Do killers enjoy getting nice messages?

deathcheetos Member Posts: 23
edited May 2021 in General Discussions

Hey everyone,

Probably a stupid question here, but I’m very new to the game (got it like last week but I’ve been playing a lot and ranking up fast), and I’ve been watching the forums and subreddit for a while now and I read a LOT of posts about toxic/mean survivors. So, to kinda combat or balance out the ######### people, I’ve been trying to send every killer I play against a nice message. I’m not able to message everyone since I’m on console, so when I can’t do that I try to friend them to show that I like/appreciate them.

My question for the forum is; Do killers enjoy being nicely messaged and/or befriended?

I’m doing it to try to spread positivity, but if it’s actually just annoying or an inconvenience to people I’ll have to reconsider.

Some context info:

sometimes killers message me back and then they’re always nice, but mostly they don’t reply.

I send messages like: “Thanks for the game! :)” Or “You really steamrolled us hahah. Good job!”



  • Red_Beard
    Red_Beard Member Posts: 550

    Yes, I did. But long ago I decided I didn't need to see people flame me in the end game chat because of something I did they didn't like so I have my end game chat shut off and won't see it. Thanks for trying though.

  • HaunterofShadows
    HaunterofShadows Member Posts: 4,092

    Yes. Or at least I do.

  • Zwergz112
    Zwergz112 Member Posts: 199

    I play both sides but a nice message never fails to brighten my day, made some friends afterwards too whether I did well or was steamrolled. There are people who will think you're being sarcastic though and others who just aren't playing to have fun but just to make others miserable but it never hurts to be kind. :)

  • AVoiceOfReason
    AVoiceOfReason Member Posts: 2,723

    Give respect even in a loss. The other side had to take beatings just like everyone else to get good. Its always appreciated.

  • TheMadCat
    TheMadCat Member Posts: 2,203

    I did it before. I was saying something nice to the Killer each time.

    Until I got insulted enough because I said GG to someone who felt I was mocking them, until the other Survivors insulted me because the Killer was a Spirit with Stridor, because a Nurse slugged us all at 5 generators...

    Now, I keep the chat closed and I click immediately on Continue. I just never teabag nor anything being BM in game, as I think it's also a way to show I'm just playing and not here to bully.

  • Friendly_Blendette
    Friendly_Blendette Member Posts: 2,923

    I like both. I love when people are nice and wholsome but I also find it hilarious when players give angry message

  • SMitchell8
    SMitchell8 Member Posts: 3,302

    I had one who admired how I annihilated the team with Trapper. That was a a few years ago lol. Id like to message killers but I play on console so can't. I'm a good sport and will commend players for doing well.

  • Dustin
    Dustin Member Posts: 2,291

    tbh I'd rather players not contact me at all or try to talk to me. The community in game is exhausting enough to humor and read that it takes too much energy to even bother reading anything.

  • CoalTower
    CoalTower Member Posts: 1,730

    Yes. When I destroy a team with nurse, I'll always say GG if I can. When I get anything other than people that tell me to commit suicide, I'm happy. When I get a GG back, I'm elated.

  • Aneurysm
    Aneurysm Member Posts: 5,270

    Yeah, although back on ps4 whenever the message notification showed up I always first thought oh god what is it this time

    I did get good messages but they were buried under a mountain of salt, and I play pretty "nicely"

  • VioletCrimes
    VioletCrimes Member Posts: 878

    I find that they do, since I rarely play killer. I try to say something specific and sincere like “GG tense match!” or “GG most fun I’ve had against a Cannibal in a long time” so I hopefully don’t sound sarcastic.

  • Beaburd
    Beaburd Member Posts: 998

    No, they're all masochists who live to be abused.

    Yell at and degrade one, and they'll just scream: "Yessss demean me more, Daddy! What a turn on!"


    Nah, kind words are great.

    But I can't help but wonder what a toxic survivor would do if a killer did respond like that.

  • JordanMalicious
    JordanMalicious Member Posts: 383

    Yes :3 I like seeing survivors who are playful in lightly dissing me but also saying gg or that they had fun, even if they didn't escape.

    If you have a bad game, please try your best to avoid being salty, just exit the endgame screen and que up for another game!

  • GeneralV
    GeneralV Member Posts: 10,603

    I most certainly do. It has been way too long since I've last seen a wholesome player :)

  • TheMadCat
    TheMadCat Member Posts: 2,203

    Are you able to prevent people from messaging you on PS4?

