A Possible Fix to Billy Overheat While Keeping the Mechanic in the Game

TL;DR: Give Hillbilly Bubba's overheat mechanic so more people will enjoy playing him.
I think we can all agree that the removal of instasaw was a great change to Hillbilly and it sucks that the balance team didn't just stick with that instead of adding the overheat mechanic. Ever since its implementation, Billy has felt extremely clunky and unrewarding to play. It's a real shame because he's one of the most fun killers to go against in the game due to there being a wide range of counterplay on both sides. Getting that curve at shack that you've practiced for hours to hit consistently feels so rewarding and trying to avoid the chainsaw as a survivor is tense and completely reliant on player skill. The devs themselves even acknowledged that the better player almost always comes out on top in a chase against Hillbilly so the fact that a mechanic was added that heavily limits the use of one of the best designed powers in the game seems trivial and unnecessary. As far as I'm concerned, overheat was put in place to stop the player from feathering the chainsaw for too long, thus stopping the killer from facecamping a survivor while keeping the chainsaw charge at 99%. If that truly is the case, I think Leatherface's mechanic for holding the chainsaw too long should be put on Billy instead of what he has now. If the overheat reaches max, Billy wont be allowed to chainsaw for the duration of his current overheat timer. Hopefully this change would encourage more players to actually play as Hillbilly due to the fact that with this change using his power is actually promoted but only in positive aspects of interaction between killer and survivor. Not only that, Hillbilly would still not be able to hold his chainsaw forever in chase so timing when you begin your charge is still just as important. It'll keep the skill required to master Hillbilly while making him far more enjoyable to play/learn for killers. That concludes my DBD forums TED talk. Thanks for giving me your time to listen to my dumb opinions.
I keep hearing about instasaw hillbilly but I never actually seen or played against it before I think. Can someone explain?
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Basically, Hillbilly used to have addons that would heavily decrease the amount of time needed to fully charge his chainsaw allowing him to use it pretty much anywhere with little to no skill being involved. You could charge the saw so quickly that survivors would have no time to do anything and just immediately go down.
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By stacking chainsaw charge speed add-ons (as in, the time it takes to charge up his power), Billy could basically instantly start a chainsaw dash on command, so he could be right behind you and give you no time to think, much less react.
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All they need to do imo is revert the change after PTB and make it so that sprinting stalls the timer. Fix up his animations as well and billy is all good
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I honestly didn't mind playing against instasaw.
As long as its billy.
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But his overheat is like Bubba's Tantrum except its a bit harsher since you can get around the map at the same time compared to Bubba. I would decrease his overheat if he's actually using his chainsaw to sprint but that's about it. Otherwise, he's fine.