Switching to main survivor is a rational thing.

As a nearly 750 hour killer and 30 hour survivor i just realised that i made my biggest mistake of my gaming life when decided to main killer. Playing survivor is much more relaxing (what is the point of a video game) and rewarding (as being the power role). I just wanna shout out to all killer mains to try survivor, and have a relaxing Dead by Daylight experience. The time of killers is over, the time of survivors has come! Best wishes!


  • Steel_Eyed
    Steel_Eyed Member Posts: 4,033

    When killer gets stale, playing survivor is a fresh experience of the same game, but I don’t switch because I don’t feel competitive.

    I love playing killer.

  • latinfla4
    latinfla4 Member Posts: 2,119

    I just have even made a rant thread about it good job survivors...killer mains deserve ez games as well come join us as survivors I have hatch offerings keys and haddonfield maps to burn through😁

  • FrenziedRoach
    FrenziedRoach Member Posts: 2,600

    No thanks, I don't want to be beholden to the playing ability of randoms.

    You'll be back.... after you've dealt with random stupidity long enough....

  • A_Skinny_Legend
    A_Skinny_Legend Member Posts: 919

    I'll agree once mmr is on.

  • chargernick85
    chargernick85 Member Posts: 3,171

    I'm a killer and I love it. I can admit I get a bit antsy sometimes where as even as a solo survivor I don't have that feeling I do get just as amped up at times. Here is me as solo survivor - ######### are you doing if I get off this gen it will regress (ruin) go get him off hook he chases the obsession (4th teammate crouching around). Here's another me on hook, 2nd in chase, 3rd thinks sacrificing my life for our 2nd gen is a good trade off, 4th crouching around. Here's my favorite I unhook follow the scared little rabbit to heal and they won't let me so that they can self-care🙄

  • Kirkylad
    Kirkylad Member Posts: 1,927

    For me both sides just depend on who you're playing with.

    You can play killer against a bunch of solos who aren't tbagging etc and aren't efficient on gens and have a chill match or you go against a SWF who split up on them and you have a frustrating one.

    Same for solo, you can have decent teammates who do gens and last in chases and can have a chill match, or you get a bunch of potatoes crouching around or a killer slugging a 5 gens and it's pretty frustrating as well.

    Both sides have there ups and downs in terms of how much fun they can be to play.

  • goatslinger
    goatslinger Member Posts: 522

    I don't know. I would say solo survivor is about as irritating as killer is.

  • JPA
    JPA Member Posts: 1,685

    Solo Queue can be frustrating, when teammates throw games with stupid plays.

    However, you can always justify such a loss, as it has an obvious cause, you were never going to win when teammates are throwing this hard. It's more disappointing than it is frustrating.

    Also you have long periods of relaxing gameplay, sometimes you are doing gens, sometimes even chases are relaxed, if you know the structures of the map, and have safe pallets at your disposal.

    Killer however, is a new level of stress. I can say with absolute confidence that playing DBD as a Killer is the most stressful video game experience I have ever played.

  • BlueFang
    BlueFang Member Posts: 1,379

    If I had a penny for how many times I've seen the contents of an upcoming update get revealed, and the population immediately screamed "Being a killer main is over! The age of the Survivor main has come"

    I'd be the owner of the Auric Cell store

    That said, the autoban system seems quite a bit worrisome, I'm hoping its just a slighty better anti-cheat system when it comes out and isn't something worse but I'll reserve judgement till then. But the last thing I'm going to do is x amount of time in advance, if the change is bad I'll simply stop playing till they fix it rather than rebuild my entire reason for playing the game

  • JesseJH28
    JesseJH28 Member Posts: 483

    Agreed. I have to be specifically in the mood for killer (which is fairly often), but even solo survivor I have no problem picking up and relaxing through some matches

  • Patrick1088
    Patrick1088 Member Posts: 628

    Its fun to play both. I'm like 60/40 killer/survivor. I like killer for builds I like (Jump Myers, all seeing Wraith and Doctor in general), but survivor can be sometimes better. Its annoying to wait 5 minutes for a match to be tunneled and camped and earning 6k bp. I generally try to do rule of 2. It doesn't matter if I die if I follow that rule. If I happen to escape then good!

  • indieeden7
    indieeden7 Member Posts: 3,449

    Trust me, unless you're playing SWF most of the time, you'll be back eventually.

  • Beaburd
    Beaburd Member Posts: 998

    Solo survivor can be irritating, especially when matchmaking isn't over-performing.

    That said, I do find the role funner than killer lately simply because I like being a team-oriented individual so doing the role swap made sense to me in that regard.

  • AngryKiller
    AngryKiller Member Posts: 66

    Survivor is way more relaxing and "fun", but it's also easy and feels like playing baby mode. There is no challenge or room for improvement or anything, you just do gens, heal someone and if your team is bad you escape through a magic door on the floor.

    I'm not sure i'm sad enough to play the role that needs to be given a free undeserved win otherwise they'll throw a tantrum.

  • gibblywibblywoo
    gibblywibblywoo Member Posts: 3,772
    edited May 2021

    With how dramatic people are about losing as killer on this forum you'd think y'all are a bunch of crisis actors.

    Why is saying that the role of the 1 versus the 4 seen as some huge revelation on this forum? Of course it's harder, your t eam is literally just you. Personally, I prefer killer over survivor because I only lose because -I- lost, not because a teammate screwed us all over.

  • JPA
    JPA Member Posts: 1,685

    When you have a close match, it's one of the most fun online games I've ever played.

    But if you are outmatched or against a competent SWF, it can become a stress fest. Especially when it's a team that is trying to be purposefully "toxic".

    But you get just enough of those even/competitive matches to want to keep playing.