DBD CONCEPT: Illusionist

LuckyV53 Member Posts: 8

Killer: The Illusionist

Power: Magic act

Speed: 115%

Height: Medium

Power Description:

The illusionist is well versed in all sorts of trickery and magics and uses them to his advantage in the hunt.

Vanishing act: The illusionist knows to make himself scarce or known to best please his audience. He may go into a locker that is not currently being occupied to see all unoccupied lockers aura on the map. He may select one and pop out causing a loud sound to survivors and causing all survivors within 20 meters to scream revealing their location for 2 seconds. Vanishing act has a cooldown of 45 seconds

Illusionary double: The Illusionist is a master of the most advanced magics and can place up to three Illusionary clones of himself after a 1.5 second channel slowing him down by 10% movement. These illusions last 15 seconds each and have collision, they will swing at any nearby survivor dealing 1 health state of damage per hit, Once the illusionary doubles make contact in this way they vanish instantly.


Perk 1: Showmanship) Your love for the spotlight fuels you. Every time you are blinded by a flashlight/Flashbang/Trap You gain 15% action speeds to kicking pallets, Hooking survivors and picking up survivors "The lights, It reminds me of home"

Perk 2: Magicians secret) The inner workings of your tricks are yours alone. Every time a survivor would see your aura it is hidden and you become undetectable for 4 seconds. Magicians secret can only activate once every 70 seconds "I'm terribly sorry, But that's a trade secret."

Perk 3: Applause) You desperately miss the praise of your crowd. Each time a survivor is sacraficed you see all survivors auras and gain the haste status effect of 3/6/9% for 5 seconds. "The shows not over yet. Not until my audience is satisfied"

Survivor perks

Perk 1: Swindler) There is no remorse left in you for those you fool. Whenever another survivor takes a protection hit for you you gain 5% movement speed for 6 seconds and they gain the oblivious satus effect for 20 seconds "Sorry dear, the needs of me outweigh the needs of you"

Perk 2: Hustler) You'll do anything for the rewards. Each time you search a chest there's a 60/70/80% chance the item will have add ons of green rarity or higher. "Even here there's always a chance of a good score."

Perk 3: Skeptic) There's almost nothing that fools you anymore. While in a 5 meter radius you see the aura of any traps or fake pallets and your aura is revealed for the killer for as long as the trap is active "I know all your secrets. Come get me."


  • Moundshroud
    Moundshroud Member Posts: 4,458

    This is not unlike a suggestion I made for either Chucky or Leprechaun (if we ever get either). It seemed very appropriate for a Leprechaun to use magic to travel through Lockers. The Insta-Down aspect wasn't something I suggested (might be too potent). I suggested being Undetectable for a short period of time.

  • LuckyV53
    LuckyV53 Member Posts: 8

    There's insta down play potential but it has counterplay. Just hold W. It's more for loop trapping. Really no different than the zombies for nemesis so i don't think that's too strong..

    I never come on the forums tbh. Just made the account today and wanted to share what i made. Cool that you have a leprechaun one tho. I wanted him in but could never figure how he'd fit (Especially around loops. Just too short..)

  • Moundshroud
    Moundshroud Member Posts: 4,458

    Leprechaun and Chucky would have to play differently, like a Spooky Myers. They would have to be more about ambush and intercept. For Leprechaun I wanted him to have the ability to teleport through Lockers AND create illusions of breakable walls to confuse Survivors. I wanted to do Sam from Trick'R'Treat and have him able to crawl on the ceiling and walls to drop on people. Most of the short and slower would have to have alternate methods and tricks. I always saw Chucky as having his Bride (full-sized wife still) and like the Twins being a team.

    For the Cenobites from Hellraiser I thought that their main power would be that no matter what hook you got put on, a cool animation happens and you are ported into the Basement. :)