Dead by Daylight should no longer be affected by an outage. Players logging into the game between September 26 3PM ET and September 28th 3PM ET will receive 1M Bloodpoints as compensation.

So, now that the dust has settled, what's your thoughts on the RE chapter and the announcements?

Honestly, nothing in-depth this time, just wondering how everyone is thinking about the RE chapter and all the announcements we've received on the 5th anniversary stream. Speaking on the latter real quick, overall, I was very pleased with the 5th anniversary stream and I was even more thrilled to hear them announce that, in the future, they'll be making changes that will shake up the core gameplay which I'm still VERY happy to hear.

Noe, to me, the RE chapter is a dream come true. From Jill and Leon getting in(my two fav RE survivors) and, of course, Nemesis, this was truly a match made in heaven for me. Ever since I started playing DBD way back in 2017 I've always hoped for this chapter but never thought it was possible so, yeah, seeing it come to fruition is a massive deal to me. This is now my fav chapter in the game and I'll be waiting for the official release with bated breath so, thank you BHVR and Capcom, you've made this big nerds' dream a reality. Also, just on a side topic, I'm very pleased to see the PTB still being pretty populated because it usually takes a few days or so before it goes dark. Now that my talk is over, I pass it onto you lot, what are your thoughts?


  • Dabihwow
    Dabihwow Member Posts: 3,409

    It really wasn't a shock for who the characters were gonna be honestly, it your someone like me who spent a good amount of time speculating this coming chapter, it really wasn't a shock

  • MadLordJack
    MadLordJack Member Posts: 8,814

    RE chapter looks pretty cool. Nemesis could use some small buffs to make getting to T3 both possible against sweat squads and actually worthwhile as well (getting mutation from hitting infected survivors, longer range, shorter cooldown, etc.) He actually looks really fun to play against because, like Huntress and Plague, he doesn't get free zoning (curse you, Demogorgon, PH and Slinger!).

    I'm looking forward to most of what they announced, even the auto-ban feature (seriously, anyone thinking that they'll permanently implement something that will be significantly worse than OG MMR is crazy). I'm willing to bet that it will be so lax as to not even exist. Probably just some text analyser for the post-game chat (working off a seperate code than the filter) mixed with a classic auto-ban complaint-overload and a complaint limit that can be sent before you either get locked out or ignored for being a troll. In other words, it probably won't do anything but ban overt racists and homophobes.

    I'm really looking forward to the events. I don't expect much, I just like being overloaded with BP. It's a nice feeling for anyone who hasn't been playing for 3000 hours.

  • AngryKiller
    AngryKiller Member Posts: 66

    Complete trash.

    Shit weak and boring killer with an awful huge indoor map, as if normal maps didn't have 9 gens popping by the time you get to the other side. Dunno what were they thinking with Nemesis, they literally had to do NOTHING, they just copied and pasted everything, so they have zero excuse because Nemesis model, the survivor's models, the new map, etc took zero effort from their part.

    And what did they deliver? Two buggy zombies and a slow killer who's power is having to hit 3 times to down someone instead of 2

  • Tatariu
    Tatariu Member Posts: 3,068

    I love the Resident Evil chapter. The new map is cool and fun for me to play on. I think Nemesis is in a really good spot.

    My thoughts on their other announcements:

    • Happy to hear about Boon: Totems. They seem interesting.
    • Moris being integrated into the gameplay, rather than an offering is worrying, but exciting.
    • I look forward to the Key changes (even though we know literally nothing about it).
    • Disappointed that their plan for addressing the balance of killers is that they will be addressing the balance of new killers, rather than existing ones (at least that's what it seems like Matt said). We still have a handful of killers who seriously need some tuning.
    • Adding relief into the game environments is something I welcome with open arms. The game does look really artificial, so hopefully varied terrain fixes this.

    I think that was everything notable, I could be wrong though.

  • Cornpopers_Evan
    Cornpopers_Evan Member Posts: 2,428
    edited May 2021

    To be honest, I'd have to go back and re-watch the stream because they dropped a LOT of info in there. Also, 100% agree on your whole consensus on the RE chapter, love everything about the chapter although, must admit, the map is a bit on the big side. The other thing is, yeah, getting mori's into core gameplay has me both excited and worried. I'm REALLY hoping it isn't just the old "oh, just have the final survivor be able to be killed if you've hooked them twice" like I've seen suggested. Oh, also, of course, the key changes I'm looking very much forward to.

  • Cornpopers_Evan
    Cornpopers_Evan Member Posts: 2,428

    Well, something that also really put a HUGE nail in any sort of speculation was, well, insider info was given to LBD and I know they're not always right but... this time they were so it basically killed the speculation scene, sadly, was really enjoying all the speculation going on.

  • Pepsidot
    Pepsidot Member Posts: 1,662

    I played Resident Evil 2 and actually finished the game to my surprise, a while back. Great game. Pretty cool that I'll be able to play in the police station again and have a bit of an idea about the layout of the map.

