This is why people say that killer isn't as hard as people claim
Killer isn't easier. It's just not as hard as people make it out to be.
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I personally play from around 9 or so in the morning to maybe midnight. I do online school while I'm in queues.
It's not that slugging is necessary, it's that it makes it an easier more guaranteed win.
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Hmm, now that I think about it, the double pips probably are why it makes such a difference for me. I usually black pip or just pip as survivor, but for killer I double pip a lot so it's twice as fast.
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Always love how so many on the forums speak of "most" and "average" seemingly.completely unaware that the are negating their argument goal
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I wish Survivors played like that. Only time they even get close is if I let my rank reset as far as it will go.
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I belive that most games (there are exceptions) are not won by the killer, but lost by the survivors.
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Killer in your average red rank games isn't hard because a majority of survivors are mediocre players, that's why the kill rate is very high
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How so? If you're so smart then educate the rest of us
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This statement doesn't make sense. Yeah, the average survivor is trash at this game and goes down in 20 seconds. But against people who know what they are doing, they all can loop you for 5 gens. Just because they are rare, doesn't mean they shouldn't be fixed. i think they should nerf those top level players and SWF (mechanically not directly) and buff the average survivor. Making the game better for everyone. The game isn't fun for killers who aren't nurse playing against the top level teams, nor is the game fun for these survivors in this game who go down in 5 seconds.
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Survivors don't pay attention at all. That's why having no TR is so good and without one you can walk up and grab people on big, easy to see Killers like Myers. They rely so much on the heartbeat that without it they're helpless.