SOLOQ Hell testing (05/25) and (05/29)
I'm back everyone, i did a pause to test the new chapter on PTB and was quite fun, unfortunately PTB ins't a good place to test SoloQ because of bad matchmaking and DCs mains all around, also i will have to do 5 matches per day only since i got less time at the moment, i also put the killer perks on the list, so let's get to the results.
Day 1 + Rules:
Latest chart + Extra Rules:
DEATHS: 2.0 as expected, *Thanos balanced meme here*
HOOKS: 5.6 is very low, but that is expected since i played less day in total.
GENS LEFT: 3.8, worst number so far, 2 matches that there was almost no game at all.
TUNNELING: 0.8, expect, someone always gonna be tunneled, also the spirit game was pure garbage, 2 survivor used DS and the last one didn't had it, i asked the killer why did he tunneled like that and he said, "Your guys are SWF, deserve to ne tunneled", and by the way the other survivor were playing i can say, they aren't SWF.
CAMPING: 0.2, rarely someone got camped which is nice
KILLER PERKS: BBQ and Ruin almost every match, meta for life.
DEATHS: 1.2, the lowest death rate so far.
HOOKS: 5.8, almost 6 :V
GENS LEFT: 0.6, the second day with this rate, good matches for survivors.
TUNNELING: 0.4, second day with this rate, also with the best Hook ratio beside day 1 that had a lot of tunneling.
CAMPING: 0.2 Great job Killers.
CONCLUSION: Funny enough the days with less tunneling were the day with the most hooks and good escape ratios, i suppose this may show the survivor/killers skill level to a certain extend, also camping is very rare except the situation were the killer has reasons to camp, like end-game, survivor hooked near to each other, this kinda of thing. Also the introduction of killers perk, just showed the obvious, BBQ, Ruin and Corrupt are here to stay, even if they didn't influenced certain matches too much. That is all for today, see you soon!