  • Dabihwow
    Dabihwow Member Posts: 3,409

    Well the thing is it just kills any hope of it being any other character in RE. They went with the characters who would give them the most money, my only fear now is that will there be any inclusion of the more modern games. I get they are new, but guess what, I'm new to franchise, and built my love for it off the new games. So it would be huge middle finger to me, and others.

  • HaunterofShadows
    HaunterofShadows Member Posts: 4,092


  • MiniPixels
    MiniPixels Member Posts: 536

    Very underwhelming. The RE chapter was about what I expected, we got some decent perks ,a decent new killer, and a terrible map which was nearly guaranteed considering 90% of RE to my knowledge is indoors.

    The anniversary stream is the side that is severely lacking, we were told about a handful of things that were VERY early on in development, we now know they are going to be supporting killers further past their initial release, and we were told that keys and mori's were being looked into further which isn't surprising anyone. That was about it, no roadmap, we're getting a reskinned crown event from last year, but hey at least we're getting funko pops.

    If your struggling to understand why I'm disappointed it's because I've seen what an actual event looks like, I've been with this game since week one of launch and five years of Dead by Daylight means a lot to me, it really sucks that the best "event" that the team could come up with for their five year anniversary is a reskin of last years. You would think that this achievement would come with a big announcement to produce hype, or a new game mechanic, but instead we were given the same lackluster effort that has been put in since that fated Halloween "event" from 2019.

    I'll always continue to stick around, I'll always still have fun playing the game, but I'm never gonna pretend I'm not disappointed.

    Either way, here's to another five.

  • Beaburd
    Beaburd Member Posts: 998
    edited May 2021

    Now that the Hysteria for the chapter has died down a bit, I can be honest and say it's brought a Resurgence of interest to the game for me. As such, I'll probably Bite the Bullet and buy it.

    Some Pursue with Lethal force that their favorite characters weren't included, but I'm sure there will be an Eruption of joy if they add Legendary skins to include them. That's my Counterforce to their concerns anyway, as it would be like stepping on a Blast Mine for Behaviour not to consider doing it.

    Maybe optimism has blinded my viewpoint more than a Flashbang, but I've got that Rookie Spirit feeling from when I first started playing this game. Especially with the introduction of Zombies, which makes me think they're going to consider other environmental obstacles or other objectives in the future.

  • deckyr
    deckyr Member Posts: 795

    just waiting for it to come out now! the one game i played as nemesis was like crack, i loved working with the zombies as much as i loved being mad at them for following the wrong alerts. super excited to playing as him and maybe even maining him, although i feel like - as someone who isn't a fan of Resident Evil and hasn't played any of the games - i'm missing out on some of the fun factor compared to someone who has the context of the original.

    maybe i'll look up some youtuber playing it. i know a streamer i used to follow has played RE1 and RE2R, maybe he's also done RE3 and i just didn't notice...

  • Cornpopers_Evan
    Cornpopers_Evan Member Posts: 2,428

    Alright, you win the "comment of the day" award for that one! lol

  • Blueberry
    Blueberry Member Posts: 13,590
    edited May 2021

    The chapter is probably one of the smoothest PTB's we've had in a long time and a killer that enters the PTB in an actually relatively decent spot. He still needs some small buffs however. 2 zombies on larger maps is also simply not enough.

    Most the survivor perks are quite unique and decent but with a few still needing buffs. I like that they're getting a little more adventurous with some of the perks here.

    The killer perks are all trash however and need substantial buffs.

    Contrary to popular opinion I actually like the new map. My only issue is its size. I thought we'd learned after 5 years that maps are too large? Not only haven't we fixed the maps that are too large but we're now actually adding more...alright.

    Autoban feature is probably one of the worst possible ideas they could have thought of. Scrap it. So many ways for this to go wrong.

    Boon feature sounds like a cool concept but we really can't comment as we know basically nothing.

    Really disappointing that we heard no information on MMR, cross progression, or perk balancing. Especially the perk balancing, near 80% of the entire perk roster on both sides is complete garbage. There isn't even heavy work needed here. A majority of them can literally be fixed with number tweaks..that isn't a lot of time investment.

    It was concerning as well to hear they are mainly going to be focusing on future killers rather than older ones. We still have a lot of older killers that are really bad and need work done to them. I get they don't really have the time to keep going back on them but that's really not an excuse. Why? Because they're the ones that released them in those poor states in the first place. Release the killers in a good state to begin with and we won't have to keep doubling back like this. We tell you how much they need on release/PTB and it goes ignored. This exact same issue is what's happening with the perks that get released as well.

    I was particularly excited to hear there would be a winter event, even if a small one at that. Winter Solstice has been my favorite event/season and it's good to hear it's coming back.

    Post edited by Blueberry on
  • EntitySpawn
    EntitySpawn Member Posts: 4,233

    Crappy killer perks, the odd decent survivor perk. AI are cool but 2 is little on open maps, ability isn't that creative. Dont like indoor maps. And sadly very little updates on the base game.

    I like chapters but I'd rather alot more detailed health changes and balances instead. We have plenty of chapters atm but alot needs fixing and adjusting buff wise.