How to deal with palletes?

So I was chasing a meg on the game as twins and every time she got to a pallet she would drop it.
I was wondering, for a basic m1 killer how do you deal with survivors predroping multiple pallets in a row?
If pallet has strong loop, break it. If pallet is unsafe try mindgame. If she dropping pallets and keep running you will have her soon, just keep chase.
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Well, the reality - like everything involving Killer - is that it's a lose/lose decision. All you can do is make your best possible choice, but that doesn't mean you're given good choices to begin with, and it doesn't mean that it's not all moving towards massive time loss for you the Killer.
Pallets are technically a limited resource for Survs, but maps spawn with well over 20 pallets anyway. Destroying the pallets is "good to do," but it still locks you in place for long enough for the Surv to just make it to the next pallet, or the next jungle gym, or what have you.
Sometimes, for the sake of the immediate chase going on, it can be best to ignore the pallet, move around it, and continue the chase. (Obviously if the terrain has it so that's faster.) However, that ALSO means that the pallet can just be used against you later anyway, thus why it's another lose/lose decision.
All of this is exasperated by the fact that generators are popping every 40 seconds. While you're given a plethora of lose/lose decisions to make, Survs are 4v1'ing you, and you can only be in 1 place at a time, while they can be in 4 places at a time.
Pallets are just one of many things working against you, and usually, you just have to deal with them head on. There's no trick to bypassing a pallet with a magical strategy. They are a free time-buying ticket for Survivors, and you can't do anything about it realistically. You can mindgame the bad Survivors, like juking one direction and going the other, or juking a juke, etc. But in reality, a merely decent Survivor won't get panicked, and will always be able to make their obvious & correct play. And in the end, you will either have to destroy the pallet once it's dropped, or move around it and hope you don't regret it later on in the match.
(That being said, it's usually good to destroy pallets you left behind during times such as... you finished the chase and downed the Surv, or you hooked them, or, hey, you totally lost them. As long as you can remember where the pallet was.)
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break em
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That map specifically just has way too many safe pallets. General rule of thumb: zone the survivor to the correct side and break it immediately if the pallet is safe and you aren't on a killer whose power will allow you to get a hit at a safe pallet.
Another thing to keep in mind are survivor tendencies. Larger content creators sometimes give really bad advice, i.e. "never respect pallets". That entirely depends on the survivor. A fake pallet respect can get you hits. The slightest hesitation can bait the survivor into greeding the pallet for a free hit. If the survivor is throwing immediately, zoom around the short side of the loop and they either get caught or have to vault immediately.
Simply "never respecting pallets" will cost you hits against good survivors in the long run. If I identify that a killer is a W bot at every pallet, I'm getting free stuns and distance all game. Mix it up.
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Thats the game I mean, I replied almost the same question yesterday, you should just break the pallet if its necesay, if she was droping the pallet every chance she had, you should try to break the pallet if you see that you cant play around it, but most of te pallets are unsafe pallets, so you could try to mindgame her to start desesperating and going one side to the other and spamming space, at some point you will get the hit and you will win the chase. Other thing you should keep in mind is that some pallets need to be break like jungle jim pallets and Shack pallets, those are really dificcult to play around even if the survivor is a r20 that just started to play the game and you are a r1, if you dont break that pallet you cant get him. Knowing when to drop a chase is really important as well, if you see that a survivor has a really good setup with shack pallet and 1 TL between shack and jungle gym, you should just try to get this guy on another opportunity or try to find anyone else, you should drop the chase against really good setups or good survivors that you are chasing for over 20-25 seconds, if in this time you couldnt get a hit just drop the chase, especiially at haddonfield, at haddonfield there is the strode house, that loop is a nasty infinite loop, just drop the chase and find someone else, believe me, they are not getting closer, they are only getting more and more distance.