For the love of GOD, fix this system already. I'm a rank 16 killer, I shouldn't be constantly paired with red ranks and purple ranks 99% in every match. There's trying to learn and get better at killer then there's just plain getting stomped by perma loops, flashlight saves every second, and gen rushing in the first 3 minutes of the game. I honestly wish I was complaining just because I'm salty and bad, but no. I'm just bad and a low rank, so I question why I'm constantly paired against reds and purples.
Spoiler: at red ranks, the games consist of perma loops, flashlight saves, gen rushing, and people who know how to play. The earlier you are exposed to that the quicker you learn how the game is. At green ranks survivors hide in corners, don't do gens, and can hold a chase for 10 seconds max.
You are merely playing against people who have a slight idea how to play as a survivor, and discovering how imbalanced the game is.
It's the best way to learn I think, playing against good players. With a positive attitude and some effort you will learn lots of things in these games you get demolished, and you'll know how to hold your own soon enough.
The only real shame, in my opinion, is the reasonably large subset of players who seem to enjoy being toxic and taking advantage of less experienced players.
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That’s be fine, if it weren’t for the fact I don’t have the perks nor addons available to handle it. Like I said, I’m rank 16. I’m basically a baby killer :c child abuse
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You are at weekend which now SWF groups are more so there is not enough killer to find for lobbies so they just put random ranks to random ranks. It is hard for rank 16 killer to face againts red ranks but like @JPA mentioned the faster you see what is coming the better I think. If you want to try not the play killer at weekends and at night times because that times are the ones when survivors are marching and system can be really unbalanced.
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Well.. yeah I can't really argue with that. Playing against these teams when you are inexperienced and also only have Adept perks + Sloppy Butcher is pretty tough. Would be nice to reduce that grind or offer some sort of free perk unlock system for new players