I like the chapter but its not Nemesis

I like who we got and I like Nemesis but he is very weird and very unlike Nemesis. He needs his running and putting his running as his base movement animation just looks ridiculous because of how slow he is going. He also needs to use his weapons in some way. Could've easily been the mori but instead the mori we got was very awkward and absolute trash when it could've been SO AMAZING. He is just Mr. X with a tentacle which isn't what Nemesis is. I like all the references with the add-on names and quotes and same with the perks but I wanted to play as THE Nemesis. Not A Nemesis.
I think they did a good job but to each their own.
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He's completely faithful outside of the lack of any heavy weaponry. He's faster than survivors, M1s them and has a tentacle attack with an infection mechanic, which is true to the character and also does a good job of representing Resident Evil which is about biological agents.
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They did do a good job at certain things. That's not what I'm talking about though. I'm talking about Nemesis just not being Nemesis.. Not if they did a good job.or not.
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again this goes back to balance. THE nemesis would be um
very difficult to balance
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Everyone is faster than survivors. He needs to be way faster though. Not as fast as any other killed. The entire thing about Nemesis is being very fast and very lethal. Right now he's just lethal and that's it.
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Nemesis can't have the power level that he has within RE. Survivors are not equipped with the power level of the protagonists of RE - they have far less ability to withstand attacks and fight back.
I think they did a great job with what they had. The zombies are above and beyond as far as designing something unique and thematic goes.
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They have plenty of running abilities. Giving him that ability wouldn't be hard too balance.
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I'm not saying he should have his levels of strength in RE. I'm saying the power is just like 25% of what Nemesis really is. The zombies has less to do with him and more with just RE as a whole.
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Giving him a rocket launcher and a dash in addition to a sickness mechanic and anti-stealth, a ranged attack/pallet-buster that powers up in tiers, and AI minions is way more complicated than any other killer in the game and a frankly overloaded kit. Like that'd put New Freddy to shame, and he's not exactly a gold standard for power design.
DBD can't do total justice when it translates a killer into a playable format. Freddy and Pyramid Head can't torment the survivors with horrible images they dredge from their psyche, Pig can't create elaborate torture devices and lock survivors in deathtrapped rooms. Some elements have to be sacrificed to create a product that's feasible and doesn't break DBD gameplay.
I do agree his mori is very underwhelming, though.
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They could.at least at true running because he just looks like a joke when just moving around in the distance. Running didn't have to be sacrificed. It just makes him look like he struggles to move around as he runs at the speed of PH dragging around a huge sword.
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He's huge. Look at similar tall killers - Pyramid Head lumbers, Plague and Charlotte walk. Nemesis is bigger than all of them. Giving him a run cycle where he can appear to be moving quickly while being as massive as he is would require him to have a speed higher than any other killer - like 120% or 125%. That is unexplored and unbalanced territory that gives him better chasing potential than everyone shy of Nurse (who ignores loops) and Spirit (who's faster - and look at how much people love playing against her.) It's like playing a 115 with permanent free Bloodlust - survivors can't loop you, they can only mindgame or put as many pallets between you and them until they die. And for anyone god enough to hold you off, Bloodlust applies on top of that and puts you close to cloaked Wraith speeds.
He can't be faster. Either you get the Baywatch cam run cycle or you get a smol Nemesis. Pick your poison.
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I wanted PH to be Nurse-tier speed to be more reminiscent to Silent Hill 2 but it'd be difficult to balance so eh...
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This ^
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awh okay
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umm Okay then
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I'd sacrifice zombies to get Nemesis in the game.
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I thought the point of Nemesis was being big and slow?
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I mean..... his weapons is a freakin' punch, and he only needs to deliver a single kick to a gen to pop it. I'd say the 'oppresive tyrant' aspect is pretty down. If you were hoping for a rocket launcher in DBD tho..... i dono man
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Lore reason is because the entity makes them be the way that they are. It's their games and they have to play by their rules.
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Not exactly. He's surprisingly agile for his size, and easily outruns Jill in both RE3 titles.
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I don't care if he doesn't have the rocket launcher. I understand why he doesn't have it. There is no excuse to make him as slow as he is.
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No. If they decided to make him exactly like his games (which obviously won't happen) he would 100% be the fastest and most lethal killer in the game.
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