What's your "Give Up" Condition?



  • Dustin
    Dustin Member Posts: 2,336

    If I know I'm not going to have fun I just "afk" a game because I'm not going to play something that is dreadfully unfun. I'll just blindly do gens as survivor not caring if the killer kills me, I'll tunnel and camp or just afk. I literally don't care because this map isn't fun.

    Examples - Badham Preschool - I don't care that they graphically reworked this map realm. It's not fun. I refuse to believe anyone enjoys this realm it's just unfun. The school is unfun to play on as both sides, the house of pain is awful, the generic house isn't fun. The school to me doesn't even fully represent the scenery from the movie. Overall I feel this map missed the mark misrepresenting the franchise quite a bit.

    With Haddonfield I feel the map is poorly balanced but there's some fun in knowing it's somewhat unique. It's still awful but if I had to choose between versing someone running balanced landing on this map and just casually playing the preschool map I'd take haddonfield any day. It's awful.

    Also to anyone who takes offense to my answer - Boohoo someone has a differing opinion and actually answered the thread honestly - Shocker isn't it? Imagine forcing yourself to play through something that isn't fun. Also consider I hate Spirit and I'd rather verse against Spirit on another map than play on this map in any situation. That's how much I hate it. It was an awful map before it's rework and it's an awful map after the rework. Boring map that just has some unique flair to it visually. There's nothing unique about it aside from the school which is underwhelming and honestly should be a bigger focus on the map because every other element of this map is just lifted from Haddonfield. There's nothing special about it at all.

    But here's a list of games I don't care for

    • Getting Freddy's Preschool map - This is honestly a mood killer and I'll generally stop playing DBD after I get this map - Would rather verse an SWF squad running the OG Decisive Strike with window and pallet vacuums enabled
    • Versing Spirit as Survivor (I refuse to play her and I'm a killer / Nurse / Blight main) - Literally hate everything about this killer and would immediately delete her from the game
    • Versing Hag as Survivor - If a Hag actually knows how to play her in a fun and interesting way sure but most of them outright camp - Hag isn't fun and this old design before BHVR started getting their priorities on game health shows with this killer.
    • Versing Pig as Survivor - Same as Hag - This is one of those killers where BHVR seemed to not really know what to prioritize on game health. Everything about Pig from her perks to abilities is pretty well what makes a survivor game unfun. Character encourages camping and tunneling so much because of how strict the ability playstyle is.

    Also notice I have zero mentions of versing an SWF and I'm a killer main. I just have to emphasis how little I see SWF as being an issue. In fact most of my complaints for this game are as survivor.

  • Dustin
    Dustin Member Posts: 2,336

    Hey I respect that you enjoy the map - I won't ever understand why but you do you. As survivor or killer that's basically my "done for the night" game even if it's my first game of the night. Can't stand that map.

  • BioX
    BioX Member Posts: 1,378

    Capable killer with Pop is a lost cause.

    Freddy.... I mean I really dont mind freddy but every freddy I give a chance ends up being scummy.

    Returning to the hook



    And I guess sorta adding to that first point, if a killer is too good and we just go down one after the other I also just dip out because its just a waste of time for everyone involved to continue, the killer wins, moving on.


    hmm giving up as killer is a bit harder for me, I guess really just not making a dent and/or survivors not actually doing gens but just using their meta perks to be annoying because that is a nonmatch anywho.

    I will say though that even though I dont give up as killer that much, that does not mean im having fun in any way shape or form, like if you go against babies or even just 1 baby its a complete non-match, the game is not build around 3 survivors vs 1 killer, so I just kill everyone asap but in my mind im already wishing for it to end.

  • BioX
    BioX Member Posts: 1,378
    edited June 2021

    its more on the mods and its pretty telling honestly, "cant behave" is more about "dont hold to the dictatorship on this forum" and I know what you are thinking, its their forum, their rules, you dont have to be here and you are correct.

    But silencing people who talk openly about the failures of this game that willfully are never even attempted to be adressed is pretty messed up.

    Heck im pretty sure OP got banned for this very thread, a member since 2018 outright banned for even suggesting to the option that people can and will dip out over behavior they do not agree with in a game.

    And its funny as well, think about soccer, what if the other team just sits on the grass or just walks off or starts attacking the other players, are the other players suppose to just stay and play like its a normal match? not...really.

    And the devs know very well that is purely by the grace of the community that this game stays alive (yes yes obviously if in any game nobody plays it anymore it is dead but what I mean is) because if all killers would just camp, which is completely allowed by the devs, then nobody would play survivor anymore because what is the point?

  • NVerde
    NVerde Member Posts: 264

    I'm surprised at people saying they give up if it's an indoor map. That's just bizarre to me.

