor watch" build and just watch these beings like a nature documentary. This is what I run on my Zarina, lol. Once saw all three randoms running around in different areas of the map, injured, as if being chased...loops and all. Killer was near me at the time while I did a gen a distance behind him.
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Oh yeah i could find that very interesting. Like the time when i was going on my 3rd hook, 2 people standing near me trying to not get found by the killer... not blocking him, hiding while watching me get on my last hook, 1 gen remaining, 3 people alive, they lost, against a trapper... how?
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What is this game? Nothing but a miserable little pile of secrets!
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Sounds like you found 4 of my regular Solo Queue Teammates. Have fun with them.
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I continue to question how the ######### humans are simultaneously capable of splitting the atom and creating giant rockets that can send us into space and also be this brainless