Is it just me...

Or do I lose infinitely more with console players as teammates?
Like, I got friends that play on PlayStation and Xbox, and they constantly talk about how they trash PC users.
But I have yet to feel like I am not carrying a 1 Ton dumbbell with console players on my team.
Just you
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I genuinely don't mean to hate on them as I have nothing personal against them
And perhaps it is a bias, but it really does feel like it
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I don't lose more, but I do get a lot less support. I find that Console Players seem to be a bit less team-oriented unless they are already a SWF. When it comes to Solo, I prefer pulling PC over Console every time.
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The only real difference between PC and console players I have noticed is that console killers generally get less hits/easier juked or 360‘d and for some killers it’s just harder to aim especially ranged attacks
for survivors there is not really a significant difference
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This is my same experience. I've come to the point where i dodge a lobby if all other team mates are console players
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You can off Crossplay and get matched with Trauma team mates, Closer to your skill level
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To bad it takes years to find a match with crossplay off compared to with it on
Suffer more matches quickly, or painless less often
Better than the hour it used to be though............................
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Well, with CP off he Will never get matched against "Awfull console team mates".
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There are a lot more kids on console, so you’re probably just getting actual baby survivor teammates.
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That often eh? All these rank 1-5s?
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Quality over quantity matches I suppose
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Do you think it’s hard to get to red ranks or something? It really isn’t, and that should be obvious if the red rank teammates you’re getting are as bad as you’re suggesting. It’s not like a kid can’t climb to red rank if they play enough.
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I do find higher percentage of "potato survivors" to be coming from the crossplay.
Doesn't mean that all are awful and bad at the game, it is just more commonly for me to see bad plays from them rather than PC.
But Megheads exist on all platforms.
I had many teammates from cross platform sources that were doing an amazing job.
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I do in the evening when queues are faster