  • JacksonWise
    JacksonWise Member Posts: 651

    I'm on console as well. I wouldn't say you need to message someone every game, but if you think someone played well then go for it. I mainly play killer and I leave my messages open. It sucks getting toxic message but I can always delete or block those. It's worth it for those occasional nice messages. :)

  • Aneurysm
    Aneurysm Member Posts: 5,270

    Yeah and I did that whenever I was sick of it, you also have to switch friend requests off too because you can attach messages to friend requests so they'll just go that route instead

  • TragicSolitude
    TragicSolitude Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 7,159

    I mean, it changes from person to person.

    In general, nice messages are nice. It's not uncommon for gamers to have social anxiety and stuff, though, so if they don't message you back, don't take it personally. They probably appreciate the sentiment but feel a bit awkward messaging strangers.

    There's also the possibility that they get so much salt they're not sure if you're being sarcastic or not, so they don't want to risk sending back "gg" and getting laughed at. When I had messages turned on, there were times when I really couldn't tell if messages were genuine, salty, or mocking. If you compliment them on something specific rather than an ambiguous "gg," you may be more likely to get a response.

  • rha
    rha Member Posts: 417

    I do appreciate it and usually reply. The main reason why I'll keep crossplay off is so that people can message me if they want. I've had some nice conversations resulting from that.

  • ShinobuSK
    ShinobuSK Member Posts: 5,279

    Not really. After all the salt, toxicity and wishing cancer on me, I decided to block all messages. Those 5% nice messages simply weren't enough.

  • DragonMasterDarren
    DragonMasterDarren Member Posts: 2,804

    i mean if i was to pick between a "you did really well, was fun playing with you" or "######### you filithy (very bad racial slur)" i'd take option 1 any day of the week

  • MrPsych
    MrPsych Member Posts: 265

    Hell yeah, I enjoy nice messages. I'll totally gobble them up every day.

    I never go out of my way to message people, but I'll occasionally check if any message is been sent. If you sent me a gg and I get to see it, I'll happily reply to you and wish you a good day.

  • deathcheetos
    deathcheetos Member Posts: 23

    Lol I can imagine. My first salt message definitely caught me off guard.

    Sorry that they ruined the chat for you, hopefully you can turn it on again some day but I'm glad you still play for your own fun either way.

    Great to hear! Thanks for commenting :)

    I'm glad you think so too! I definitely avoid sounding sarcastic but it's hard to deliver a certain tone over text sometimes.

    Honestly, sometimes matches where you absolutely get butchered are quite fun. Either the killers just baffle me with their skills/tactics or the other survivors drop so quick that it's just comical. Even if I lose in a "sweaty" way, I still give props because why not.

    Some people just always have to ruin nice things. I think you still convey that you mean well with your behavior, I'm sure many appreciate it!

    Hahah it is quite amusing to see someone lose their mind over a game. Glad you enjoy both!

    Sure they appreciate it! I love playing against Trapper just because I always step in the damn traps since I'm blind af and even the killer sometimes just stands in front of me like "Damn, really, again?"

    Understandable! When I see someone has a note on their profile telling others to leave or have made messaging them harder, I always back off.

    Glad to hear it! Nurses seem to be a rare treat to get matched with so I hope I can bump into you some day hahah

    Sorry that it has to be that way, I really don't understand why people bother to spend their time on being salty. The first time I heard my message notification I was so excited since the guy friended me and everything and the game had gone pretty well, but it was a hate message lol.

    Same! Sometimes it's hard to think of something specific for a match, but I try to throw in some suitable puns and things when I can.

    Degrading? Say less, I know the way to a killer's heart now ;))

    So happy to hear that! I don't really mind if I lose or have a bad game so I don't really get salty, but I'll keep it in mind!

    Let's pray to the matchup gods that we may someday cross paths then!

    Honestly, it makes my day to hear that you and other killers get happy because of it! Thank you for giving your input.

  • gentacle
    gentacle Member Posts: 260

    I main twins and if someone's nice to me my power goes away.

  • Marik13
    Marik13 Member Posts: 683

    As a baby killer main I absolutely do 100% appreciate friendly messages and light banter at the end of the game. Actually this happened to me last night after one match where one of the survivors complimented me at the end and I genuinely appreciated that and thanked them, telling them that I've still got a lot more to learn in the game. So yes, I like and I really appreciate that you go out of your way to send us kind words. It's refreshing after getting "gg ez" or "terrible killer" from sweaty red ranks who bully.

  • Iudex_Nemesis
    Iudex_Nemesis Member Posts: 326

    Yes it was nice but I only got them once in a blue moon. Now everything is set to private.

