Bond trolls

kisfenkin Member Posts: 621

What is going on? Why is there a sudden leap in the number of red ranks that are teaming up and using bond to lead the killer to the lower rank survivors?

The people doing this are flat out cheating. Why is this so common all of a sudden?

My son (he's almost 20) and I play two man swf often. Seven games in the last three days we've had red rank survivors that brought bond to shake the killer off on the other survivors. In one of those my son (who had died in the match already) actually watched the survivor I just saved from the hook point out exactly where I went so that the killer could kill me. Which he did, and then gave the cheating survivor the hatch. The Twitch streamer killer defended himself saying, "I don't want to play a game of hide and seek." Too bad for you, that's half the game!

Not everyone runs around in DBD like a chicken with their head cut off. If you don't like the stealthy style of game play some players use, go play something else that doesn't included it. If you are cheating we will report you. I hope BHVR is doing thier part to stop these cheaters.


  • Elena
    Elena Member Posts: 2,187

    This (but slightly differently) happened to me today (although not with bond), this Leon kept trying to bring the killer to me and it makes me feel proud because I kept changing location and they couldn't find me.

    But the Leon got all the generators done and decided to block the exit door while the Killer had his eye on me, so I couldn't do anything.

  • TheClownIsKing
    TheClownIsKing Member Posts: 6,278

    This is why I myself run Bond often (with Open Handed). If I see someone else running towards me, I leg it first and observe them for a while from a distance to see if they’re attempting to do the dirty on me. I’ll return to my gen when I’m sure they’re not trying to be a scumbag.

    My common build is Bond, Visionary, and Open Handed so I can know where I SHOULDN’T lead any chases to.

  • miketheratguy
    miketheratguy Member Posts: 2,719

    *Throws up hands*

    I've been using Bond since literally day one. It's my favorite perk. I'm not red rank and I don't troll. Please don't hate me.

    That said, if I consider the chasing / looping game to be little more than glorified tag (which I do, I hate it), then I think it's fair to say that I prefer playing this game as hide and seek. That's my right, as it is yours, and anyone else's. I've also had my teammates ######### on me for that style of gameplay - they seem to assume that if they don't see you much during the match, you must just be hiding and not doing anything. To that I say nope, look at my points. Just because you didn't see me doesn't mean that I was hiding. It means that I wasn't dropping pallets on the killer and teabagging with you.

    I prefer to play stealthy. Some people question that term so I also now say I like to play "immersively". I guess they mean the same thing - playing more carefully than boldly. It's a decision that should be up to the player and not punished. As long as the rules aren't being broken and the player IS participating, then there's nothing wrong. Bond is a perfect complement to my playstyle because it allows me to get an idea of what's going on and where. Yes, it could be used to hide and screw others over, but in my case it's also a great informational tool to help me play (yes, PLAY) a better game.

  • kisfenkin
    kisfenkin Member Posts: 621

    Run it as a counter, that's not a bad idea. It does have the added advantage that you can avoid accidentally leading the killer to other survivors.

    If it keeps up like this I will try it. I usually run Borrowed Time, Fixated, Sprint Burst, and Distortion. My son goes for the chase so he runs Fast Track instead of Distortion.

  • nomad5926
    nomad5926 Member Posts: 13

    Honestly I think the game would benefit from being more hide and seek. It is supposed to be suspenseful for survivors. Being chased should be an actually scaring thing, not just a jogging simulator around your favorite wall.

    As a killer having to run around and play tag with survivors that are not even trying to sneak is exhausting.

  • redsopine00
    redsopine00 Member Posts: 905

    I’ve sandbagged before but it’s rare and it’s only happens when I’m on coms and I give a heads up saying I’m being chased so run if they ignore it and get downed that’s on them I warned them I was passing while looping

  • redsopine00
    redsopine00 Member Posts: 905

    Oh I’ve had worse done to me 2 guys was actively teaming with a killer one suicides on hook then tells his teammate every other survivors locations and leads them to us I was in a locker so bind won’t work survivor runs up to my locker and points at me then farms me there claims we’re having fun