  • Dustin
    Dustin Member Posts: 2,336

    I can see Midwich being a map you hate - For me personally I enjoy the map but that's just because the art team went above and beyond on that map. However ultimately the map plays badly for both sides given it can have fun chases. However considering I'm a Nurse / Blight main the map is terrible to play on sometimes. It still has deadzones and it's annoying to play maps with multiple floors as Nurse and as Blight I slide off of half of the objects on the map.

    With the upcoming Resident Evil chapter I extensively tested Blight on the new map and I won't blame people for DC'ing on that map it's almost unplayable with Blight. I'm a huge Resident Evil fan and I mean like I'm nearing fanboy territory. But the new map is going to play horribly for a lot of killers to the point where their power is unusable. This prioritizes mobility killers mostly. I thought BHVR was going to do what the team working on REVerse did and make the hallways wider like REVerse did for their map but no it's almost a 1:1 copy with random "Entity" corruption that shouldn't be there and new doorways added. Don't get me wrong as a RE Fanboy I love the map but as a DBD player the map is going to play like #########.

    I am deadly serious when I say Blight is almost unplayable on the map. The only few rooms you can use the power in (Barely) is the main hall, the offices that are next door to the lobby and the outside area. Every single hallway and other room you slide off of almost everything and cannot bounce off walls or go through doorways. The doorways are too narrow and probably the most narrow compared to every other map in the game.

  • Idontknowtbh
    Idontknowtbh Member Posts: 472

    I've given up in chases. I just stop running, but I don't suicide or DC.

    Last night, I got to the second stage in hook because they didn't come to rescue, no gens were done in that time either, the killer was chasing someone, they finally come to get me and the killer turns around and comes to the hook, so I start running, the other 2 survs don't even try to help (1 had one hook and the other 0, the injured one self healing on the other side of the map unaware of what was going on) and piggy wants her kill, so I give up mid chase and accept my fate so I can move onto another game sooner rather than later.

  • sulaiman
    sulaiman Member Posts: 3,219

    Bad teammates. Solo queue survivor only.

    As killer, teabagging when they are winning. Its disrespectful, and if they don´t want to tread their play partner with respect, they can play alone.

    NMCKE Member Posts: 8,243


    2 - 5 Generators Remaining, 2 Survivors Alive AND Unlucky EGC / Endgame Matchup


    EGC, All Survivors Alive

    Essentially at that point, I either let the EGC flush them out or just stand at a hook. However, if I believe there's a chance, I'll try, but when my odds are reduced to impossible, such as exit gates on the same door — I'll just stand at a hook and get the killer's attention.

    There have been times where I was able to checkmate the killer. Essentially, I knew where the hatch was located at, so I let the killer down me first instead of my teammate. I made my way to the hatch and since the killer had 5 tokens of Devour Hope, I didn't have to wait out the hook sacrifice for it to open. 😁

  • GlamourousLeviathan
    GlamourousLeviathan Member Posts: 1,179

    I only ever give up if I am having a reaaaaaaaally bad day already. Also, the survivors have to try gen rushing so bad for it to add the first factor so I can give up, something like 4 gens in 4 minutes. If thats the case I am just waiting for the last gen to pop and then finally opening the gates myself.

  • Dustin
    Dustin Member Posts: 2,336

    There are surfaces you can be looking directly at and you'll slide off of with the first charge. A good example is the pile of junk in the STARS office. That main loop in there half the time you'll just slide off of even while directly looking at it. Also the area is too narrow to charge in a straight line as you catch the outside walls. It's an absolute mess.

    I tested this with a group some rooms you just cannot use the power unless you are so incredibly precise you'd have to memorize very specific charge spots that would be too opportunistic to rely on in an actual game. Some people will probably manage but it's easy to break chase versus Blight in this map. Literally just take a turn in any doorway and Blight can't use their power to pursue you.

  • Rivyn
    Rivyn Member Posts: 3,022

    A few. As survivor, it's when I loop the killer for a period of time, get hooked, only to find my team doing nothing. No thank you.

    As killer, it's either

    a) a sweaty survivor team when I don't want to sweat. Three gens done in two minutes, map rng chains tiles for optimal looping, comms. Sometimes I just want to chill.

    b) server cucks me. When auto aim makes me hit the trashcan three times in a row instead of the survivor whose neck I'm breathing down, or when I'm rubberbanding around the map, or the survivors are teleporting, well, no point in even trying.

  • gilgamer
    gilgamer Member Posts: 2,209

    I try not to ever but basically if i've had several really bad games in a row and for some reason or another I kept playing then i'll just give up once I hit my limit of bs I can take, even then i'll finish the match im in as best I can then turn the game off. Also its usually bugs that piss me off the most.

  • FrndlyChnswSalzmn
    FrndlyChnswSalzmn Member Posts: 705

    @EQWashu this whole thread is people admitting to quitting/DC'ing when things don't go their way. Warnings like the one you gave me, please?