  • deathcheetos
    deathcheetos Member Posts: 23

    Hhmm those are defintely good points. I'll keep this in mind, thank you!

    That's honestly the best result I could hope for. Thank you for your comment!

    yeah the choice between those two isn't very hard to make, sorry you have to deal with that.

    I'm so glad! Replies always make me so happy since I then know my message was received well :)

    Like your power as the bad guy killer or? Btw, sorry but I chuckle every time I hear Victor, love the little gremlin

  • deathcheetos
    deathcheetos Member Posts: 23

    That's so great to hear! I want to start learning to play killer as well, but I'm apprehensive about it cause of all the hate killers seem to receive, so I want to make sure I never make someone else feel that way.

    Sorry to hear that. Hopefully thinks will change and the majority of messages will be positive in the future.

  • brokedownpalace
    brokedownpalace Member Posts: 8,793

    I only like it when they send me kisses

  • dspaceman20
    dspaceman20 Member Posts: 4,699

    As a survivor main I love giving killers happy messages. It's nice

  • Johnny_XMan
    Johnny_XMan Member Posts: 6,430

    I’m sure it’s safe to say a nice message is better than a not so nice one.

    Sometimes though, it’s better not to say anything. Especially with a bad matchmaking.

    I am not going to tell a newbie, “gg” when I know it wasn’t a fair match. I would rather not say anything and move on.

  • DragonMasterDarren
    DragonMasterDarren Member Posts: 2,804

    i just laugh and move on with my day when i get those messages, they just prove i'm not only a better player but a better human as well

  • deathcheetos
    deathcheetos Member Posts: 23

    Noted. I'll be sure to send them as many kisses as a clingy grandma on Christmas😘

  • Marc_go_solo
    Marc_go_solo Member Posts: 5,181

    For me, absolutely! Likewise, when I play survivor and the killer played well I'll compliment them on a specific reason why. People mostly react positively to compliments, but even more so if it's for a particular playstyle.

    Good for you to spread positivity by the way! That is most welcome here. Also, welcome to the game!

  • deathcheetos
    deathcheetos Member Posts: 23

    Agreed! Killers deserve a little compliment after the work they put in

    Hhmm yeah that's understandable! I guess maybe because I'm a newbie myself I don't recognize other newbies that easily so I can't really judge that yet.

    Glad you feel that way! Definitely the best way to go about it with those kinds of people.

  • Marik13
    Marik13 Member Posts: 683

    Yeah it can get rough, I'll admit. But I genuinely don't like the survivor style of gameplay so I'm stuck with just dealing with the killer abuse and screaming in to the void hoping that someone in BHVR hears about how broken their matchmaking system is. Personally as killer I try not to be toxic at the end. Usually I'll just say "Fair and balanced matchmaking I see..." when I see the survivors are all ranging from ranks 4-1 (I float mostly between ranks 13-10 btw). If I do end up tunneling someone out of the game early I usually apologize at the end of the game and give kudos when it's deserved, like if there was one survivor who just constantly jukes the hell out of me I give them credit for it lol. All in all, like I said in another thread, be the change you want to see. I try not continue the cycle of toxicity in this game myself as best as I can.

  • deathcheetos
    deathcheetos Member Posts: 23

    The more I learn about playstyles and details, the more I'll give them more specific compliments without a doubt! And thank you! I'm really enjoying the game and community so far.

    I really hope that they'll make a change! Thank you for being nice to survivors as well, I for one super appreciate it when a killer acts the way you do and puts in effort to break the cycle. Even my newbie eyes have noticed the matchmaking is quite off; like I'm rank 13 now and I've frequently been put with one or two rank 3-5 people against a rank 20 killer. It's odd but most of the time those survivors die first lol

  • Marik13
    Marik13 Member Posts: 683

    Yeah the matchmaking in this game is just atrocious and by far the worst I've ever seen in any game, which is saying a lot because I thought Overwatch's system wasn't really that good. But damn, DBD is just there like "Hold my elo score". It is something that I really really do hope that the devs fix at some point though. I think a lot of their problems could be fixed just by fixing the way the ranks work.

    But anyway, yeah all in all I just don't see the point in making someone else feel miserable if they've done nothing to me. The only time I've really done anything near as toxic as what some survivors do to us killers is when in one game there was this one cocky flashlight clicking teabagging survivor who taunted me at the exit gates, teabagging and clicking. I had NOED on (I was on my lvl 8 Ghostface with only two perk slots and not really any good perks available, so I gotta use what I got >.< ) and so I went and downed her and I guess she misjudged where she was standing cus I was able to pick her up after the down. So I went and hooked her and just started teabagging right back at her while she died on hook. That is the one and only time I've done anything really that is considered toxic.

