Would y'all accept the new Chucky in dbd?

If the devs had a really good idea for adding Chucky to the game, but they could only get the license for the 2019 remake evil robot Chucky instead of the 1988 serial killer possessed doll version would you still want him, or would you want them to pass and try to go for the 1988 version?
Personally, I'd want them to pass. I just watched all of the movies for the first time, and the 1988 timeline is all pretty fun up until seed of Chucky. Robot Chucky is just bland af, and would be a massive loss.
Yes, although the robot does not make as much sense as the original possessed, it would be nice to have it here.
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A doll the size of Victor and the lunge distance of Freddy.
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always yes
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And the PoV of old Blight
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If course, he is one of the biggest licensed killers we can get
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Either one would be fine TBH old would be better but either is good
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No. Well actually maybe as a legendary skin. But that's it.
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No. I'm someone that wants Chucky in the game but I want the OG Chucky. I'm not a fan of the remake Chucky for several reasons. I'd also rather the devs work with the creator instead of the studio that tried to screw him over by rebooting it knowing he was in middle of making TV series.
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i don’t really care for the new one if he got added. I would definitely rather have the OG one though and wouldn’t be excited about robot Chucky.
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I just watched Benny Loves You last night, holy crap what a riot. I would prefer Benny immensely over new Chucky. The Child's Play remake was ass, which is super disappointing given that they had Mark Hamill doing the voice and they didn't utilize him at all.
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It isn't as if we would have a choice. :) It wouldn't resonate with me, however, and I would never see that thing as Chucky.
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Yes, Only FNAF is hated by the community thinking it's a kid's game, Like bruh It's lore is very dark and it's for kids Like, How. And we already have dumb cosmetics but SOMEHOW Fnaf doesn't fit Lmao