What Challenges (Survivor or Killer) drive you somewhat crazy?

I love getting bloodpoints from the challenges, and I love having a specific goal to work towards each trial. But not all challenges are created equal. The following happens to me every single time I start doing the Glyph challenges. LOL.
Which challenges do you find frustrating / have bad luck with?
The one from a few tomes ago to grab two survivors using Discordance.
I tried that challenge like 10+ times as Ghostface and couldn't get it because grabs don't work.
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The ones where I have to play toxic I just hate. Mainly the escape through hatch and blind the killer challenges, if I had to name a few.
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For killer, The one where you have to grab 2 survivors out of a locker using Iron Maiden and the Scourge Of The Purge challenge in the current tome.
For Survivor, The one challenge where you have to complete 2 generators in the killer's terror radius and the one where you have to hide within 10 meters of the killer without being caught as Dwight.
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Yeah I agree with all three of you!!!
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For killer it's grabbing challenges and hook survivors in basement. Grabbing challenge cause grabs or bs atm and I feel so toxic running a full on basement build and proxy camping just to get my damn challenge done.
For survivor I find the "Do x amount of gens" super boring. It's okay if it counts when anyone does a gen, like last time, but the ones where you have to do 15 gens yourself is just zzzzz. Otherwise I also dislike the "Unhook x amount of survivors" cause it creates a competition between all survivors to farm the hooked one.
Also screw the challenge where you have to remain within 10m of a killer for a minute.
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Blood debt is the stupidest challenge ever made
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I think most of the "Do this in a single trial" challenges are the ones I find frustrating. A lot of them can be done easily, but these are the ones that cause people to not play normally the most. Like the last Plague challenge that you pretty much had to camp to get done. Of even stun the killer this many times with a pallet in a single challenges I just camp pallets to get it and really don't even touch a gen. If it is do X pallet stuns regardless of number of matches I will just play normal and get it when I get it.
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I never complete the challenge where we have to blind the killer.
Either i miss or the timing is not good.
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"Sacrifice 4 survivors in the basement."
"Repair 4 gens using the perk Dark Sense"
"Get Chainsaw hits." (I suck as Billy)
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That as well is I hate a lot. I guess my mind is trying to suppress how stupid the challenge is, by making me forget it exist.