    But yeah I don't purposefully slug and only really do I camp if I've been gen rushed and I've only gotten like one hook in and they've gotten four of their gens done. At that point I'm like, ok I need to get -something- out of this before they escape lol. Also If I do end up slugging, it's because I see someone else hiding around a corner and try to get them too, but I always go back for the hook and move on. I don't ever just fully leave an entire team down and dance over their bodies until they bleed out, that's just a dick thing to do.

  • deathcheetos
    deathcheetos Member Posts: 23

    I know it’s important to break the cycle, but that survivor did kind of deserve it lol. I always get such second hand embarrassment when my teammates start teabagging and just leave.

    Until now I don’t mind slugging that much. It is a little frustrating when they just down the whole team one by one, but I guess it’s also just a way to play and win. Every time a killer has left me to slug as the sole survivor I have always found the hatch (without their help) so I guess karma didn’t allow them to be toxic.

    Closing the hatch in my face is definitely the most ######### move you can do in my eyes as a killer, but I honestly can’t even get mad over that either

  • Marik13
    Marik13 Member Posts: 683

    You know I ended up doing that in a game last week, closing the hatch in a slugged survivors face. But I made up for it and carried them over to the gate and let them wiggle free and get the escape. They legit gave me a couple of good chases throughout the game and at that point I figured I won and decided to show mercy and let them take off. I've seen a couple of the big killer main streamers like Otzdarva doing that, showing mercy and letting the final survivor get the escape if they gave him a good game. I liked that and figured I'd try and do the same. I hope that that's ok and survivors don't take it the wrong way.

  • Pulsar
    Pulsar Member Posts: 20,775


  • CoalTower
    CoalTower Member Posts: 1,730

    Trust me, you don't want to get matched with me. When I play nurse, I make the game as fast as I can to get into more games.

  • Darkskies
    Darkskies Member Posts: 1,158

    Yes yes please yes go ahead I really appreciate getting nice messages it makes my day so much better and I'm very happy to receive them in bucket loads 🐷💗

  • MongolPSR
    MongolPSR Member Posts: 1,032
    edited May 2021

    Yes. Its way better than the usual. "######### *homophobic slur*"

  • Moundshroud
    Moundshroud Member Posts: 4,458

    Killers are just Players (and most play both Killer and Survivor). Most people, well-adjusted, like good manners and courtesy. I appreciate any kind, or at least polite, words. I like to thank my opponents for the game and say something nice myself after a match, win or lose.

    If you run across someone being snide or salty, or somehow triggered when you are nice, just ignore it and assume that maladjusted person or someone having a bad day who decided to take it out on you. Such people are the minority and it is best to just let that stuff bounce off and move on.

  • EQWashu
    EQWashu Member, Mod Posts: 5,037

    I enjoy getting nice messages as Killer (and survivor), and I also enjoy giving them as well! A lot of times I'll have killers that don't have a lot of practice on the character they are playing, I always like to give words of encouragement, and sometimes point out where they did an epic job (like random traps that got me, playing the loops super well, clever use of powers, etc).

    At the end of the day, Killers are players, players are human, and a little bit of kindness in a day, can go a very long way.

  • Dwight_Fairfield
    Dwight_Fairfield Member Posts: 6,900

    Yes its always nice when you see some friendly players in the community. Its even nicer when they said they had fun playing with you, or against you. For example I got a nice message from a SWF recently that faced my scratched mirror Mikey;

  • DatFastBoi
    DatFastBoi Member Posts: 455

    Oh hell yeah we do ! Getting a +rep with a nice message feels great too as it’s a reminder to never forget the great match or cool and memorable moments you had while playing against other peeps. Whenever i play killer i also try to give advices to counter the killer I’m playing or just some general tips to improve their experience. It’s not much, but as long as the intentions are good and that it’s not just a “Ggez noob git gud” type of message i’d say i’m always ready to listen to what my rivals are saying to be a better player and a more fun matchup against them.

  • burt0r
    burt0r Member Posts: 4,153

    This ^

    From my experience the last time I played it is better to simply leave in silence and dignity. Most of the time their is either nothing or salt coming and only in matches were one got stomped, like only 2 hooks in the whole trial, they get a gg which then feels more like mockery.

    I had this the last time when I played a whole Saturday evening in a row against purple/red 80% swf and then one of the last games I got destroyed by a few true rank 1 and they gave me a "gg" i crumbled and answered "not for me and so on" and they took their gg back and went full toxic since I wasn't appreciating it.